Some things break your heart but fix your vision.
"Oh, wow, you a dragon? A girlfriend of mine once got temporarily turned into one of those and was forced to hide it from me as part of an enormous conspiracy. Never actually seen one before outside of books. Actually there's a lot of things I've never seen outside of books."
"Sorry for bothering you!" He'll look around for somebody who looks more botherable and ask them how to find Ione.
Someone's waving at this dragon-bothering idiot from behind a library desk, one with quite a few books stacked.
Well, he'll go over and look at her, then.
"Hi, I'm Keltham, you apparently may have heard of me. Know where I'd find Ione?"
"Okay, I can recognize the voice even with the changed hair and changed clothes and - and -"
She'll take him by the arm, then, and Shelve the two of them directly into her private bedroom-nook, and then make there be Hush In The Library.
He notices, obviously, when he's teleported, and opens his eyes even as the suddenly-distant sounds of the library quiet entirely.
The library is not generally set up for cursed oracles who need to live in it, but it is set up for researchers who keep odd hours. This nook is in a corner full of dusty old books on the Kelish empire in the 13th century, and it has a plump mattress on a low table, and an Everburning light beside it, and a dresser, and a mirror over the dresser that's angled to reflect the distant library ceiling, where a wizard can dimly be seen flitting around.
"It's new. I found out how oracles level and, it turns out, starting a godwar by prophesying it is worth a fair number of oracle circles once cashed in. Though it still works only inside the library I'm in, at this level."
"Do we - in fact have the sort of relationship, where you hold me while I cry? Please, please, don't lie to me about that."
"In what sense can anything be said to be supposed to happen, really? But I do think the boy needs a hug."
"And not getting horribly further traumatized so that now he'll do something even stupider than going to Abaddon to be eaten as an act of protest."
"Imagine being the kind of person who when horribly traumatized would do something even stupider than going to Abaddon to be eaten!"
"You win, I have no idea what you mean. you know some languages spoken only on obscure distant planes you could teach me."
"I do, and some of them would be really funny, but I'm actually busy right now. Tell your son I said hi."