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School starts up again eventually. Bella picks up a little pocket money by playing school bus, since her potential private-sector customer base is somewhat deterred by the fact that she doesn't operate during school hours. There are no dances, but Bella and Adana - while not overwhelmingly given to public displays of affection - are not particularly private about the mere fact of their togetherness, and word gets out.

Adana's invited to another interview - politely on a weekend - at the proposed site of a memorial for those lost, after school's been back in session for a couple of weeks.
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Adana accepts, tentatively. She's not a huge interview person, but she figures that some people will want to hear comforting words from someone who is vaguely important. Since she's fully capable of managing that and is apparently a vaguely important person - interview. Hurray.

(Also? Being in a relationship with Bella? Best idea.)
When Adana has been dropped off and kissed goodbye Adana is ushered in front of cameras with an interviewer.

"Hello, Conduit. I noticed Flicker dropped you off. Are you still working with her even with the Yellowstone crisis behind us?"
"We are still working together - we make a really good team, power-wise. Personality-wise, too."

Also, they are dating. That helps.

"What sorts of things are occupying you these days?"


"School and portals, mostly. B- Flicker had the idea of using portals to transport trains, I've been doing that more often lately. It's a bit finicky to line up the tracks, but worth it, considering."


"How's settling back into school going for you after the time away?"

How very inane. She thought this was about lifting people's spirits? Not this - whatever this is.

"It's all right. People just casually call me 'Conduit' now in class, it takes some getting used to. And of course the - everything else. But we're getting by."

"It's good to hear things are going back to normal. What about your twin, how is she doing?"

Is that what this is? 'People are getting back to normal'? Okay, she can roll with this.

"She's already gone back to begging me for copies of my notes and stealing my spot on the sofa; she's definitely fine," jokes Adana.

The interviewer laughs politely. "Well, better your spot on the sofa than your boyfriend, am I right?"


"I don't have a boyfriend," she says politely. "But she's definitely not planning to steal my girlfriend."

The interviewer laughs like Adana has made another joke.


Adana raises an eyebrow.


"You're quite a wit, huh? I'm sure some of our viewers will be interested to know that you don't have a boyfriend," winks the interviewer. "You're very popular, you know."


"I'm, very flattered," she says, delicately. "But I'm not looking to date anyone else right now." Just my girlfriend, she doesn't add.


"And I wouldn't advise you to. You're still quite young, aren't you?"


"Seventeen," she agrees. "But I'm also in a relationship."


"Married to your schoolwork?" sparkles the interviewer, amused. "I bet you're college-bound."

This is the most frustrating person on the planet.

"I'm looking at colleges," she agrees. "My girlfriend and I are planning to go to the same one."

"You and Flicker are really close friends!" says the interviewer, impressed. "Are your respective twins going to go too or is it mostly just the two of you who get along that well?"

She resists the urge to facepalm. What, does she need to write this up in neon lights somewhere?

"We haven't asked them, but I don't think Rush is sure about what she's doing after high school yet."

"Do you know what you want to do in and after college, or is that up in the air for you?"


"I'm a little excited to see the combinations of engineering and portals," she says. "And I'm going to be helping Flicker out a lot with her teleportation business."


"Business partners! Isn't that cute. So you have a job lined up, that's nice of your friend, although I'm sure it's not all generosity."

Oh for the love of -

"I mean, she's been really helpful with my portals, too. It just makes sense. Most couples in relationships probably don't bond over things like teleportation and portal businesses, but. We like to be different."

There, woman, do you get it now?!
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