This universe has a civilization of humans! And some other things. It's not crowded in the way Edda is but it's not just the one planet either. The humans might be easiest to start with. They're on that planet over there, it's not Earth but it has very Earthlike conditions and bronze-age humans living in cities and villages dotted across two large continents. Depending on how thoroughly any prospective visitors look they might find other things before visiting.
"I don't know the details of this particular case," he says, a bit strained. "Usually these types of things can only spread through prolonged contact or some sort of ritual. If it could turn people through mere momentary exposure it would already be a much bigger threat. The danger I'm worried about is the... Soul of whatever-this-is attacking my soul and simply killing me. It could probably do that if it's a greater spirit manipulating all those people, and not a group of unlinked corrupted people."
"Is it true that the soul leaves echoes in the Onesong? How does Earth's true song of healing divine what 'healed' truly is? Who has an implicit understanding of the correct shape to be but one's own past self? Would parasite-spirits be able to withstand the presence of a Great One? Is there anything left of those for whom the transformation is complete?"
Allmother herself comes out. Her mindvoice is full of sympathetic sorrow.
O envoys, you have found a cursed being. I have encountered their like before. I suspect (with a healthy dose of how confident she is and what the alternatives are) The ones who seem in control of themselves have effectively suffered a death of personality, but the one currently afflicted may respond well to the True Song of Healing. It is the ultimate expression of the element of Earth, the strongest stable point. It searches the history of the world and restores body and spirit to the ideal according to collective-time-subjective-summation-of-experience. To expand: While the truest self is always-changing, the True Song of Healing is a sacred music that determines what the combination of every past and the most likely future versions of a being consider 'healed' at this point in time, and then enforces/creates that. Will it turn back a lesson learned? A trauma suffered? An oath made? Such things vary, but I expect it to work for one still not quite turned, if you hurry.
It is not mere sound, the mechanism is of spirit and underlayer-of-reality. They will need to be close to my first body, either way.
No; I am an Elder Dragon. she projects bittersweet amusement. There are very few things that could threaten my soul.
The fully infected ones tried to run, tried to hide, tried to set off clever traps and ambushes, but when caught and convinced that savage attacks aren't accomplishing anything, they all project the same fatalistic, unaffected air. Until they're all together. Then they start to look actually worried.
Allmother says something to them. The half-turned woman says, "Do it, fix me!" The 'full' werewolves have variations on "Fuck you!" to offer.
She inhales deeply and breathes out with a sound like a hundred woodwind instruments at once and the beat of a titanic drum and the low rumbling of an earthquake and the sense that something momentous is happening-
-The tortured woman goes limp with relief. The others clutch their heads in pain.
Take her somewhere she can rest.
...These ones do not consent to healing. They are what they are now, new beings with new thoughts. I am ..... not the appropriate decision-maker of the correct path forward.
Their family members mostly think the werewolves aren't their family members anymore, and are instead body-snatching demons* or something! They want their family back and the demons dead. A few don't care about the demons dying as long as they can get their dad/sister/son/wife back.
*Local word for evil spirits, translates as 'demon'.