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Vanda Nosseo deals with Sesat
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"I don't have a specific kind of starting shit in mind so that works. What do you do if they're not eight?"


"If a grown adult threw a wok at somebody I'd call emergency services and they'd go to trial for assault, I suppose."


"Huh. Guess I'm not really surprised about that. D'you call them for - I guess there's no reason you'd have any idea of the answer to whether you call emergency services for everything some fancy asshole from Sesat would stab people over. What do you call them for?"


"If someone attacks somebody, or if I try to kick them out and they won't go. Or if there's a fire, I suppose, though I think that's a different sort of emergency than you have in mind."


"And they wouldn't just not bother to come if they don't like you because that's not how we do things here. And they wouldn't be annoyed that you called instead of dealing with it yourself because they hate it when people deal with that stuff themselves."


"Right, if I try to tackle somebody who's slapping people's asses or something like that then they just have twice as much work to do!"


"Mmm. Guess that makes sense. Thanks for answering." It would be nicer if they weren't all exactly as unjust as Melkor but that's more of a comment than a question and she doesn't need to say it.


Roller coasters time?


Roller coasters! Wow!


And then they can all get burgers and ice cream!


Also wow. Fere turns out to really love burgers and also like ice cream. "Was this stuff invented in Vanda Nossëo or does it come from someplace?"


"These are traditional Earth foods!" says Artorian. "All the Earths have them native - maybe Hazel doesn't, it's earlier than the others by enough that they might not've been invented before they pealed."


"Cool! Is there a... something for learning about where things like this come from or learning about Earth foods or something?"


"I'd probably look it up on Wikipedia if I found something unfamiliar in a joint like this and wanted to know where it was invented," says Keoni. "But if you wanna know about Earth foods in general I betcha there's books."


"Why's everything always text."


"You could get the audiobook version. Or text-to-speech it," says Artorian.


"Maybe I will."


More roller coasters? This next one goes underground in the dark and there's a lightshow.


Fere shrieks a bit about that but in an excited way.


Artorian screams like a little girl when it goes upside down, it's fine, they're all friends here.


Meanwhile, one of the slaves a Sesati decided to torture to death has finished dying, been resurrected, and heard what a restraining order is. He'd like one. Actually, he might like more than one.


"We can absolutely make that happen," says the Abolitionists Without Borders representative who rezzed him, and she will walk him through this form requesting one.


First of all, this guy Zaira who owns a big estate just west of the capital kept him as a slave and then had him killed - Zaira just ordered it done, actually, which of Zaira and the people Zaira had carry his orders out can this guy get a restraining order against, can it be all of them?


It can absolutely be all of them.


Great! He has names! (Of the people who did it. Not for himself, of course.) Oh and then there's this guy who once kicked him for no particular reason, he doesn't know that guy's name but is it possible to figure it out?

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