A few months after the business with the chalice, Annie (with a gold engagement stud in one earlobe, now receiving mail at Aldaras's apartment, and thoroughly comfortable with Being Necklaced, to the point where she's helping mold the thing towards more exacting standards for real-world-practical as well as theoretical compatibility) is in bed with some unidentified sort of head cold or flu. Aldaras doesn't have it so far, so she is snuggled under the covers while he makes her spicy soup to help clear her sinuses and because she's having a little trouble with non-liquids. He's worried, she's mostly just groggy. Zzzz.
"Well - with this - revised understanding of my relationship with my selves past and future - what do you want?"
"I would still like for you to be un-necklaced if it's possible to manage it without distressing you."
"I. Would rather not. I like winning, remember. And that is not."
"... That felt very decisive and contextual for a drawing?"
"Well, when I was a kid, I didn't really dare do notebooks like the other Bells. Even if I'd made a cipher - well, it could have gone badly if someone had noticed. So I made a code that looked like pictures. I switched to regular text, when I moved here, but sometimes I still do pictures."
"Thanks. You didn't think it was weird when I identified the fish as my rant?"
"There are multiple forms of ranting. Some of them are non verbal."
"You keep leaning towards me," observes Prime. "And then noticing and stopping."
"It's fine," he shrugs. "I'm not going to be offended by you leaning in my direction."
"The leaning is a precursor to attempting to snuggle you. If I don't interrupt it I will wind up in your lap."
So, he doesn't say anything, and just snuggles her a little closer and kisses her hair.
"I'm glad you aren't - running screaming."
"Well it would hardly make any sense," he points out. "I was already aware of it."