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keltham in Osirion; Project Lawful does a pivot
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"It'd be worse for them!"




"Because they'd marry foreign men!"


"Right, but by hypothesis they have either WIS 14 or INT 16, which I'm guessing is enough that they wouldn't be deceived by ruffles?  And so would only marry a foreign man if they'd made a correct estimate that, in their own self-interest, that man was better than the best domestic man competing?  I can see how this could arguendo be bad for Osirion, but it'd be good for the woman herself, if I'm not still missing something?"


“Well, I don’t think it would, even if there’s an argument. From a foreigner.”


"Why, though?  Or is it something you're intuiting even though you're not able to give a verbal reason for it?"




"I assume your objection isn't just to my numbers and that it should be WIS 16 or INT 18 instead?  Though, in my grimdark experience, women with INT 18 are capable of pulling some dreadfully advanced social shit of their own... though I guess she had a +4 intelligence headband by the time she was doing the more advanced plots, in retrospect, and that's just the headband I knew about... anyways, if we set the numbers much higher, like 20 WIS, or 22 INT, does that change your intuitive estimate of whether being allowed to marry foreigners is good for the woman?"


"I mean, being very smart doesn't change that they're women."





"Thanks for your time.  It was very educational.  Bye."

"You've been speaking to Keltham out of dath ilan, a fact that'll probably mean something more to you later."


"Goodbye," he says, and serves more customers some pastries.


"Commentary, Fe-Anar?" Keltham will say, after walking what he thinks is a safe distance away for saying the name.


"I mostly don't talk to people because most people are frustrating and boring. That man was particularly frustrating and boring. You're not going to be able to convince the pharaoh to ban foreigners, immigration isn't popular but it's good for countries as long as you can keep expanding the economy, and we think we have an idea of how to do that."


"Fe-Anar, how smart was that person, based on your own grasp of Golarion's population?  -1sd thinkoomph, +1sd thinkoomph..."


"I don't know, because I don't talk to people because they annoy me. Probably he's a bit above average, if he's got a food shop instead of being a laborer."


"Bit above average.  All right then."

"Do you think I'm ready to have a conversation with - a female that Osirion thinks of as a woman?  I am not feeling very experienced talking to Osirians, but I'm also worried about getting around to actually trying this before I run out of social energy."


"It's not that different from talking to men. Just don't get up close to her and don't hand her a gold coin unexpectedly, she'll think you're trying to buy sex."


"How do I cause someone to give me complicated, mentally effortful answers if she doesn't expect to get anything in return - I guess the key is doing it expectedly - Fe-Anar, help me out here, I don't want to end up accidentally married to anyone."


" - you can't end up accidentally married to anyone! Marriage is very serious and can only be undertaken with the knowing will of both parties! We're not one of those countries where fathers can marry off their daughters without her even saying 'yes'. You can end up propositioning someone, I suppose. 


I don't really know what to say to avoid that. I guess you could just say 'I am not trying to pay you for any favor but your conversation' but they might not believe you."


"You know what, incinerate all this, we're trying this the high-trust dath ilani way."

"Will people here... will women here recognize Abadar's Truthtelling, if I cast it on myself, and will they believe that it's real and not an illusion?"


"I should think so! It's first circle, even the little village priests have it. And it'd be very illegal to imitate it."


Right then.  What's been the general density and apparent population characteristics of nonrich women in this area?

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