"Also," he adds, once she's been updated. "The portal hub in Pantheon got a ton of renovations, I think we're calling it the Belfry now. It's very cute."
"What, that's adorable," giggles Bella, flipping through the summary. "The Belfry! You non-Bells don't feel left out or anything?"
"I don't feel left out, and none of the other me's did, either. The name's cute, Adarins are just - a bit more difficult to find cute names for. We need to come up with a better alt group name for us, something that's as easy as 'Bell'..."
"Yeah. It's terrible. Maybe we'll think of something interesting that fits us all. Eventually."
"You don't really have an obvious point of commonality, like, say, Bell notebooks. If the other Bells were named - Minerva and Lauren and Joshua and Galadriel or something - we'd be able to settle on some language's word for 'Pen' or something."
"... Something to do with the number thing we do? Maybe? But I can't think of anything good out of that..."
"And about the only thing that adorably goes with Bells are Whistles, which - very cute, but doesn't fit us at all. Also, I'm pretty sure Prime would object on the basis of not having a Bell."
"He could have one, he has just decided he doesn't want one for some reason and she's not being pushy."
"We are pretty great. But so are you, I think she's spooked by the Hex set too much to make a first move..."
"Yeah. They seem to - have gotten comfortable with operating as a unit? They gravitate towards each other when we're in a big group. I guess that's progress?"
"I think so. I mean, if nothing else, they get a cool platonic life partner to take over the world with."
"I suppose. Maybe they're making lots of progress behind closed doors and feel self-conscious about public displays of affection or something."