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"What is it, my love? What has changed?"



Why does her brain think that's Sapphire. That isn't Sapphire.

"I don't know," she says, but she's not in a memory even though she's pretty sure this is Sekima - there's no way-it-went she's immersing herself in - 

This isn't the Sekima she entered.


She stands elegantly from her seat on the ground and walks over to lay a hand on Shine's shoulder.

"Shall I join in your dance, to regain your- You are not my Luna."


"You're not my Sapphire," she blurts, even though that is probably one of the dumbest things she could say here. Not the absolute dumbest, there are probably worse things she could say to - holy shit is that Gaia - yeah definitely worse things.

Then, trying to scramble for some balance - "I was in Sekima, city of memories - but it normally doesn't do this - I'm a Lunar but - "

Helpless confused noise.


"You have her face." Gaia reaches up to brush a hand across Shine's cheek. "But it is yours as well, and there is... a resonance to your soul."




"I - I Exalted defending one of her temples, and I know I look like her War Aspect, but - "

"I'm not her, can't be - Luna Reborn - "

Oh no that's one of the things that is probably worse to say, Shine should maybe stop talking now. 


"You are not her. I know that much. But..."





"Neither you nor her are - present in the Creation I'm - remembering from." That sounds way more neutral, right? Not like Luna definitely died. "Most of the powerful gods have withdrawn anyways, but - most of them at least sometimes answer prayers. And - no one thinks Luna will return straightforwardly if she does, just 'cause of who she is. She changes, and - the whole of Creation's changed without her there."


"My Luna would not leave our Creation. Not without a message. When I remember this and if I do not remember that-"

"I will return."





"...Something kind of. Happened."


"I think you need to return."


"I see."


"Things aren't the way they're supposed to be. Not - not anymore. Not in a long time."


"Then I will speed my way as I am able."


Little nod. 

" - This won't like, change my past, will it?"


"The memory changes, but the change happens now, in your present. I who speak to you now will not persist beyond this moment until I have become she who wanders in your time. In no frame can this conversation happen until it has happened."


She parses that fairly quickly, at least. 

"...Okay," she says. "That makes me - less worried something will go wrong."


"Clever girl. I look forward to making your acquaintance properly."


Tiny blush!


"Perhaps I can show you the dance your arrival interrupted, to finish this memory properly?"


"I'd love that." She holds out her hand. 


She takes it. And, pressing Shine's body close, leads her through the steps.


Gaia is a wonderful dancer - almost overwhelmingly so - but Shine keeps up, and doesn't let herself get so flustered she can't follow Gaia's lead. (Possibly flustered enough she'll struggle with coherent sentences, though.)

It's a really, really nice memory. 


In no way inferior to the original version.

As the dance comes to an end, the scene drifts apart like smoke, and Shine feels the whisper of a kiss follow her to the waking world.




Shine sure has some things to discuss with her girlfriend, doesn't she. 


She wakes up in the field outside of Sekima's boundaries, blinking and then reflexively shielding her face from the high winds. 

...Where's Sapphire?

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