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stay young, go dancing
pick your exalt - no that's too many exalts put some back
Permalink Mark Unread

The Temple of Luna Shattered is supposed to be sacrosanct - peaceful - safe, even amid the wars constantly raging throughout the Caul, revolutions and conquests and civil wars alike. War doesn't always respect sacred land - but it has been a very long time since someone was foolish enough to trespass here. 

Shine at Night hadn't expected to be in the middle of that fight when she set out on pilgrimage (and fleeing debt collectors) to the Caul. She hadn't expected it even as she heard rumbles and portents of war as she journeyed. She hadn't even expected it as people from the tiny hamlet supporting the temple and its pilgrims and priests hid within the temple walls.

This village is peaceful. The only soldiers here are long retired or long since wounded and unable to fight. There's forces that might be able to rescue them from a nearby city from the anxious murmurs Shine is overhearing -

They won't be here in time. 

A deep calm falls over her as she coordinates getting people further in, getting doors shut and barricaded - "We can't beat them," a priest says to her, voice quiet, "We can't even really hold them off."

"Then I'll stall them," Shine says, and accepts the priest's benediction, and then - 


She doesn't leave the shrine's grounds, but the outermost boundary isn't actually anything capable of holding back even raiders. It's not even capable of discouraging deer - just a mesh of silvery ropes strung high up between boundary stones. The landscape is rough though, and the temple proper is on a long promontory with steep cliffs on three sides. A broad road runs to it, though, to a welcoming archway where the sacred ground begins, and it is under that arch that Shine plants her feet, standing in front of the soldiers who are still working up the courage to do more than shout threats.


She's here to stall, so she listens to their heckling with a flat expression, chin high and gaze unimpressed, and she looks over them like a schoolteacher unable to belive she's been saddled with such poorly raised children. They're not dressed finely, nor particularly uniformly - but they don't have the look of bandits to them, or of any of the local revolutionaries. 

And not all of them seem equally happy to be threatening this. 

She locks gazes with one man - a quieter one, who isn't participating as much in shouting abuse at her - 

"What do you think you're doing?" she demands, raising her voice so it cuts through their nonsense. "There are better places to wave your ass around if you must - though your asses are hardly impressive."

That startles them, breaks their routine and the buildup of their bravado - there's a few chuckles from men who can't be clearly blamed for it by their neighbors - 

And then one of the fools starts arguing with her. 

Shine is better at trash talking than any soldier, though, and she picks individuals out of the crowd with dizzying speed, heckling them more viciously than they heckle her, shaming them, capitalizing on their hesitance - they don't have a clear commander, which she takes ruthless advantage of - 


And then one of them remembers that they're armed and she isn't, and notices that he came here intending to burn this place, and that they've gotten distracted arguing with a woman half his size - 


Shine sees him coming, sees him drawing his sword and scolding his fellows - sees the blow come well before it arrives - 


She meets his gaze and calls him a worthless coward, and she refuses to so much as flinch as he cuts her down. 

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The silver corruscating light that bursts from her and soars to the moonless firmament surprises her as much as it does them. 

Strange and fey patterns swirl through her anima, tigers and dancers melding into one another in a dizzying parade - and a tiger of silver light forms over her, and silver filigree traces across her skin - 

She doesn't raise a hand even with the violant rush of energy through her, doesn't attack, but the sword glances off her shoulder like its wielder hit a statue and he stares at her, terrified - before collapsing, eyes wide and fixed and unseeing.

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That routs them - of course it does - they fall to their knees or flee or collapse -

But Shine looks afar into the dark night, and realizes she's drawn attention - that this was but a tiny raiding party split off from the main force - and there's something darker than night looking at her - 

"Stand," she says, voice resonant and firm, "And protect this temple from those who would threaten it."

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The cavalry, when it arrives, will find a rather different battle than the one it feared - they'd been warned of a large group of undertrained warriors potentially supported by a necromancer or something darker - they find a young Lunar Exalt and a handful of once-attackers defending the temple against a small horde of walking corpses, many of them clearly recently slain. 

They're surviving surprisingly well, given that they don't even have a wall to shelter behind. 

They won't survive forever, though. 

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The temple was always her goal. The village can be rebuilt but without the temple, there would be no will to do so. The argent flash that split the sky only reaffirms that choice.

Her lieutenant gives the order when they're within range, and Sapphire Elegance and her hundred and fifty soldiers charge as one. She stays in the middle of the pack until she feels the spell she's been building catch, and she pushes a rush of colorless flame ahead and the first ranks of the undead burst into white fire just before the soldiers hit, helping to scatter their lines.

She stays away from the press of melee, launching crackling golden orbs against the enemy that draw from the halo of anima building around her.

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The Lunar doesn't seem to be particularly skilled at fighting in melee either - but she's keeping her men together well, leading them with a strong voice - and she directs them in a push to pin the undead against the Solar's forces - and she doesn't let her lack of skill in close combat stop her - she's doing a pretty good job of convincing the undead to purely attack her even though their blows do no damage whatsoever.

She keeps a significant fraction of that attention even as the Solar's forces slam into the undead.

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It's not a long battle, after that. Sapphire's forces are trained well enough to make the most of the temple defenders' anvil, and without further undead reinforcements (the necromancer has fled, perhaps), the horde is soon put to rest.

Sapphire directs her lieutenant to see to the wounded, and have the soldiers begin collecting the bodies to be disposed of properly. She herself goes to find the Lunar on the other side of the field, her anima a cobalt nimbus fading into gold around the edges and a bright sun-shaped disc on her forehead.

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Her own caste mark cycles with a languid slowness through the phases of the moon, the dark shadows whirling through her anima growing as the mark wanes, the silver brilliance rising as the mark waxes. It was waxing throughout the fight, and it begins to wane as the Solar approaches - her anima isn't any lesser though, maintaining that same ludicrous brilliance, and the silver glow is reflected in her eyes. 

"Thank you," she says, taking a deep breath as she comes over to meet the Solar partway. (She's had her own ad hoc forces set down their weapons, and has given them a speech about the sancticity of Luna's protection and then ordered them to follow the priests' commands for now.)

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She's maybe seventeen or eighteen, in fine dress of local make with a filigree necklace holding a golden crystal at the base of her throat, and is entirely unstained by dirt, sweat, or blood.

"You're quite welcome."

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(She's maybe a year younger than the Solar, dressed in a pilgrim's simple clothes, road-worn and mildly grungy beneath all the silver light.)

"Are you - the Solar from that city near here?"

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"That's me. Sapphire Elegance, very much at your service." She flourishes a bow. "And you are?"

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She laughs and folds her hands in front of her before bowing back, in a style very reminiscent of dynasts Sapphire has seen. "I'm Shine at Night, at your service in turn."

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"It's wonderful to meet you."

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"You're pretty," she blurts out. 

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She laughs. "It's very kind of you to notice. I've been putting a great deal of effort into my appearance. It helps to make up for my youth, when dealing with some people."

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"A lot of people are easily led astray by a pretty face."

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"Speaking from personal experience, Shine?"

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Giggle. "You think I'm pretty?"

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"I do."

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Tiny wiggle. "Good."

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"Are you a new Exalt? I saw your banner from over the rise."

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" - Yeah. I... Wasn't expecting that, at all."

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"I don't think anybody does, really. Except some dragonbloods, I suppose."

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"Eesh, yeah, and it makes them obnoxious."

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"I haven't had to deal with too many myself. But I've heard stories."

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"The system is - unpleasant."

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"You picked a good place to get away from it."

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"It's been a good change."

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"Apart from the undead, it's not so bad here."

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"Everywhere has its drawbacks - the undead are how I know I'm not daydreaming."

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"Fair enough."

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"I'd like to check the temple while they finish cleaning up out here," she indicates the soldiers.

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She glances over. 


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"Will you accompany me?"

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She nods. "I suspect a lot of people will want to thank me..."

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"You're a hero now. I wouldn't have made it in time if not for you."

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She grins. "Being the sexy sort of hero who vanishes into the night after saving the day sounds more fun, though."

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"Not possible while you're glowing like that, I'm afraid."

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"I'll need to figure out how to tone it down, then."

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"You have to pace your Essence usage."

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"Can you teach me how to do that?"

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"I can try. You'd have to come with me when I leave, though."

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"I don't have anywhere else I'd rather be."

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The Temple of Luna Shattered is built around a chunk of pale grey stone, a remnant of the Silver Chair from when it was broken during the Baloran Crusade. There's an oculus in the dome above the shard, exposing it to the sky. As the two Exalts enter, the priests in their full-face white masks, each with the mark a different aspect painted on, fall to their knees and bow their heads to the floor. There's a susurrus of murmurs as Shine passes, on the theme of the Lady and her welcome return.

Along the walls are murals depicting Luna's many aspects and her deeds. The visages are somewhat stylized, but... the War aspect is recognizable.

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(Shine's never looked at them closely - never truly seen - the Realm worships the dead and the broken, and such imagery is ubiquitous, as exceptional as the ground - )

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Sapphire follows Shine's gaze to the picture. Looks back. Back to the picture.


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"You know, there's a local legend that Luna will one day return, to mend the borders of Creation and stitch the story of the world back to its proper course."


"Are you Luna reborn?"

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" - I don't think so? And I think I'd know if I was!"

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"I'd hope so. The resemblance is a bit- uncanny, that's all."

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"Some people might think it's more than uncanny..."

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"All these priests for starters..."

(They've begun to hum a low droning prayer in the background.)

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Oh No.

Is there somewhere without priests they can step. 

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Well, the temple does seem basically intact, and the survivors seem unharmed. So. Yeah, they can go back outside.

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Yeah that's much better. 

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"So that was... unexpected."

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"This entire day has been pretty - unexpected."

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"I bet."

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"...They're unlikely to just let the rumors fade, aren't they?"

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"Yeah. If I were you, I'd want to get out in front of it. Decide what information you want people to hear and spread that first."

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"That's what tended to work in the Realm, at least sometimes."

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"I can help, if you want."

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"I'd like that. Thanks."

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"What do you want people to think?"

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"That I'm not Luna - and that if I am, I don't want them spreading that idea."

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"It'd probably be best to give them some other kind of shiny story to spread..." Giggle. "-No pun intended."

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She laughs. "We'd have to get pretty creative to get shinier than Luna."

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"It doesn't have to be shinier, it just has to capture the imagination. Something like- a princess of a lost kingdom, stranded in time by devious raksha manipulation and blessed with power to save this strange new place she's awoken in."

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Giggles! "Exciting enough to get gossiped about, puts me in a crowded enough field I won't draw much more attention than just for being a Lunar... Perfect."

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"I'll go let the priests know, then."

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"Thank you, lovely."

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"You can introduce yourself to my lieutenant while I'm doing that, if you want."

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"I'd be delighted to."

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"She's the one with the blue bandana, Climbing Jasmine."

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Nod. "Good luck with the priests." 

And off to find Climbing Jasmine.

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Climbing Jasmine is directing the dead bodies getting stacked into piles. She turns and straightens as Shine approaches.


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"You are Lieutenant Climbing Jasmine, correct?"

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"Yes ma'am. What can I do for you?"

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"I'll be staying with Sapphire for a while..." And: introductions.

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If Sapphire approves of Shine, that's good enough in Jasmine's book. Separately, the holding action she managed was very impressive. Does she have any directives for what should be done with the forces she was commanding?

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A few - the ones who are sincere converts can be put to use, of course, and that'll keep them out of further trouble... Some might also have information on who was attacking...

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Recruits and intelligence are good.

They don't really have the numbers to guard too many prisoners right now.

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She'll sort through them to make sure - but the ones who aren't sincere likely already fled or died regardless.

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Jasmine will leave it up to Lady Shine's judgement.

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Of course, once they're sorted - Jasmine is the local expert on where they'll best be used. Shine suspects many of them will be willing and enthusiastic to guard the temple and village, if nothing else. 

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Lady Sapphire would usually want them to go through training first. To fully assess their capabilities.

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Important regardless of what they're doing.

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Jasmine can detail some of her men to guard this place in the interim, if Lady Shine would like?

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Yes, at least until they're more sure the threat has passed.

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It will be done.

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Sapphire emerges from the temple again and comes over to where Shine and Jasmine are talking.

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"Everything go well?"

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"Oh yes. They have been enlightened as to your true nature."

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"Enlightened, my lady?" Jasmine asks.

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"My new friend Shine here is a lost princess, blessed with power to help save our world. Make sure the men are aware."

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"Yes, Lady Sapphire. We could certainly use the help."

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"Thank you."

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Smile. "I need to take care of the bodies, and then I think we should be just about ready to set off?" She glances at Jasmine who nods in confirmation.

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"Can I help?"

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"Are you familiar with local funerary customs?"

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"...Not really."

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"I'm just going to burn the bodies and let the priests do the rites afterwards."

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"Much easier!"

" - I don't have any special advantage for setting stuff on fire I think, but, if you're going to use Essence, I'd like to watch."

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"Sorcery, actually, but it's not like it's a secret process."

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She makes a very interested noise. "Can you teach me sorcery, too?"

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"I'm basically a beginner myself, but we can learn together."

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Sapphire goes to the central spot, between all the piles of bodies. She twists her necklace, and the clasp holding the central gem comes undone, allowing her to hold it in her field of view as she focuses in preparation for casting. When the spell is ready, the stone pulses. A wave of the same translucent fire she used at the start of the battle pulses out and the corpses catch alight. A second wave follows, then a third, and the bodies begin the crumble to ash.

Sapphire nods to herself and reattaches the stone to her necklace, then walks out to rejoin Shine, careless of the fire. (Even when she walks through a lick of it, it doesn't affect her.)

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"That spell's called the Flames of Unyielding Purity. Very effective against undead, and also good for burning rot out of food or injuries."

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"Sounds like a good one to learn early."

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"Very useful in these times," she agrees.

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"And brings many of the advantages of setting things on fire, with few of the drawbacks."

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"The flames only burn the impure."

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"How do they define impure?"

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"Plague, sickness, undeath. That sort of thing."

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"So, not something influenced directly by life experience," she teases.

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"Fortunately for us, no?"

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"Exceptionally so." She steps in closer to Sapphire. "Purity is such a dreadful thing to worry about."

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"Why do I get the sense you've barely ever given the concept a passing glance?"

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"I've thought of it plenty of times! Some girls have a dreadful excess, you know."

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"I do hope you helped relieve the poor dears of that terrible burden."

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"I'm a helpful sort, fortunately for them."

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"That's very kind of you, I'm sure."

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"There was a string of girls singing my praises even before I took my second breath."

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"Good to know you're so highly recommended."

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"You'd have to evaluate for yourself."

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"When we get back to someplace a little more congenial."

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"Not feeling that adventurous?"

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"I have a little bit of an image to maintain. Making out in the aftermath of a battle doesn't quite fit yet."

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She laughs. "Fair enough."

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Then off they set, back to Sapphire's camp.

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Her anima is getting less bright over time, slowly fading - it still swirls around her for now, though. 

She's curious about the camp and about the region - she asks a few questions, but despite her curiosity she does seem content to mostly walk in silence.

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Sapphire is happy to talk, or not, as Shine prefers. Her own anima fades more quickly.

The region is not so developed as the southern half of the Caul, where the pilgrimage path begins, but the currents and trade winds make Kama, the port city, a convenient stop for the traders who traverse the ocean north to south, from Wavecrest Archipelago and the other miscellaneous islands to the nations of the southwestern coast of the mainland. The city and its lowland environs are inhabited by immigrants and their descendants, the culture a slurry of Realm influence, islander tradition, and a sprinkling of Caulborn superstitions.

To the southeast of Kama, the direction they're approaching from, the land rolls up into jungle-covered hills, the domain of two or three tribes of natives. They hold the earth their trees grow on in strange regard, at once fearful of and venerating it. They will not sleep on dirt or in a structure constructed of stone, instead preferring to sling hammocks between branches or poles of wood. Those furthest inland refuse to walk on the ground at all, living in the upper canopy like the stories of Haltans from the East.

As one arcs around Kama to the north, the hills become proper mountains, too steep and forbidding for the forest tribes, inhabited by mountain goats and tigers. Sapphire has a camp there to guard a mine that is rich in iron, and to serve as a base for her regular expeditions up the slopes. At this time of day if you look up and catch the sun at the right angle, you might see a flash of gold near one of the higher peaks. That's the sign of a manse dating back to the First Age that Sapphire has claimed for her own.

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"It's all so beautiful," she says in awe. The sun is just starting to rise in the east, a bare glimmer on the horizon, and the light it casts through the early morning fogs is strange and unreal. "What's that glint up there?" she gestures at the golden flash catching the morning sun. 

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"That would be my manse."

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"It must have an especially lovely view."

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"It's spectacular."

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"I'd love to see it."

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"It also has an entire library of books on sorcery."

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Bounce!!! "How soon can you take me?"

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"I'll have a few things to check on when we get home before I can set out again- But likely tomorrow."

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More bounce!!!

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Cute! Cutecutecutecute.

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No Sapphire's cute.

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Both things can be true.

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Two exceptionally cute women. 

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A matched set.

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Like the sun and moon once were.

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An apt comparison.

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Sapphire does, after all, glow as beautifully as the sun itself. 

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And Shine has the luster of the lamented unfractured moon.

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She won't contribute to any rumors impugning Luna's beauty.

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On the countrary, Luna should take a comparison to Shine as a compliment.

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High praise indeed. 

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Shine deserves nothing but the best

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It's good Sapphire recognizes that. 

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She's quick on the uptake, as Shine will find out if she sticks around.

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She intends to. 

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Very good.

They stop at a farm a little ways outside the city walls that Sapphire has taken over. It's been partly converted into a training camp for new recruits; they spend some time each day working the land in addition to their other education. Shine's new converts can be dropped off here, and Sapphire takes a little bit of time to check in with the instructors and ensure everything is running smoothly. That done, they can proceed on to the city. The guards at the gate salute when their group passes through, and Sapphire gives them a nod of acknowledgement, greeting the sergeant by name.

Sapphire's house is a large mansion in a good district near the city center, three stories tall and surrounded by a walled garden.

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Her glow is down to a faint silver murmur by the time they reach the city.

"Having the recruits help farm is an interesting idea."

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"If all you do is fight, it's easy to become detached. I think this helps ground them, give them a reason to focus. Reminds them that they're not above anyone else. I have plans for doing similar things with other trades, but farming's easier to centralize and scale, so I started with that."

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"Gives them other skills, too - the problem with a professional army is you need to give them work to do."

"Some dynasts put their soldiers to work as builders - making camp and putting siege engines together trains you pretty well for houses, and roads are a military need - but some people just keep them busy with war."

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"I have a feeling there will be enough war to go around here, but I'd rather start planning for the future now."

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"Build on solid foundations."

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"You're doing a good job of it."

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"Thank you."

The door to the mansion is opened by a servant for them. "Are you hungry?"

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"...Starving, actually."

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Sapphire will arrange for food to be brought, then.

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Shine wants something spicy, and perhaps lightly sweet.

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Sounds like a constraint the kitchen can accommodate.

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And if the kitchen has any native or specialty dishes, or just stuff you're unlikely to see in the Blessed Isle - Shine likes trying new flavors.

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Sapphire will recommend a Caul favorite, then- lamb fingerlets, battered and fried with a fiery pepper glaze and honey sauce for dipping.

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Sounds wonderful. 

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Quick to prepare, too, so they won't be waiting long.

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A boon - Shine's been up all night and hasn't eaten since an early, light dinner the day before. 

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How terrible. A double serving is needed, then.

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Doubly perfect.

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In the meantime... maybe they can sit down somewhere cozy and Sapphire can attempt to distract her?

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Attempt, certainly. 

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Hmmmm how about a little kiss where Shine's neck meets her shoulder?

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Gets her tilting her head back, pushing her neck towards Sapphire. 

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Seems like a go-ahead for more kisses.

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Nearly a demand.

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Oh, well in that case... Shine's wish is Sapphire's command.

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Good she knows the score here. (And exactly where to kiss Shine.)

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Her intuition in these matters is flawless.

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As in many things. 

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She's so glad Shine is eager to recognize this.

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Shine prides herself on her perceptiveness.

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Then it's possible she might be the first to scent the approaching food.

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She is! 

Which produces a very complicated dilemma for her. On the one hand, food. On the other hand, Sapphire.

Next meal they should get something she can just lick off Sapphire.

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Maybe Sapphire can feed her for now? Or the other way around, maybe.

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With how hungry Shine is... Definitely Sapphire should feed her. 

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She'll try not to drip too much sauce- And make sure she cleans up any drip spots.

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There might be a lot of those, given Shine's wiggles. 

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Sapphire will have to be extra diligent, then.

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Shine's certain she's up to the challenge. 

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It'll take more than this to trip her up, for sure.

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Is that a challenge?

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Not while they're still on the nice couch.

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"Thank you for understanding." Kiss.

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"I can't say no to a pretty face like yours."

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"Mm, I like that. I'll try not to abuse such power."

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"Though some abuse might be appropriate."

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"If you ask me nicely."

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"Planning to make me beg?"

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"A pretty girl is prettiest when she's on her knees."

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Her breath hitches, then, trying to regain equilibrium: "Does that mean you'll kneel for me?"

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"Normally I wouldn't." Kiss. "But I'll let you try to convince me to make an exception."

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"I can be very convincing."

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"I hope so."

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"I'll be sure to impress." Kiss!

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With a perfect girl. 

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Two perfect girls.

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Meanwhile, in Heaven, the city of Yu-Shan, residence of the gods and home of the Celestial Bureaucracy. it's another beautiful day. And Sesus Salikati, or Sal to her friends, Sidereal Exalted, Chosen of Endings, knows just how to ruin it for her cute little apprentice.

She bounces into Temoa's cramped little office happily and slaps down a thick file in front of her.

"Guess who has good news!"

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She pulls the file over to herself, flicking it open. "What did you do now?"

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"Gasp! So skeptical, my beautiful apprentice." She grins. "Good instincts. But no, this is not, strictly speaking, my fault. This is your first long-term field assignment."

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Interested noise as she investigates the folder's contents. "What will I be doing?"

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"We've picked up some unusual quavers in the Loom, related somehow to happenings on the Caul. Your job will to be seek out, investigate, and resolve these disturbances."

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"A broad mandate, then."

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"Enough rope to hang yourself. Though do me a favor and, uh, don't."

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"I'll be careful."

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"Good. Between the Realm, the Lunars, and the deathlord, you'll need your wits about you."

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"-Right, those are kind of new. Imagine an extraordinarily gifted necromancer, then make them a ghost of an experienced Exalt who remembers all the tricks from their life, leave them in the underworld to stew and fume about their failures for centuries, shake well, and serve upon an unsuspecting Creation to wreak havoc."

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"Well, I won't be bored."

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"It's unlikely! The file should have everything you need for backgrounds, current force dispositions, potential allies... Come find me if you have any questions or need help requisitioning equipment, otherwise I'll expect your first report in two weeks. I've made an arrangement with one of the moonlets for you to use altars to Luna as dead drops."

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Slow nod.

(And quick skim of the files - though there's a lot.)

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The Caul's a big place, after all, almost five hundred thousand square miles. That's a lot of ground and history to cover.

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"Any tips on where to start?"

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"If you plan on starting in the south, you can use the standard Immaculate disguises to piggyback on the Realm operations and start gathering intel there. We've also been getting some reports of a new Solar gathering followers near Kama. They've been active less than a year, so it shouldn't be too difficult to infiltrate and partially suborn their network. And Solars are trouble magnets, so decent odds they're either already involved in or will be drawn into whatever's messing with the Loom."

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"Good luck!"

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"I might need it."

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"Oh, you'll definitely need it. No doubts about that."

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"It does seem... High risk."

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"If it was easy we wouldn't need to do it. But I think you can handle it."

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"I can."

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"That's the spirit."

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"Enough spirit to carry me through the hardships ahead."

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Nod. "Yeah."

"I'll keep you updated, though."

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"Can't sweep in for the heroic rescue if I don't know you need it, after all."

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"Don't worry, I'll give you extra warning on any opportunities like that."

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"That's a thoughtful apprentice."

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"Always anticipating what you want?"

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"It's the real key to advancing up the ladder around here, you know."

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"And climbing is where my real talent lies."

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"Right!" Sal claps her hands together. "So have fun, make friends, and come back alive!"

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"At least two of those."

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"Well, if you need to make compromises, you need to make compromises."

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"I'll be intelligent about it."

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She winks at Temoa.

"I've got other things needing my attention, so take some time to read the brief in full. I'll see you later."

And like a ghost, she's gone.

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And Temoa reads through the file before heading off to requisition supplies. 

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There's quite a bit of detailed information, geography, climate, personality assessments, force distributions, cross-references to cover identity themes that have worked in similar situations...

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She has her work cut out for her even before she sets out, it seems. 

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That's why she was given the phenomenal cosmic power of the Five Maidens.

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And she's taking that phenomenal cosmic power - not to the South where the Sidereals are already active, nor to Kama where the baby Solar is. Not directly. 

She has a hunch, is all. 

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The Caul has an ancient history- more ancient than some realize, perhaps. Temoa's hunch leads her into a piece of that history.

There is a certain mountain, close to the middle of the continent, which is carved into the shape of a face. The details have weathered and worn over the millennia, but the mouth is open, a doorway to a cave.

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She moves cautiously - makes sure she has gear for whatever she may face - and she enters the cave. 

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The path is broad and smooth. The stone is expertly carved, all impurities scraped away. At the back of the "throat", there are steps leading down. Beyond those, the walls of the tunnel begin to have inscriptions, Old Realm glyphs that illustrate a story at the same time as they tell it, though those stories may not be the same one.

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Temoa is more than a little bit of a nerd, and she knows Old Realm.

Her steps slow as she reads the stories laid out. 

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The story being told is a version of Creation's beginning, when the Primordials gathered together to fashion something enduring out of boundless chaos. It focuses on the interactions between Gaia, who gave the world its base substance, and many-faced Luna, who was tricked into safeguarding the fringes. By the time the tale gets to the rebellion of the Incarnae, it's clear that this is, above all else, a love story.

(The illustrations chart a pair of lovers dancing back and forth across a wild meadow, running up a hill and tumbling back down arm-in-arm, building a small cairn of stones to mark their presence.)

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The broad strokes of the story are familiar, though this is... Different details than she's seen before. It's interesting. 

The stories Temoa has heard focus more on the tragedy, not the joy. 

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Their parting at the end is noted, though it comes with a promise of return.

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It's sweet, in its own way. 

She keeps moving.

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The hallways, outside of the light that Temoa brought with her, are very dark. Full of shadows.

She comes to something like a control room or monitoring station. It's a rough semicircle, with the entrance on the curved side and the flat made up of a pane of thick glass fitted to the ceiling and floor without any obvious seams. Inert runes are lightly etched upon the surface, mystical diagrams tracing around- perhaps intended to highlight certain features beyond the window. It's hard to tell what those might have been, since the view through the glass is a yawning black void. There are several altars/diagnostic stations set throughout the room with various panels and buttons.

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She moves slowly, taking in everything she sees (alert for dangers, for opportunities...), and her fingers itch for paper to record the runes and diagrams - but she needs to check the area at least somewhat first. 

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Her meticulous search doesn't reveal any traps or dangers.

She does note that the diagnostic stations are composed in large part of jade, and have several of what seem to be pure starmetal widgets apiece.

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Temoa is very glad that her training has made her memory perfect; she doesn't have enough paper for this.

She investigates the consoles more in depth, trying to figure out if any will still activate after all this time. 

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Everything seems basically intact, it's just a matter of kickstarting the Essence flows.

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However, before Temoa can try that, she's tackled away from the console by a short, white-haired figure in a black dress.

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- Sal is never going to let her live this down - 

Temoa twists, trying to land in a minimally disadvantageous position. 

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Her assailant is, fortunately, not actually trying to pin her. In fact, she carries through with the roll and comes up on the other side of Temoa in a neutral position.

A strange white bird flutters out of the darkness to reperch on her shoulder, and Temoa can see that she's wearing a blindfold.

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" - Who are you?"

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"I am the Breath of Autumn That Shakes the Dying Leaf Which At Last Clings Alone."

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"It's good to meet you." She supposes? "Why didn't you want me to touch that?"

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"The Essence line is rigged to explode if you do not enter the proper authorization code before activating it. I do not know what the code is, but I saw the trap."

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...Yeah, never going to live this down. 

"Thank you, then."

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"You are- welcome."

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Small smile. "What are you doing down here?"

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"Looking for information or valuable relics."

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"Pretty much the same thing as me, then."

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"Have you found anything interesting yet?"

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"No. I did not arrive very long before you did."

"And I am- less than familiar with this... magic."

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"You spotted something I didn't, though."

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"I suppose I did."

"What is your name?"

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"I'm Temoa."

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"It is good to meet you."

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"It's my pleasure."

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She tilts her head. The bird mimics the movement.

"I believe this room should be otherwise safe to explore."

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"Will you rescue me again if I need you?"

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"I would endeavor to do so. But it would better if that were not necessary."

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"I'll try to only need you for other things, then."

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She nods in agreement. (If she could blush, she probably would be doing so now. Her cheeks remain porcelain-pale as ever.)

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"You look like a girl with a lot of skills, after all."

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"My primary training is in counterintelligence and assassination."

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Grin. "I'm very good at drawing hidden talents out of girls."

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"I am very good at hiding."

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"I'm not opposed to a bit of cat and mouse."

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"Are you intending to try to eat me?"

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"If you ask nicely."

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Unfair unfair so unfair.

"...Where do you want to start?"

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"On investigating the room? Or on cat and mouse games?"

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"The room."

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Hum. "Do you know anything about this observation window?"

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"Not specifically, no."

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She'll go poke that, then. 

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She gets the sense that it's somehow more of a projector screen than an actual window.

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Can she tell what's supposed to project onto it? 

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Not exactly- but some of the runic circuitry tickles her memories of Heavenly interoffice communication equipment. This screen seems like it could show things from a great distance away- and if that's the case, then these things could control the precise location, those would set different filters, that could be a remote alert system... And she might be able to divine the most frequently shown area from the traces that are still left. A rough calculation puts it clear on the other side of the world, the Southeast near the Dreaming Sea.

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"Did you find something?"

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Hum. "Yes, though I'm unsure what it signifies..." She summarizes.

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"What sorts of things would need coordinated over that kind of distance?"

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"Might depend on the exact time period... An Exalt with political control of both terrories might have needed it for government coordination... It might be important for large scale Essence... Or for monitoring for incursions of raksha..."

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"I have reason to believe this installation is as old as the island."

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"So predates political concerns..."

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"Human political concerns, at least."

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Thoughtful nod. "So - divine, primordial, wyld, or general Essence..."

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The bird takes off from her shoulder and flutters over to the glass, tapping on it with its beak a couple times.

"...There are traces of wyld. And primordial."

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"This island was created by Gaia for Luna, according to the legends."

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"So this place could be related to that."

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Nod. "Have you heard any legends linking either strongly to the other area?"

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"No, but I'm- not from here. Or there."

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Nod. "I'm not, either," she says, companionably.

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"Where are you from?"

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"The Realm," she says. "I'm a field researcher for a small historical institute."

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"Do you enjoy it?"

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"Yes - I see a lot of interesting things." Pause, then: "And interesting people."

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"I would imagine so."

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Nod. "And where are you from?"

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"A mountain kingdom. In the north."

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"You're pretty far from home, then."

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"There was coup. I- didn't have anything to stay for, at the end of it."

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"I'm sorry."

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"Thank you."

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"Are you looking for new reasons?"

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"A reason... to stay?"

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"I... hadn't considered the possibility."

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"The future contains many possibilities. Discovering new reasons - that's one of them."

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"I suppose you would know."

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"It's the kind of thing you notice more the older you get."

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"I suppose so..."

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"The past hurt. But that doesn't mean the future can only bring pain."

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"I saw my sister die, during the coup."

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"I'm sorry."

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"It was... the last thing I saw."

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"The currents of fate are cruel," she says, voice soft. "And many things that shouldn't happen do anyways."

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"But some things may yet change."

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"Do you really think they can?"

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"I know they can."

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Small smile.

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Bigger smile. "And a girl like you deserves a change for the better."

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"That would be nice."

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"Luckily, I like giving nice things to pretty girls."

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Here's another not-a-blush moment!

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A really wonderful expression. 


"I can't change the past, not in any true way - but the future is more malleable," she says, softly.

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"I can almost believe that, when you say it."

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"I'll need to prove it to you, then."

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"Yes. I would appreciate that."

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"Name one thing you want changed then, beautiful. Anything at all."

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"There is- an oath I am bound to. Can you break it?"

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Deep sigh.

"That would- make many things easier."

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"I imagine so."

"I'll probably need to call in a favor, especially to get it removed quickly."

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She nods.

"I will be in your debt."

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"There's a lot I could do with that," she teases.

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"I hope you will not abuse the power."

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"Certainly not in ways that leave you worse off."

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"I'm considerate like that."

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"Very kind."

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She laughs. 

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"Was there anything else you wanted to see here?"

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"Have you spotted any other rooms?"

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"Not so far."

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"I'd like to do a quick search..."

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She nods in assent.

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To that, then, looking for anything they might have missed earlier. 

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They find a barracks-like room, with pods instead of bunks. The pods are closed, and seem to be hooked up to more Essence circuitry.

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Do they look safe to poke?

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Reasonably so.

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Then: poke!

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Poking reveals: the magic seems designed to keep the occupants of the pods in stasis, replacing their need for physical sustenance. The pods are locked with a complex mechanism she can't decipher, but it seems like they're all empty.

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Can she tell anything about the past occupants?

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They seem to have been roughly human-shaped, and existed physically, so they weren't gods or spirits. But it's possible they weren't fully human either, or not human as Temoa understands it.

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"I think this is all we'll find for now," she tells Autumn.

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"Where will you go from here?"

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"I want to get your oath broken soon..."

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"What do you need to do that?"

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"I need to call in a favor."

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"Should I accompany you?"

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"I'm going to travel to a port nearby so I can send the message - you can accompany me there."

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She nods.

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Back to the surface, then? 

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"Who is your oath to?" she asks, almost idly.

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"The Eternal Dark Consumes The Universe And Unaware Becomes It."

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"...That sure is a name."

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"He has... a flair for the dramatic."

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"Do you choose your own names, then?"

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"He may have. He gave mine to me."

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"Would you want a new name? To commemorate your oath breaking."

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"I don't know. Maybe."

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Tiny smile. "It's something to think about."

"You could name yourself - or ask someone else to name you."

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"I will consider."

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It's definitely way too soon to ask Temoa to give her a new name.

Then traveling to the port.

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Temoa pauses at least briefly at many of the shrines on their way, tidying up if needed, leaving small offerings, speaking to any priests or shrine-tenders or locals nearby, earning herself a complex web of rumors about the area around them and recent events. 

(She leaves a message for Sal at one. It isn't obviously a message of course - it's a short poem, praising the beauty of night. Sal has a way of reading between the lines, though.)

The port is a good sized hike away - they need to stop to rest a few times, which Temoa's shrine-visits provide - but not so far they can't press on without sleep. They arrive as the night is gathering itself, and Temoa leads them straight to an inn without bothering to really look around just yet. (Though the innkeeper clearly recognizes her.)

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It's... been a long time since Autumn has done something like this.

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Traveling on foot?

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Resting at an inn.

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It's a good chance to talk to people, Temoa's found. Get the pulse of the world around. 

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Autumn doesn't... have... a pulse, so.

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"I don't mind."

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"Then I will let you do the talking."

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"Split up tasks based on our greatest skills."

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"I'm good at putting people to their best use."

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"Do you usually work with a large team?"

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"I don't have any kind of permanent staff," she says with a light shrug. "But spotting people's potential is useful for a field researcher."

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"Especially when you are alone otherwise."

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"Though company and help is - very nice."

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"I am glad to provide that on this occasion."

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"I appreciate your service."

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Oh, that makes her all kinds of warm and happy.

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Knowing smirk.

"It'd please me if it continued."

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"I'll take that into account."

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Over night, there's an unseasonable wind storm.

The next morning, Temoa recognizes one of the faces at the tables for breakfast.

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She's already established herself as friendly and a total slut - the innkeeper loves her, and so do quite a few regulars - and so she makes her way around greeting assorted familiar faces before sidling up to Sal with an expression like she just found a new toy. 

"Come here often?" she asks.

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"First time. You?"

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"I visit every now and then."

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"Meet a lot of dark and interesting people when you do?"

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"From time to time." Sly smile. "Cities like this attract interesting people."

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"How exciting."

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"A city full of opportunity for adventure."

"But someone dark, interesting, and beautiful is still quite the treat."

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"I'm always interested in introductions."

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"Well, those would be easier somewhere quiet..."

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"Such as your room?"

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"It has some advantages."

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"Then by all means, lead the way."

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Where Temoa sobers up a little as they enter her room, calling out, "I bought a new friend over," with a cheery tone as she shuts the door firmly behind her.

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Her bird looks up to see who it is.

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"Yo." She waves.

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"Who are you?"

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"You can call me Sal. And you are?"

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"I am the Breath of Autumn That Shakes the Dying Leaf Which At Last Clings Alone."

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"...That's a bit of a mouthful."

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"The name of the man she's sworn to is worse."

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"Not much to do in the Underworld but write depressing poetry, I guess."

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"She asked me to break her oath."

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"And why does she want that?"

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"Because... I don't want the world to end."

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She smiles.

"A motive we can all get behind."

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"Yep. If that's your commitment, then this should be fairly straightforward."

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"What does she need to do?"

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"She'll need to renounce her commitment and then I'll confirm that, clean up any loose ends or lingering clauses. This may get a bit... bright, so Temoa, I would appreciate it if you could set up a distraction."

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"Practically my specialty."

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She laughs. "Here and now, then?"

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"Seize the moment."

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"Don't let opportunity slip through our grasp."

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"I'll go get started myself, then."

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"This should only take about an hour. Don't have too much fun."

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"Public orgies are off the table, then?"

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"As long as the floor's clean."

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"I'll make sure to look before starting anything."

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"You do that."

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"I'll leave you two to your own fun, then." She stands, and sends Autumn a supportive smile.

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Tentative smile back.

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"See you in a little bit." And she steps out.

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A little more than an hour later, the two go to find Temoa.

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There's an awful lot of buzz and excitement out on the streets, but she seems entirely definitely uninvolved in any of it, lounging at the inn's bar and gossiping. She looks up and waves when Autumn and Sal come up to her.

"Have fun?" she teases.

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"I'm not sure that's the word I'd really use for it."

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"Sounds like there's an interesting story there," she says, and leaves some money on the counter before standing and coming to join them. "Let's go to our room and you can tell me all about it."

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Then back upstairs.

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Where she loses some of the silly, flirtatious demeanor.

"How'd it go?"

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"Well enough once we nailed down the details." Sal's surround by a faint purple haze, if one looks closely. "Then it was just a matter of finding the right pressure points." She mimes a two-fingered jab.

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"Congratulations," she tells Autumn.

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"Thank you."

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"Did you have more thoughts about your name?"

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"I've decided to go by Autumn for now."

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"Autumn," she says, like she's tasting it on her tongue. "A lovely name."

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"I like it."

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"I do, too."

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"Are you two planning on sticking together, then?"

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"I'd like to keep Autumn, if she'll stick by me."

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"Um. Yes."

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"Then we'll be together," she tells Sal.

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"I'll make a note of it."

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"As you should."

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"I'll leave you two to your games, then."

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"Too busy to join us?"

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"This is your solo assignment, dear apprentice. I am but a humble consultant here."

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"We could keep you away from the actual work, if you wanted."

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"But what would the rest of Creation do without me?"

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"Pine away, of course."

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"And I wouldn't want that to happen."

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"You're just too good a person?"

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"It is my burden and my curse."

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"No benefits at all?"

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"I'll tell you when you're older." She winks.

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"I should patiently wait my turn, then?"

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"Something like that."

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"We'll see if I manage."

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"I'm sure you will."

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"I'm very talented."

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"That you are. But I should really get moving, so I'll talk to you later. Bye!"

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And like a ghost, she's gone.

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She leans back and turns to Autumn. 

"Are you doing okay?"

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She nods.

"I think so. I feel- like a weight has been lifted."

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"You deserve not to be weighed down."

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"Thank you."

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"You're very welcome."

(It is getting late, though, and they've pushed themselves a good bit today - does Autumn still need to sleep?)

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Technically, no. Sometimes she still does, to pass the time.

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Unfortunately, Temoa does need to sleep.

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Autumn can keep her company, then.

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Sounds lovely. 

(With snuggles, perhaps?)

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If required.

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For Temoa to get the best sleep possible, certainly. 

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Then so it shall be.

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Snuggles! And snooze.

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Somewhere there is a mountain, and on top of the mountain is the key installation. The installation must be defended, or the war will be lost. But equally, the defense of the installation cannot be trusted to anyone else, for if it is used at all- the consequences to the world will be devastating. Few know this better than they, as they were present for pieces of its construction.

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This day has been coming for a long time. (Some people flinched from what had to be done. Some people tried to argue against it. But she knows what'll come instead if they don't.)

This facility holds some of what could come, if they fail. (Fewer ghosts would dog her steps if she could leave this aside - but she can't, and she wouldn't.)


"She'll come," she tells her right hand, voice tight. "There's no other way she'll respond."

"We can use that. End it here."

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"I know, but- Are we ready? It is her we're talking about."

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"We have an advantage as the defenders, and as two against one - and she might be weakened already, though we can't count on her Lunar turning against her. And if she does turn... I don't know which of them I'd bet on." (There's something cold and painful in her chest, something almost like grief.)

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"If she makes it this far even with that... Maybe. We'll need to be lucky as well as good."

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"We can set the scene, at least. Pick our battlefield."

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"Not a small advantage. I'll get to work."

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"Good girl."

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A rush of happiness. "Thank you, mistress."

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(Wait, she's not- who-)

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She fades into the shadows to begin her work.

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Her Mistress gets to work, too.


(They'll be as ready as they can. (It'll never be enough, no matter how many nightmares rock the world.))

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She storms up the slope, her anima streaming gold behind her and the tip of her spear a miniature sun. She lands in front of the killing field with an enormous crash, pushing a crater into the rock with the force of her rage.

"Get. Out. Of. My. Way."

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They don't - 

- They never will, never do, no matter how much she'll rail against the past - 

(Time slips. Goes strange, like the weave of fate itself was traumatized.)


She fled, once, to protect what she loved.


She stands strong, now. 

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All she has is rage, burning, all-consuming. She splits, merges, splits again, weaving a fabric of violence to smother these insolent children. These ungrateful brats. How dare they do this, machinate against her, bring the perfect order of the world to this chaos? She will cleanse them. She will cleanse them all.

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She strikes from the shadows, harassing, harrying, creating openings for her mistress to exploit. They work in unison as the two halves of a whole that they are.

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Like two halves of a whole that were never destined to win this fight. 

(Like two thirds of a broken whole, some might say. (Like two fifths of a family that should have existed.))

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She's a manipulator, a sorcerer - 

She's never a warrior.


She falters, nearly falls - 

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And she was never one to leave an opening overlooked-

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She moves, faster than she thought was possible-


Fast enough that the pain of the spear puncturing her midsection almost registers before the idea of what she has to do does.

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And she screams - 

(And the weave ripples, and time slips through the cracks, and she whimpers in her sleep somewhere not here - )


That was not true rage, what her enemy felt.

This is rage, enough to burn the world to its foundations.

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She's too entirely shocked by the abrupt realization of what she's done to- do anything, really. Her grip on the weapon falls, and she stares, slack-jawed.

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They're not dead yet, her heart is panicking and blood is everywhere but they're not yet dead - 

Her rage isn't against her enemy, now. It's against everything, against a world where this can happen, against those who crafted the world with its chains and decreed she would not be on top - against the loom of fate, against the unchangeable laws that death cannot be undone -

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(A long time ago, a woman looked upon all the laws of reality, looked upon the chains that needlessly made her mortal, that would erase her and all her goals upon her body failing, recycle her soul and Exaltation. A eternity ago, a strange pattern was woven into fate, a set of two repeating motifs. And they were visible, to those who looked closely enough, and it wasn't immortality but something better - )


(Not very long ago, three young women began binding themselves together. Four of five stages of the working have been done - )

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She tries to draw her sister back. 


She fails.

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And she innovates.


Sacrifice can speed a working, she knows. 

She reaches out to all the stars, to the cruel warp and weft binding her, to the dark secrets - and she tears 


The knife that she plunges into her own heart is barely needed - but the order of the world is breaking, and symbolism matters quite a lot to the dark ocean Creation dangles by a thread above, and she gives her life blood to craft a bridge between what has been imagined and what has been ordained - a whisper - 

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Her story will never end.  

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Her daughters-

She can't-














She's in a dungeon. Her wrists are chained, arms pulled up, toes barely scraping the floor. She's bruised, battered, bleeding. She hurts.

She deserves it.

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She's crying even as she bites into her neck, even as her claws dig into her side - an angry, blotchy cry, and she presses her against the rough stone wall hard enough to add even more bruises - like this could ever fix anything - 

(It's satisfying, though. She likes being the dominant one, likes giving back as good as she got, likes venting her endless overflowing rage on another body.)

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She screams, begs incoherently because she knows that is what her love needs now.

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Her rage crests - she shakes a bit, moans - 

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...This is a weird dream. Hot, though.

Do you dream about this a lot, Sapphire <3?

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She's still chained, but now she's in a cramped prison cell, cold stone slowly heating from the press of two bodies-

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Her lips are more gentle now, kissing her bruises...

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" - Are you okay?" she asks, the air around them turning strange and silvery for a moment as she flickers back into her normal face. 

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"Yeah." Hug? Shine is not sure what's going on but she's pretty sure hugs are needed about it. 

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Confused hug. "Are we dreaming?"

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"Think so? Guess that spell worked."

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"I didn't think we had gotten it..."

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"Well, I think it turned out weirdly..." Snug. "Unless that's a common wet dream of yours," she teases. 

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"Not so much, actually."

"There was a weird part before you showed up."

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"Huh. What happened?"

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"I was- fighting someone. There were two of them, girls. I was... so angry. I've never felt anything like that."

"I didn't remember until after I killed one of them that they were my daughters."

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"Oh no." Hug!!!

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"It was- Not pleasant."

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"It wasn't you," she says, "I know you wouldn't. But - doesn't mean it doesn't suck to feel that."

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"Yeah. I kinda want to wake up now."

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She hums and tries thinking wakeful thoughts.

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Back in their bed, Sapphire comes awake with a gasp.

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Shine's awakening isn't much better - her heart tries to jump out of her chest and her eyes fly open in a sudden panic before she reorients - and then she's hugging her girlfriend tightly. 

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Yeah. Very hug.

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"You doing okay?"

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"That was. A bad dream."

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"It was."

"Sounded like your part was worse."

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"Thanks for waking me, though."

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Kiss! "No problem, darling." 

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"How did you notice?"

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"...Notice what?"

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"That it was a dream."

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"...I kind of never didn't notice it?"

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"Huh. Do you- always have that?"

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"Notice I'm in a dream? Hm, normally yeah?"

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"Most people don't, I think."

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"Yeah. I don't think it's too weird that I do, though."

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"Certainly a trait that came in handy tonight."

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"...Yeah it would have really sucked to not know that was a dream."

"She was - torturing the not-you."

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"I- she, felt she deserved it. For her daughters."

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"The woman was - there was an echo of a thought from her? That she was giving as good as she'd gotten."

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"They had a pretty fucked-up relationship, then."

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"Let's not be like them."

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"I never want anything like that for us." Hug!

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And seal the bargain with a kiss.

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A pretty intense, hungry kiss.

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Just the thing to chase the lingering upset away.

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Something Shine's good at providing. 

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Very nice.

And there's not really much point at going back to sleep at this time of morning...

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And a lot of point to reaffirming their love for each other. 

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Very, very true.

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And no time like the present...

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And in due time, they'll have to get up to face the day. Life doesn't stop.

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Things would get boring if it did. 

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Well... they could probably think of things to amuse themselves with, for a time.

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Long enough to get life back up and going.

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Maybe as a consequence of their amusements.

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One way to entertain themselves. 

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If Shine has any particular preferences, there's no harm in making plans, just in case.

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About what she wants life to look like? 

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Or entertainments for their downtime.

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She bets Sapphire can guess a few. 

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It's good to be sure. This is important, after all.

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Well... She can start listing, and Shine will let her know if she misses anything. 

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Sapphire will wrap herself around Shine and whisper her thoughts into her ear.

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Maybe with a few quick demonstrations, where indicated.

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Wiggle! (Yes good.)

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Mmm she enjoys provoking a response.

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Perfect, because Shine enjoys responding.

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And excellent! 


Alas, they eventually have to face the day (though waking up early did help eke out some bonus hours to their fun).

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Orders to give, people to train, politics to play.

And maybe, somewhere in between all that, try to figure out where they could find histories of ancient Exalts.

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Or information on dreams like that.

Records of ancient Exalts seem likely to be very patchy outside of the Imperial Libraries - but some of the temples here might keep at least copies of records of Lunars specifically. And Shine's heard there's many places here deeply associated with odd dreams.

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They'd have to go on a bit of an expedition to get to those.

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Could be fun. 

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She'll start making arrangements, then.

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"Anything I can do to help?"

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"Do you want to look at some maps and plan our route?"

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Sapphire will help her get set up with all the relevant charts, then.

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"Anything you can tell me about these areas?"

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"Probably... Which ones in particular?"

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She squints at the map and then at the distance key. "...This is a deceptively big island you know... But - how quickly can we realistically travel to, hm, Sekima?"

She hovers her finger over a tiny sketch of a city in the northernmost stretch of the crescent of mountains that cradles much of the Caul. It's fairly near Kama - the shrine she Exalted in is on the same arc of raised land, at the point where crescent's northern horn thrusts into the sea. The vast majority of temples to Luna will be along that same crescent - and Shine's heard about an enormous library on the southern stretch, too.

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"Just the two of us? Maybe three, four days depending how hard we push."

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Nod. "And how long can we be gone?"

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"Maybe a month. I have things- steady, for now, but I'm not nearly done, and I don't want to backslide too far."

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"We might want to focus on things nearby, and on finding out where to look for future, more focused trips this time... Sekima and the surrounding areas should have a lot of information flowing through it, from people who've traveled much of the Caul already."

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"Or memories of past travelers, even."

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Nod. "Possibly dangerously so..."

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"I think we can handle it."

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"Of course we can."

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"So out to Sekima this time, and we'll work out later trips after that."

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"Works for me."

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"Excellent." Kiss!

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Then back to work.

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Shine's talented at planning trips - she gets their route drawn, collects gossip about the area from the ports, secures some of the supplies they'll need...

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And within a couple days, they can set out.

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It feels good to get moving. 

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"Were you feeling cooped up in the city?"

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"Not very? It's been fun to explore."

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"Good. I don't want to clip your wings."

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Adoring smile. "I'll let you know if I feel confined, darling."

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"Please do."

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Another kiss! 

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Shine has the best kisses.

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Sapphire's a pretty close second. 

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Lucky they have each other to practice on, then.

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"I'll do my best to teach you."

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"I'm eagerly awaiting all your lessons."

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She has a few to start with...

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She never fails to impress.

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It's just who she is. 

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A lovely, wonderful, amazing girlfriend.

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The best Sapphire's ever met. 

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That is beyond question.

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"And you're the best I've ever met."

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"I am, it's true."

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That is a beautiful smile that deserves all the kisses.

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Sapphire will have to use it more often.

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She isn't worried about spoiling her girlfriend? 

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Not at all.

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Oh, good. 

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This is the best way to start a trip, in Sapphire's opinion.

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That's hardly an opinion. More of a fact. 

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Further experiments are required, clearly.

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"We should have a lot of trips coming up, luckily."

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"It's almost like you planned it."

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"What can I say, I'm a genius at this stuff."

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"A true reservoir of hidden talent, this Shine at Night."

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Pet pet.

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They don't encounter any trouble on their trip, and soon arrive at the foothills in the vicinity of Sekima.

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Getting away from the city is - really nice, actually. 

Shine hadn't noticed how much the swirl of rumors was bothering her. 

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There's unfortunately not much they can do about people wanting to talk.

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Except not be present where they're talking, apparently. 

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Spares hearing it, at least.

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Shine's main problem. 

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Problem solved for now, then.

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Good enough for her. 

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That's the spirit.

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Excellent, then. 

"Do we want to make the climb to Sekima tonight?"

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"We could probably find an inn, if you wanted to try to get a feel for what people are saying outside the city first."

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"I think that might be best, yeah."

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"All right." To an inn, then.

There's one in the cluster of buildings at the base of the trail up, conveniently enough.

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It's a good size, too, clearly popular with pilgrims, with a full common room with two blazing hearths and a lot of people Shine can chat up.

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The most popular rumor is the one about the magical warrior princess who descended to the earth on a beam of heavenly light to smite an evil necromancer with a weapon in the shape of a crescent moon.

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...Yeah she's not really interested in that one.

Does anyone seem to be piously looking forward to (or has just returned from) Sekima?

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There's one family group (mother father adult children irascible grandmother) that seems to fit the bill.

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The irascible grandmother seems likely to know things, and Shine is very good at being the exact right kind of likeable.

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That would be a nice change from listening to her idiot son-in-law blather on.

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Shine is very much not her idiot son-in-law! She in fact is an excellent listener, knowledgeable and curious about history and the region and the woman's travels...

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Oh, well it's good to see the younger generation taking an interest for once. Why, back in her day... And so on and so forth.

And speaking of old times, she was blessed enough in Sekima to encounter a guild of historians, who had records dating back to the Shogunate, and even earlier. Now those were proper days, not like the times there are now.

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Was the guild based there permanently?

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Oh, it was there for quite a few centuries. Not forever, though, nothing lasts forever.

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A memory, then?

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A memory, yes. With that range of time, Shine may have a good chance of finding it herself, if she makes a pilgrimage.

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"It'd be interesting, certainly."

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"Oh, I strongly recommend it, dear. Especially at your age. Best to inculcate good habits early." The old woman shoots a venomous glare at her son-in-law.

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"Wise advice."

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That gets Shine a sweet smile.

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She tries to draw out more details of where and how to find this particular memory, if that's the type of thing that's predictable. 

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There's a certain plaza at a certain time of day, during a certain phase of the moon...

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She listens attentively and thanks the woman. 

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Blessings of the moon and earth go with her.

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Smile. "And with you."

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And by now it's about time for the grandmother's creaky old bones to haul themselves to a bed.

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"Sleep well."

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And off she goes to sleep.

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And off she goes to find her girlfriend. 

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"Hey. Pick up anything good?"

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"Something, yeah." She recounts the conversation with the old woman. 

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"We should try to seek that vision out, yeah. But even if we can't find it, that means there are memories at least that old in Sekima, so there must be other opportunities for us."

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Nod! "And we have plenty of time to stick around and explore."

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"Not infinite, but... It should be enough to find some interesting things."

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"I'll be very surprised if we don't manage at least that much."

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"We'll see each other's faces, if nothing else."

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"That alone is worth any amount of travel."

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"Though luckily, I currently have you right here..."

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"Shall we retire to our room, my dear Shine?"

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"Absolutely, my darling Sapphire."

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Then upstairs with them.

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And then onwards the next day? 

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Up the path to the mountain city.

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It's a city in memory alone - the air grows frigid rapidly, high winds tearing at their clothes as they climb the ruined stairs and walk up winding mountain switchbacks whose paving stones shattered long ago. The city is nothing but a few scant traces in the earth - a half buried, broken pot - slight dips in the landscape where roads once wound - the shadow of the foundations of a lot dead city - and a murmuring wind - 

The city is alive, and bustling, and so too are they alive as they once were - 

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They step into streets made of dark brown pavers, surrounded by yellow stone walls and a bloom of color in awnings and the people now swirling around them. It's the late afternoon, and the streets are lined with trinket and food stalls trying to catch new arrivals, and with hawkers advertising this or that inn or entertainment or service, and the people whose memory they've slipped into are ambling slowly down the street, turning this way and that to take in all the sites.

Sekima is tall and spindly, its walls soaring and then scrambling up the mountainside, and grand temples and monasteries and official buildings and academic campuses and wealthy estates loom over the city. A high hum of wind runs through the city, and everything is pretty well secured by sheer necessity, and the air is hot and dry, a different season than the one they entered from.

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They're only shallowly in the memory, and it's easy to blur out of sync, to ask Sapphire as the memory ripples - "Do you want to just let the memory sweep us along, or go straight to the academic areas?"

(If you're trying to reach the Air Shrine, you're supposed to let yourself be immersed, to stop fighting the sweep of memory. They have other goals, though.)

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"We should try to stay focused this time, I think." She's not that eager to dream.

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Push on, then? 

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Further down the illusory street. The buildings over thataway look appropriately academic.

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The world flickers around them as they move, jumping between points in time as they slide into different memories to keep their momentum up - night and day, wet or dry, a brief swirl of a windstorm - an ever-shifting landscape of different eras.

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It's- a little disorienting, to be honest.

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Shine's not really disoriented yet, if Sapphire wants her to take the lead on moving them towards the academies? (They can also hold hands, reduce the risk they'll get separated or something.)

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Sounds like a good plan. She'll cede the lead to her girlfriend's obvious domain knowledge.

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Smart of her! 

So: handholding. Definitely very necessary for this endeavor.

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Very necessary for all endeavors.

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Something they should do more, then. 

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She'll try to remember to work it into the schedule.

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Shine will do her best to help. 

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Best girl.

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Much kiss!

(The memory swirls into one of a young couple, standing under an awning during a heavy rain.)

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"Shall we dance our way between the raindrops, dear?"

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"Let's, darling."

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Then off they go on their merry way.

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The academic campuses are enormous, though their exact size fluctuates as they slip between memories - still, the central libraries stay steady, and it's there Shine leads them, keeping an eye out for historian guilds or anyone talking about ancient Exalts as they slip through memories of classes and lectures and spirited arguments. 

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One such argument involves the expected visit of Elathea Brightspear. The participants are debating whether she'll make it all the way to Sekima by following the path, or if she'll be detouring, and if so, whether they should allow her admittance or not.

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She catches the name, and Shine didn't formally attend the dynasts' schools but she took notes for someone enrolled - 

"I think they're talking about one of the Empress's mothers," she murmurs to Sapphire. "Elathea Brightspear."

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"Brightspear... She's mentioned in some of the books in my manse. An old name."

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"Worth poking at, you think?"

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"Could be, especially if we can find a memory of her actually being here."

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"Yeah - that'd be interesting, too." Teasingly: "Speaking as a history nerd."

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"Speaking as someone who wouldn't mind the chance to track down that spear of hers..."

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"We're definitely stalking her memory, then."

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"Glad you agree."

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It'll take some finesse to dive for a specific memory, but they seem pretty close, and Shine's been getting used to the rhythm of this city. 

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She's very good at it.

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So - a bit carefully - Shine aims them for Elathea's arrival to the campus, aiming to inhabit the memories of two of the historians likely to stay for the whole meeting.

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Her arrival to the campus is something those present at the time feel strongly about- not hard to miss once one has the feel of what they're looking for.

Her first day there she has a debate with several of the most prestigious researchers in one of the courtyard, and her rhetoric puts them to shame, highlighted by the glow from the tip of her spear.

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She's beatiful and fascinating and - 

Shine knows her (and something's wrong beyond that, Sekima's winds tearing at them, trying to drag them into memory).

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(She's kind of enjoying herself, showing these provincials the majesty of a Solar.)

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(If Sapphire looks - if the powerful sweep of the memory lets her - )

(Shine isn't there, hasn't followed her.)

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But someone else - someone precious, though differently so - walks beside her. She walks a step behind Elathea, deferential as is appropriate here, though when they stop and have a moment to themselves, she leans in and murmurs, "They should respect you more, Mistress."

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"They'll see the light. After all, I have you to be their fine example."

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Sly grin. "One of the students was eyeing you earlier, Mistress... Perhaps providing one of them with a more direct example will help, once we're done here."

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"Before we're done, even, if you're feeling that lonely."

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"Well, I might not want to scandalize the poor monks..."

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"Enlighten them, my dear Jade, enlighten them."

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"Very wise, Mistress."

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"Oh, I know I am." Kiss!

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What a good girl.

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"Thank you, Mistress."

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"So which one of these scholarly young geniuses was it that caught your eye?"

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She subtly points out a girl currently hiding from view of the monks, presumably so she can watch Elathea's procession without being dismissed.

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Hmmm. "Very discerning."

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The girl looks at them, and then glances away hurriedly.

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Oh, she's definitely going after her.

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Worth leaving the monks waiting for a bit. 

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It's not as though they're going anywhere.

"Hello there, lovely."

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Eep! "Ah - hello."

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(She doesn't want to be here, doesn't want to see that face - except - it's not the same - and she has a disorienting moment of not knowing who or where she is or who she's talking to - before the winds of Sekima rise, dragging her fully into the memory again.) (It doesn't make a single flicker in the memory proper, but - any observer who's avoided getting immersed might spot it.)

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She regains a little composure and bows. "How can this one serve you, my lady?"

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(Autumn stays hidden, blended with the shadows. She- doesn't like this, but... the Solar looks younger, somehow. Maybe it won't be as bad?)

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"Well... I was hoping for a more intimate sort of conversation. A debate in the square is all well and good, but it's not everything."

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Blush! "I was, ah - hoping to talk to you..."

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(no no no no no no no - )

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"Then it seems our desires align."

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"They certainly do."

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"Let's find somewhere suitably private, then."

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Why... is this happening...

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"Lead the way."

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No need to go too far... The back corner of that little garden should do well enough.

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Nice and private, a bit of a thrill... She giggles as the Solar pulls her back. 

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Of course, Elathea isn't the only one to worry about here - her mortal follower steps up beside the girl and asks, "What should I do to her, Mistress?"

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(She should stop.)

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"You take the left side, sweet Jade. I'll take the right."

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No, no. This has gone far enough, Autumn is stopping this now.

She steps out of the shadows, right hand trailing behind to draw forth her sword from the darkness-

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Nobody in the memory reacts to her. 

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Except - 

There's a girl, a student - looking directly at Autumn - 


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Oh, what now-

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Good, the witch will see her death coming. Autumn lifts the sword high for a strike-

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Can the Solar not see the crazy lady with a sword - but something looks weird about the girl the two had cornered - she runs towards them like a mortal girl who thinks she's a street tough can take on invisible crazy ladies or misbehaving Solars or whatever the fuck is going on - 


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(And the wind starts screaming around them, in a way it shouldn't in this little courtyard, tearing at them, their world - )

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- And the wind blows over the highlands, whistles and moans through the gaps in the jagged mountains, and no city stands here because no city has been built -

And the wind is their orchestra now, defines the tempo of their dance.

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Except she's stopped dancing, graceful movements stilled as she looks around with an odd surprise on her face.

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"What is it, my love? What has changed?"

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Why does her brain think that's Sapphire. That isn't Sapphire.

"I don't know," she says, but she's not in a memory even though she's pretty sure this is Sekima - there's no way-it-went she's immersing herself in - 

This isn't the Sekima she entered.

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She stands elegantly from her seat on the ground and walks over to lay a hand on Shine's shoulder.

"Shall I join in your dance, to regain your- You are not my Luna."

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"You're not my Sapphire," she blurts, even though that is probably one of the dumbest things she could say here. Not the absolute dumbest, there are probably worse things she could say to - holy shit is that Gaia - yeah definitely worse things.

Then, trying to scramble for some balance - "I was in Sekima, city of memories - but it normally doesn't do this - I'm a Lunar but - "

Helpless confused noise.

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"You have her face." Gaia reaches up to brush a hand across Shine's cheek. "But it is yours as well, and there is... a resonance to your soul."

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"I - I Exalted defending one of her temples, and I know I look like her War Aspect, but - "

"I'm not her, can't be - Luna Reborn - "

Oh no that's one of the things that is probably worse to say, Shine should maybe stop talking now. 

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"You are not her. I know that much. But..."


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"Neither you nor her are - present in the Creation I'm - remembering from." That sounds way more neutral, right? Not like Luna definitely died. "Most of the powerful gods have withdrawn anyways, but - most of them at least sometimes answer prayers. And - no one thinks Luna will return straightforwardly if she does, just 'cause of who she is. She changes, and - the whole of Creation's changed without her there."

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"My Luna would not leave our Creation. Not without a message. When I remember this and if I do not remember that-"

"I will return."

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"...Something kind of. Happened."


"I think you need to return."

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"I see."

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"Things aren't the way they're supposed to be. Not - not anymore. Not in a long time."

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"Then I will speed my way as I am able."

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Little nod. 

" - This won't like, change my past, will it?"

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"The memory changes, but the change happens now, in your present. I who speak to you now will not persist beyond this moment until I have become she who wanders in your time. In no frame can this conversation happen until it has happened."

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She parses that fairly quickly, at least. 

"...Okay," she says. "That makes me - less worried something will go wrong."

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"Clever girl. I look forward to making your acquaintance properly."

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Tiny blush!

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"Perhaps I can show you the dance your arrival interrupted, to finish this memory properly?"

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"I'd love that." She holds out her hand. 

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She takes it. And, pressing Shine's body close, leads her through the steps.

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Gaia is a wonderful dancer - almost overwhelmingly so - but Shine keeps up, and doesn't let herself get so flustered she can't follow Gaia's lead. (Possibly flustered enough she'll struggle with coherent sentences, though.)

It's a really, really nice memory. 

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In no way inferior to the original version.

As the dance comes to an end, the scene drifts apart like smoke, and Shine feels the whisper of a kiss follow her to the waking world.

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Shine sure has some things to discuss with her girlfriend, doesn't she. 

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She wakes up in the field outside of Sekima's boundaries, blinking and then reflexively shielding her face from the high winds. 

...Where's Sapphire?

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Right next to her.


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" - You okay? We got separated - "

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"...Yeah. There was a girl who looked like she was about to murder me but I don't think she followed."

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"It wasn't as bad as the last dream, though."

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"Good!" Nuzzle kiss. "...The memory I fell into wasn't distressing but does, uh, have major geopolitical implications? Also relatedly how do you feel about sharing relationship stuff with divinities."

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"I turn my back on you for five minutes..."


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"I'm very talented and efficient, what can I say."

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"I like that about you."

"I suppose it depends on which divinity..."

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" - So uh, I slipped into a memory from before Sekima was a thing. I ended up in Luna's memory very specifically."

"And it turns out that the memories of gods behave strangely, 'cause I was like, there as myself, and Gaia was in the memory and noticed I wasn't Luna, and she said it didn't actually change the past but that current her should be remembering our conversation right about, uh. Now?"


"Also Gaia kissed me."

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"Is that okay?"

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"I don't know that I can compete with the literal world."

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Gentle bap. "Don't bad mouth my girlfriend," she says, sternly.

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"Yes dear."

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"There's no competition," she says. "And there never has been, and - if she shows up and is interested, if you don't want me flirting with her or whatever, I'll turn her down without a second thought."

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"In that case," kiss, "as long as she gives me a fair shot too," kiss, "I don't mind."

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Kiss! "I'll tell her we're a package deal."

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"Fair enough."

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Giggle kiss.

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- And there's a low groan from a short distance away, just out of their line of sight in the grasses and tumbled rocks of Sekima.

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"-Wait, I think I know that voice."

Sapphire turns to investigate.

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An in fact familiar woman is slowly sitting up, blinking and looking dazed - still in the clothes she wore in the memory.

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" - Who are you?"

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"My name is Sapphire Elegance. I- saw you, in the memories of Sekima."

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She sits up more and looks around. 

" - You don't look like a monk."

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"I'm not."

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"...This is - Sekima's surroundings." She's eyeing the space where the city used to be very warily.

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"Yeah. So. The short version is that the last time you were alive was between a thousand and two thousand years ago."

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" - That can't - "

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Sapphire smiles apologetically. "Welcome to the Caul."

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"This is why I'm not adventurous," she grumbles. Then: "If it's been - just one or two thousand years - do you know if a Solar named Elathea Brightspear is - still alive?"

(She has no idea if her Mistress would even remember her, which - hurts - but she'd be a familiar face, and - Jade could enter her service as a new girl, that'd be okay.)

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"She's not. I'm sorry."

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"I know the two of you were... close."

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Tight nod. 


"I shouldn't have - outlived her."

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"Something cheated for you."

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"I wish it hadn't," she says, voice raw. 

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...Does Jade want a hug?

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"I really am sorry," she says quietly to Jade. "I- was in some of Elathea's memories, in Sekima. We have some kind of resonance. She did love you, I think."

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"I - it hasn't been sudden for me. It's like I've been in a dream ever - since."

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"How much time have you experienced?"

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"...I don't know."

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"It's only been a couple minutes for us after the memories ended."

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"It didn't feel like real time was passing."

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"Definitely something strange happened."

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"Will there be a place for me in this world?"

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"I'd certainly like to give you one."

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"Thank you."

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"Do we want to go ahead and head to the base of the mountain? This place is giving me the creeps."

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"We probably should."

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Downhill, then? 

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Back down to the bottom.

Does Shine want to hold hands again?

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Soft kiss. 

Luckily, the inn they stayed in earlier still has rooms available. 

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Convenient! Two rooms?

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" - I don't mind sharing."

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"Works for me. Shine?"

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"Sounds good."

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One room, then. A great savings on travel expenses.

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Pure efficiency.

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Shall they retire, then?

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Go back to the room at least. 

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Fair enough.

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(...They're - interesting people.)

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Jade seems like an interesting person herself.

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She ducks her head down, hiding a blush. 

"Because of the time travel?"

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"Not only that."

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"Most people don't think so."

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"That's surprising. You are a beautiful girl, if nothing else."

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"Thank you."

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"And intelligent, observant, a delightful sense of aesthetics..."

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Deeper blush!

"Surely no comparison to you, ma'am."

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"Every great work of art needs its companion pieces."

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"A beautiful assistant that will support its greatness."

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Such blush! 

And: "I don't think I'm - ready yet, to be that assistant for someone other than my Mistress, but - "

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"But you can see where the idea has its appeal?"

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"I can."

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"That's a start."

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"It is."

"I'm - glad I landed beside you."

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"I'm glad we get the chance to know you better."

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"Me too."

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"I'll need to introduce myself properly at some point, then."

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"Oh, I'd forgotten. I remember knowing you."

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"How much do you remember now?"

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"Your name is Jade Mountain. Your favorite food is grilled tilapia. You like keeping things well organized, everything all neat and," grin, "tied up with a little bow."

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"Some things, then..." she says with another light blush. 

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"Just some helpful details."

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"There's more to learn, still?"

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"I'm sure there must be."

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"An infinite depth of fascinating beauty."

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"I have a lot more to learn about the two of you."

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"Where would you like to start?"

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"Well... What are your favorite foods?"

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"Oh, starting with the difficult questions. Let's say... stuffed peppers, at the moment, though be advised that this is subject to change."

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"I've got a few," she says, glancing at her girlfriend with a little smirk. "But my current slight favorite - there's these tart berries that grow near Kama, and they're excelllent in a creamy soup..."

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"We should stop to pick some up on our way back..."

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"Mm yes."

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Mmmm girlfriend kisses. 

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They're very good.

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The best in Creation.

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Also a pretty good demonstration of what Shine and Sapphire are about, for Jade.

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She's definitely enjoying the view. 

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Just as planned.

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Sapphire thinks of everything. 

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It's part of her charm.

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"Only one of the more obvious parts."

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"Saying I should stick around to see more?"

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"We could put on a real show for you."

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"Sounds very interesting."

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"Will you indulge me in this, dear Shine?"

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"With pleasure, darling Sapphire."

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Then they can begin.

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(Interesting indeed.)

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So glad she approves.

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Sapphire is a very generous sort. 

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It's all about mutual benefit.

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Jade certainly appreciates the philosophy. 

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Sapphire is a very reasonable philosopher.

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More wise than reasonable. 

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Fair, fair.

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"I recognize good traits when I see them."

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"How useful."

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"It's a service I'm happy to provide."

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"Are you any good at managing people?"

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"Yes, ma'am. I've often managed my Mistress's estate while she was otherwise engaged."

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"You know, I am in the process of taking control of a city myself. I'm always looking for more trustworthy lieutenants."

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Grin! "I'll need some time to get up to speed on politics here, ma'am, but I would be delighted to assist."

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"Perhaps you can orient me on the journey?"

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"I would be pleased to do so."

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"Thank you, my lady."

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"Isn't she so lovely and polite?" Sapphire says to Shine.

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"Absolutely adorable."

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Blush! "Thank you, ma'am."

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"What sorts of things did you used to do for your Mistress, by the way?"

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" - A lot," she says, and then launches into stories (sometimes with additional promoting from Shine) about her life with Elathea. (It seems to be helping something in her relax.)

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(...Sounds a lot like what Sapphire would want Jade to do for her, to be honest.)

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(Yeah. She's a pretty competent woman.)

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Certainly worth bringing home.

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Shine's pretty convinced! 

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(Blush blush.) The ladies are too kind.

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Does she feel they're setting their expectations too high?

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"Not at all, my Lady."

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"Confidence. Good."

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Hee. "I rise to the challenges I'm set."

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"A most excellent trait in a subordinate."

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"Thank you, ma'am."

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Several hours ago and slightly more miles away, Autumn pulls her strike short as that woman vanishes, leaving only Temoa.

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Temoa jars back into her own identity, rolling out of Autumn's way - 

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And the world jolts, the wind blinding them -

And when it clears, they're in an empty field outside of Sekima's borders.

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And there's a surprised yelp as a certain mortal trips and falls to the ground. 

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Autumn spins to point her sword at this new threat.

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She sits up a little, putting her hands up. "Hey, what the fuck?"

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"...An apt question."

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"We - were in Sekima," she says, voice distant and expression dazed.

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"You got trapped by a memory."

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"Uh, I don't think I was remembering anything specific???"

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"Where did you come from?"

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" - Sekima?"

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"Before that."

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"...I've lived in Sekima like, five years. Before that doesn't matter."

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"Sekima is a ghost city. No one can live there for that long."

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"...All sorts of people live there though? What do you mean, ghost city?"

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She gestures at the desolate peak behind the girl.

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She looks, and - 

"What - "

"What happened?"

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"It's been like that for a thousand years."

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" - It was standing five minutes ago!"

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Autumn looks to Temoa. This sort of strangeness seems like something she should know how to navigate.

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"What year is it?"

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" - Huh?" She gives a year - from during the Solar Deliberative.

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"You have traveled here from the past."

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"From- quite far in the past."

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" - No shit, if the city fell - a thousand years ago - "

"What happened?"

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"The Caul was... taken, by the Wyld. It reemerged later, but it was changed."

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"And Sekima was gone."

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She nods.

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...Fair enough, honestly.

"It's just... memories, now."

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"Can we get out of here."

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"There is a village at the base of the mountain."

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Temoa offers a hand to the girl. "Let's go," she says, almost gently. 

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She takes it. 


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Autumn stabs her sword into the ground beside her, within her shadow. It fades into the darkness and vanishes.

Then down the mountain.

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"Neat trick."

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"The blade draws too much attention to carry around."

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"Giant swords aren't a standard fashion accessory in the future, then?"

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"They are not."

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"That's a real pity."

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"It is. Autumn is very pretty with a sword in her hand."

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"Surely at least some of that is the novelty value."

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"Hm, nah, I think it's a fundamental property. Pretty girl plus intimidating sword equals extra pretty."

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"I find I must concur."

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"Perhaps I should see about acquiring a more typical steel sword."

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"Or some knives."

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"I have knives." She flourishes a pair out of her sleeves.

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"Very lovely."

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"And could only be improved by a wider variety of sharps."

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"I'm sure."

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"I'll get you some then, lovely girl."

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"Thank you, my lady."

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Eeee kiss!

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Kissing Autumn: still Temoa's favorite activity. 

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It's very good. A lovely discovery to have made.

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Autumn was indeed the best discovery Temoa has ever made. 

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But probably they shouldn't spend all day kissing on the mountainside. They have a guest.

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Oh, she doesn't object at all. (So long as they feed her at some point.)

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Well. Maybe just a bit longer, then.

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They could bring picnic lunches in the future. 

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Yes, how foolish of them that they did not plan for picking up a stray time traveler. They must be more vigilant.

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Temoa always strives to be prepared. 

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She does. It's quite attractive.

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One of her better traits. 

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One of the many.

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Sadly, eventually, they'll have to relocate...

Though the inn is very likely to have private rooms available, she'll note.

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Inns usually do. Along with food.

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She's interested in eating before any further private shenanigans - or at least eating during said private shenanigans. 

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They should not delay, then.

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Time to see what future food is like, then. 

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Autumn... doesn't know that it's changed that much.

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She thinks it has, actually? The texture of the bread's different, and it tastes weird, and the alcohol is definitely different - less refined, too, she guesses this area doesn't get as many imports anymore? 

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The Caul is significantly isolated, yes. Especially this far inland, and away from the major rivers. The war disrupts trade, as well.

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Between a faction of Lunars and the Realm, which is Dragonblooded. And at least one undead Deathlord is poking his nose into the area as well.

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She hasn't had the misfortune of running into Deathlords, at least? 

Also maybe she should ever look at a modern map...

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Autumn can sketch one for her, showing the locations of cities, major terrain features, and a rough disposition of forces.

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It's enough for Sun Bao to get by with - "Is the Deliberative messing with any of this at all?"

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"...The Solar Deliberative was overthrown."

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" - How???"

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"The Sidereals acted against it. With the support of many Dragonblooded and several Lunars."

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"It is the consensus of many that more damage would have been done by leaving the Deliberative intact, by that point."

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"...It was pretty fucked up, yeah."

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"Mm," Autumn agrees.

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"Almost no one had been willing to imagine a world without them, though."

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"...Things got worse after your time."

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"For some reason, I'm not surprised."

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"Things rarely get better without significant effort."

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"And assholes in power don't like being told to stop."

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"Guessing that's still a problem."

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"I do not think it will ever leave us."

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"Doesn't mean we can stop fighting to make the world better than before."

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"It does not."

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"It's a lifetime's work."

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"At least we won't get bored."

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"I don't think that'd ever be a problem for us." Kiss!

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"Not with you around."

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"You're a pretty key ingredient there too, lovely."

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"It pleases me that you think so, my lady."

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Pushy kiss. "I know so, my good girl."

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That's her, she's the good girl. Kiss!

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Mmmm tasty good girl. 

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The tastiest.

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More nibble?

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She starts working her way to Autumn's neck, nibbling and kissing and biting as she goes. 

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She moans in pleasure, arching her neck so Temoa can get at it more easily.

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Very good thing they got that private room...

She pushes Autumn up against a wall and starts tugging her high collar out of the way. 

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Autumn's bird can help start undoing some of the buttons on her dress.

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Exceptionally helpful! And frees up Temoa's hands for other things. 

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There are so many things she could do to Autumn's body.

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Such as sliding her skirt up her legs, lightly scratching her exposed skin...

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Or deeply scratching. Clawing, even.

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Perhaps if Autumn asks nicely...

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"Please, my lady. I want you to hurt me."

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"Good girl." 

And she tears jagged lines up Autumn's legs. 

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"Aah!" she gasps in pain, muscles in her thighs and calves clenching, forcing drops out blood out of the fresh wounds, stark red against her pale skin.

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"Beautiful." Kiss!

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Mmm. Needy kiss.

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She pulls out a knife, starts drawing lovely lovely patterns on her good girl's thighs. 

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Oh, that's good. She will keep her lower body very still for Temoa to work on her.

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Good girl. 

Though she has permission to move her upper body, if she can keep from disturbing Temoa's work...

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Can she pet Temoa's hair?

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Pet pet.

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Pleased hum.

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Then a hiss at a particularly sharp line.

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And a hungry kiss from her Lady.

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(She hopes their audience is enjoying the show...)

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(She's definitely very fascinated, sitting so far quietly on the bed.)

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If Temoa wanted her to join, Autumn wouldn't object.

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She would like their audience to join, in fact.

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"Don't mind if I do."

And, before Temoa can give her any instructions or something silly like that - she slips to the ground and then slips between them, kneeling bracketed by their legs.

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Interesting choice of starting position.

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Gives her a good view of what's being done to Autumn - and good access to both women.

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Just wait until she gets properly going...

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(Smug smug smug.)

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A well-deserved attitude.

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This is one of Sun Bao's best skills.

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"I can tell you've practiced."

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"Every chance I get. The monastery had so many girls in need of a little help unwinding..."

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"A valuable public service."

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"Always looking for ways to improve society."

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"How virtuous."

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She licks her lips. "Virtue is the greatest pleasure and all."

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"It seems to work for you."

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Grin. "And I'm happy to share the virtue around."

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"I am happy to receive it, Sun Bao."

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(Autumn and Temoa might have some things to discuss, once Sun Bao finally falls asleep...)

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(Which seems unlikely to take long, now.)

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Autumn, as previously noted, doesn't need to sleep, so.

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And Temoa can skip it easily. 

She pulls Autumn to the other side of the room, angling them so their voices are less likely to disturb the sleeping girl, and murmurs, "What do you think of her?"

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"I do not think she is deceptive or ill-intentioned. She does... have a strange power, that I am not sure she has recognized yet. It tastes like the Wyld, though not fully of it."

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"I suspect she didn't have it, in - the memory." Tiny shiver.

(That first nightmare - the not-Autumn's death - remains the worst thing Temoa has ever experienced. Being molested by that woman was - unpleasant - but not nearly as much - but that doesn't mean she enjoyed their trip to Sekima.)

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"I did not sense it then."

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"No, but - there were other things on our minds."

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She cups Autumn's cheek. "You - worried me - when you tried to attack her."

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"-I did not intend to scare you."

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"I know, love, but - "

"It was only a memory, and - watching her raise a weapon against you would have been - "

Deep, shaky breath. 

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"I'm sorry."

"But- I can't not protect you."

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Kiss, and - "I love you."

"But there's - a lot I'd endure to keep you safe. A lot that'd be better than seeing you hurt."

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"I love you."

"I can't watch you suffer. Not when I can do something."

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" - I can't ask you to stand back and watch," she says, in the tone of someone who wishes she could. 

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Such hugs.

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"So just- keep yourself out of those situations, I guess."

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"And - "

"Keep yourself safe in fights."


"That first nightmare..."

"I - the woman I was inhabiting - killed herself after you - after the woman you were died. She - sacrificed herself in some kind of sorcery, but - "


"She didn't know for sure that it'd work, and she didn't care - or she did, she cared that it would work, nothing was more important to her in that moment, but if it didn't work she wanted to be dead anyways - and - I would be the same, if it - came to that."

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"I'll be careful."

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"Thank you, love."

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"I love you."

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"Love you more than anything."

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"Love you forever."

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"Longer than the stars will burn."

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Adoring kiss.

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" - We got a bit distracted from our new friend, didn't we?"

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Autumn nods. "Because of your pretty face."

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"How rude of it."

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She pats Temoa's pretty face gently. "I wouldn't say that, exactly."

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"It's being helpful, then?"

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"It's being a delight. I wouldn't trade it for anything."

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"A good match to your pretty face, then."

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"You had something you wanted to say, though," Autumn murmurs.

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"So I did."

"First - we should consider what we want to do with her. If we trust her with our - other business."

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"I don't think she has- conflicting loyalties. And... she seems basically decent, as a person."

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"Yeah, unless she was a Yozi cultist or something - her ties have been pretty conclusively severed."

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"Mm. So we might just want to spend a little more time with her, to be sure."

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"A good argument."

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"She's fun, even if we don't tell her our secrets."

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"We can keep a good bit from her, even traveling together."

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"Secrets are your thing."

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"And she has some interesting ones, too."

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"Anything good?"

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"A few things."

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Teasing kiss. "I've only guessed at a few so far, though."

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"Are you going to make me guess too?"

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"You don't enjoy the mystery?"

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"I can be more useful to you if you tell me, my lady."

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"Honestly, what I've gotten is mostly just - relevant to her personality. I'm not sure yet what's up with the strangeness you sensed around her."

"She isn't using her original name; she had some kind of falling out with her family. She's been involved sporadically in - revolutionary sentiments. Someone she cared for died, and she blames herself. She has a pretty broad but shallow hodgepodge of skills - she jumps between people she could be a lot, I think."

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"There's opportunity to shape her somewhat, then."

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"A good way to look at it."

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"I'll invite her along with us, then."

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"Sounds good to me, my lady."


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Kiss! "What I like to hear, lovely girl."

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"You make it easy to agree."

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"Because I'm right a lot."

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"You are."

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"You help it along," she murmurs. "Help me see things I wouldn't otherwise."

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"We're a team."

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"The best in Creation."

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"And no one can stop us."

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"No one at all."

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That seems like enough work for one night.

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Temoa needs to rest, anyways. 

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Then Autumn will see that rest is what she receives.

Until tomorrow morning, when they venture down once more.

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And they're not the only group to be doing so, it turns out.

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Though certain faces are perhaps more easily recognized than others, outside of the strange dream logic.

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Autumn tenses, visibly.

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Shine looks over and raises an eyebrow. 

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She draws up short, gaze flicking to Jade - and then, with a faint confusion, to Sapphire. 


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"What are you doing here."

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"We're getting breakfast?"

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"...You were in Sekima. You remember?"

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"I do."

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Awkward glance around. "So you guys - met in a memory?"

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"I was with Jade. She was there too," Sapphire nods at Sun Bao. "Then you tried to kill us. I don't think you were wearing a memory."

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"I was not. I was watching."

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" - I wouldn't say she was trying to kill you." Though Autumn probably was, or wouldn't have objected if that happened. "I was - wearing a memory, too, and I was trapped and unable to skip to another memory. She was trying to get me out."

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It's a pretty simple process of elimination to work out which guise she must have been wearing.

"I'm sorry."

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"You were along for the ride too, so." 

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...Perhaps they can be provisionally classified as 'non-threat', then.

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" - Looks like weird stuff happened with the memory for all of us."

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"I wonder if that's all connected..."

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"Seems worth investigating."

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"For sure."

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...Investigating sounds potentially very awkward but also important. Ugh.

"We should find a quieter - and more private - room to talk in, then."

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"And bring breakfast."

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"Jade, do you mind getting a couple trays for us?"

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"Right away, my Lady."

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"Thank you," she smiles.

Then it's pretty easy to get the innkeeper to agree to let them take one of the private dining rooms, leaving Jade behind to collect the food.

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"It's my pleasure."

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And - dining room! 

"So - I wasn't actually in that memory, but my darling told me what she saw."

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"That was not the first time we had seen that woman."

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"What do you mean?"

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"We... had a dream. Before coming here."

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That seems like it's possibly in the category of things which are Oh No.

She reflexively glances at Sapphire before she can stop herself. 

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"A dream where you- died?"

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" - Yes. Both of us."

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"I think we dreamt our past lives."

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"The girl I - was in the dream - she sacrificed herself to power a sorcerous working to tie together her and her sister's - something, I couldn't truly grasp what concept she was working with, but it was - greater than the soul or Exaltation."

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"That would make sense. People don't usually come back."

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"It hasn't been - all the way, though."


"And it doesn't explain you."

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"Elathea Brightspear created the Realm Defense Grid. It's- not a stretch she could have done workings on this scale. And..."

"She thought of the girls she killed as her daughters."

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"The girl I was - didn't intentionally tie her to it."

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"No, but I assume there must have been some avenues for ideas to be transmitted there. At some point. In whichever direction."

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"I think - the two girls we were - helped coordinate the Usurpation. So they hadn't been working together recently to that."

(Why is she so randomly reluctant to believe - Elathea got any benefit from Temoa's past self, that Temoa's past self might have grown from Elathea's teaching - )

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"Brightspear lived a long time. She was around well before the Usurpation."

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" - It'd be hard to figure out from here either way," she says, trying for 'diplomatically.'

"I've only been in one of those - dreams or memories." The shared ones, at least. "It was just me and - Sapphire as Elathea."

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"I kind of wish we could have a happy one, for once."

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Dancing with Gaia was very nice, Shine doesn't say. 


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Jade glances around uncertainly. "What happened to Elathea?" she asks, voice wavering. 

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"...A long and tragic series of events. She- lost herself, somewhere along the way, after you knew her."


"She died saving Creation."

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"It all sounds - unlike her."

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"We don't have anything like a full picture."

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"A lot of things went wrong with - basically the entire Deliberative."

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Pat pat.

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"...It was just - yesterday, for me."

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"I know. You've had a sudden change thrust upon you."

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" - So, she's from the past too?"

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"Yes. She landed with us."

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"I landed with them," she says. "But that's not normal for visiting Sekima nowadays, right?"

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"It's never been known to happen before."

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"Was anything else weird about - going in - other than the past lives thing?"

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"Not that I noticed."

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" - Oh, Sapphire and I have the same types of Exaltations as our past selves - are you a solar?" she asks Autumn.

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"No. I am not."

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"That's weird, then..."

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"My exaltation used to be Solar. It was corrupted. Now I am an Abyssal."

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" - Corrupted?"

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"By the Neverborn and their deathlords."

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Oh No.

"They can do that?"

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"Evidently so."

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She has a sudden and possibly useless urge to figure out how to tell Gaia about this.

"Did they corrupt any others?"

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"Many. A hundred, at least."

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" - That's a pretty big chunk of all Solars."

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"A third of the Deliberative. Fuck."

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" - You've defected though, right?"

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"Yes. I no longer serve the interests of the underworld."

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"Do you know if anyone else has?"

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"Not to my knowledge."

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Then, to Sapphire: "Wait, we've been having problems with necromancers, haven't we?"

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"Yeah. Persistently, too."

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"What are the Deathlords?" she asks Autumn.

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"Ghosts who have delved to the depths of the Labyrinth at the bottom of the Underworld to hear the whispers of the Neverborn, and returned changed. They were powerful in life and they have become stronger in death."

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"Any of them working in this area?"

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Autumn flicks a glance to Temoa.

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"That explains some things, then."

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"More trouble than just necromancers..."

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"We'll need to step up our defenses."

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"And our information gathering."

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"There's some questions we might be able to answer."

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"I'd appreciate that."

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She glances at Autumn, nods slightly. 

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"What is it you wish to know?"

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A couple things - his identity, the strength of his forces, relevant locations, his plans for the area, his allies and known enemies...

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Her information is somewhat outdated, and he may have changed things if he's learned of her defection (likely), but Autumn shares what she knows.

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They appreciate it, all the same. 

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They are welcome.

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"You don't have any idea of who he used to be, though?"

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"Might be valuable to figure out."

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"Definitely. If we find what killed him the first time, we can do it again."

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"And it'll help us find his weak points and goals."

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"We'll add it to our list, then."

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"Mhm." Kiss!

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"You're very lovely when you're plotting, you know."

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"So I should do more of it, then?"

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"I'll keep that in mind, dear."

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"Thank you, darling."

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"A pleasure to be of assistance."

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"A pleasure to have your assistance."

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That calls for another kiss.

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Her plan is working! 

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Devious girl.

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Sapphire's not the only plotter in this relationship. 

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Makes them a good pair.

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The best. 

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"...Do you two need some privacy?"

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"Only if you're uncomfortable."

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Noncommittal hum.

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"We might wait to get to know you two better."

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"Fair enough."

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"Perhaps someday, though."

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"We'll keep that in mind."

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"We're going to have a lot to keep track of."

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"Your memory is up to the challenge, I'm sure."

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"I always am."