Oh goodness the icon selection menu is so delicious. Is there formatting? There is!
I am so excited about this icon selection menu though, seriously, you have no idea.
Oh goodness the icon selection menu is so delicious. Is there formatting? There is!
I am so excited about this icon selection menu though, seriously, you have no idea.
Trying out posting with some other characters. The character selection menu is a little cramped, especially in comparison to the icon selection menu, which, I remind you, is delicious. But character selection is nevertheless very convenient. There's a little searchy thing! I adore the little searchy thing.
And I managed to break something already! When previewing a reply, a... thing... happens.
Has it always been the case that posts made as characters without icons of their own show up as my author default...?
The result was exactly what I hoped it would be - "the icon stays the same even though the character is gone now".
The site gets confused, apparently. The "number of posts" number reported on this page is short by one, and the Recent Posts page showed the last comment as being from Kappa instead of you (even though it reported the correct "number of posts". So it seems the comment disappears for only some purposes, but not others.
@Sonata when you say:
> "number of posts" number reported on this page is short by one"
do you mean the number of posts on the Recently Updated page, or the number in the bar on this post's page? The number on the Recent Posts page includes the top post and the replies bar on the post page only counts replies (because the top post is always shown regardless of page). I haven't actually decided which count I prefer.
The user on the Recent Posts page is last updated by not last post, so it can include post edits, but I don't see any from Kappa sooo no idea what happened there. will dig.
I dislike the idea of changing the "Total: 19" (presumably now 20) on this page because I want it to be relevant to the pagination, so I will probably change the Recent Posts page to display Replies: 0 (and up) rather than Posts: 1 (and up).
That's very possible, but! Even if that is the case, it is useful UI feedback that the two are confusable and I should figure out how to fix it <3