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Vanda Nosseo deals with Sesat
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That will take slightly longer but yup you can get a restraining order against a guy who kicked you for no reason.


Lady who had him whipped for looking at her funny? Guy who carried out the whipping? ...Guy who looked at him funny?


Yes and yes and not if that's it.


That's all, it's just that that's apparently the kind of thing free people get to take issue with...

Can he get double restraining orders if someone has done two or more things to him? Does this cause twice the inconvenience?


Nope, double restraining orders are not a thing.


Fine, fine. In that case he's out of individuals to try to get them against.


The ones where he had names are awarded very promptly; the others will require some forensic processing. He will be responsible for letting the restraining order department know if he winds up choosing to live and work somewhere other than this planet he is on now, though Abolitionists Without Borders are happy to have him as a guest indefinitely.


He has a vague sense that he really should pick a fight by living in the best place, wherever that is, but he's so tempted to take some time to rest first. What is on this here planet and what kind of conditions is Abolitionists Without Borders offering?


Abolitionists Without Borders shares this large island on this Revelation colony planet with the Interdimensional Animal Welfare Group, the Ecology Defense League, the Society for the Safeguarding of Children, the Endangered Language Association, Metacharity Vanda Nossëo, and a few other organizations. (Most of the land area is taken up by the IAWG and the EDL for obvious reasons, but AWB has plenty of space to put people up thanks to MVN arranging things to make it easy for them to operate here.) The default place for him to go is... this lovely furnished apartment! It has a stove that is designed to act a lot like a wood-burning stove without catching anything on fire, and a fridge with an ice dispenser, and a bed with really soft sheets and down pillows, and a reclining chair, and a TV; it comes stocked with bread and deli meat and a bowl of fruit and a box of chocolates, and it is upstairs from a grocery store where he has a voucher for free groceries good for the next five years.


...Yeah okay the fair folk can keep him here for their obscure reasons which, though probably nefarious, are clearly motivating them to treat him better than people did back in Sesat. He doesn't have it in him to turn that down.

It'll take him about a week of free food and figuring the TV out to get bored enough to want to ask the abolitionists if there's anything they could use help with.


Sure, he can model for a photoshoot or talk to this guy who's writing a book or weed the community garden out back of his apartment complex or pick up a job in town or take a trade class!


Well, he doesn't think of himself as having anything interesting to say, but who's to say what the fair folk want to write books about. He can talk to the writer and he can weed the garden if they'll explain the local plants to him and he probably should take a trade class and get a job but both of those things sound like effort and he's really enjoying spending most of his time sitting around watching TV. Are there perhaps jobs that can be done while sitting around watching TV or classes that don't take much time?


He is totally welcome to spend more than one week sitting around watching TV! Even people who have never been enslaved often like to take vacations longer than that! But he can do a class on a relaxed schedule, one that teaches you how to maintain park trails or do vet tech work or operate audio equipment or tune pianos or, if he's literate, build a website or fix OCR errors in scanned writing in his language or do personal shopping, or take surveys if he doesn't mind listening to the survey questions being read by his device while the TV is also making noise.


Cool, he'll take a nice slow-paced class on piano tuning, that sounds the most different from everything else he's ever done. And other than that, just lots and lots of TV.


There is so, so much TV. All the TV he could possibly want.


And elsewhere, a Sesati has noticed Sesat is a sinking ship, and doesn't have any hostages to worry about, and walks into an envoy shop to retell every story he can remember for food and clothing and bus tokens.


He can have lots of food and clothing and bus tokens! The shopkeeper blinks at her computer when she hands over the tokens and says, "There you go, that'll take you anywhere except... Mevan Island. I've never heard of Mevan Island, so that shouldn't be too inconvenient."


"The system says you aren't supposed to go to Mevan Island. Anywhere else is fine though! Do you want recommendations?"




"Casentar's my all-purpose recommendation, and there's a startup Amentan-human hybrid city project called Asummah on Equinox in Revelation that'll actually pay you to live there while they're starting up if you think you can cope with the cleanliness laws being kind of persnickety, and one time I spent a week in Haiti in Hazel and it was lovely if you like it tropical and wet, which I do, amazing music scene."


"Huh, how persnickety are the cleanliness laws?"


"Pretty darn, but apparently this place is cleaner than most human cities of its tech level so I thought it was worth mentioning! And you can get around most of the need to actually wash stuff if you get a prestidigitator, those are magic things that clean what they're near."


"Do they cost less than what they'd pay me to live there?"


"If you stay, let's see, two months, yes."

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