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"Something, yeah." She recounts the conversation with the old woman. 


"We should try to seek that vision out, yeah. But even if we can't find it, that means there are memories at least that old in Sekima, so there must be other opportunities for us."


Nod! "And we have plenty of time to stick around and explore."




"Not infinite, but... It should be enough to find some interesting things."


"I'll be very surprised if we don't manage at least that much."


"We'll see each other's faces, if nothing else."


"That alone is worth any amount of travel."


"Though luckily, I currently have you right here..."


"Shall we retire to our room, my dear Shine?"


"Absolutely, my darling Sapphire."


Then upstairs with them.






And then onwards the next day? 


Up the path to the mountain city.


It's a city in memory alone - the air grows frigid rapidly, high winds tearing at their clothes as they climb the ruined stairs and walk up winding mountain switchbacks whose paving stones shattered long ago. The city is nothing but a few scant traces in the earth - a half buried, broken pot - slight dips in the landscape where roads once wound - the shadow of the foundations of a lot dead city - and a murmuring wind - 

The city is alive, and bustling, and so too are they alive as they once were - 


They step into streets made of dark brown pavers, surrounded by yellow stone walls and a bloom of color in awnings and the people now swirling around them. It's the late afternoon, and the streets are lined with trinket and food stalls trying to catch new arrivals, and with hawkers advertising this or that inn or entertainment or service, and the people whose memory they've slipped into are ambling slowly down the street, turning this way and that to take in all the sites.

Sekima is tall and spindly, its walls soaring and then scrambling up the mountainside, and grand temples and monasteries and official buildings and academic campuses and wealthy estates loom over the city. A high hum of wind runs through the city, and everything is pretty well secured by sheer necessity, and the air is hot and dry, a different season than the one they entered from.


They're only shallowly in the memory, and it's easy to blur out of sync, to ask Sapphire as the memory ripples - "Do you want to just let the memory sweep us along, or go straight to the academic areas?"

(If you're trying to reach the Air Shrine, you're supposed to let yourself be immersed, to stop fighting the sweep of memory. They have other goals, though.)


"We should try to stay focused this time, I think." She's not that eager to dream.



Push on, then? 


Further down the illusory street. The buildings over thataway look appropriately academic.


The world flickers around them as they move, jumping between points in time as they slide into different memories to keep their momentum up - night and day, wet or dry, a brief swirl of a windstorm - an ever-shifting landscape of different eras.


It's- a little disorienting, to be honest.


Shine's not really disoriented yet, if Sapphire wants her to take the lead on moving them towards the academies? (They can also hold hands, reduce the risk they'll get separated or something.)

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