the war with sauron in velgarth starts several years earlier, and Green acquires some refugees
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They confer with Melody about how much of this is normal, and shine a light in his eyes, and dry him off and take some vitals.


:It...could be? Sometimes he has really bad panic attacks and mostly doesn't respond to anything for a while. It's been six months since the last time it happened for more than five or ten minutes but he's under a lot of stress and, er, managed to turn the shower on cold, which might have really thrown him. I probably should not have let him do it unsupervised but standing there watching would have made him stressed too. And I can't tell if he's additionally actually hurt: 


Leareth's pupils react normally. His pulse and blood pressure are both pretty high. 

(Leareth is not especially parsing what's happening around him, his head hurts really quite a lot now, but both unexpected bright lights and complete strangers touching him are both PROBABLY BAD. He tries not to react but he's shaking more now.) 


"The text said it was probably a bad idea to take him to the hospital if we could avoid it. He doesn't seem to be actively deteriorating, it might make sense for us to hang around for another ten or twenty minutes and see if he perks up."

"You should get him a dog," remarks the other one, draping a fresh towel over him to keep him warm.


:I was kind of thinking that! Yes, I would appreciate if you could stick around a while longer and see. ...A - dog? Why?: 


They scoot back from Leareth to give him a little more space. "The panic attacks? Some dogs are really good for that. And it's not like being supervised and it's not like being alone, having a dog with you."


:Huh! Well, appreciate the recommendation, I'll keep that in mind. I can maybe ask our social worker about it: 

Melody is going to flick off the bathroom lights so they're not shining directly in Leareth's eyes, and sing to him quietly. She's a mediocre singer and has always been too self-conscious to do it where Quendi could possibly hear her, which given their senses is everywhere in Tol Eressea, and she certainly isn't good enough to make any of the magic songs work, but she does know some of the other popular songs and familiarity is probably good? 

Damn it but she wishes Vanyel was here. Vanyel is exactly the person who most can't be spared to be here but, on top of the difference it would make to Leareth, she personally misses him too. 

She keeps Mindtouching Leareth, explaining over and over where they are and what's happened in the last day and that they're not in danger here, there are people but they're Healers and they're here to help and they won't do anything he doesn't want them to do, and she knows he's probably in pain but he just hit his head and he's going to be fine. 


Leareth is in less pain with the lights off and he's still kind of uncomfortable but at least he's warm enough and eventually Melody's monologue starts to get through. He - doesn't answer her, exactly, but he holds his end of the link. 


Oh, phew. 

:That's really good: she tells Leareth, and then adds privately to the paramedics, :- he's a little more responsive? If he can manage actual words to tell us how he's feeling in a bit, is that good enough to not take him to the hospital?: 


:Assuming the way he's feeling isn't hospitalworthy, sure:


:Right, of course: 

She will just go on being reassuring in Mindspeech while singing, then, and adding in every minute or so that Leareth can tell her how he's feeling whenever he feels able to but it's not a rush or anything. She doesn't want to make him stressed about that, it would just be counterproductive. 


Eventually, Leareth is capable of both stringing words together, and putting them in Mindspeech. (He would have been able to manage public thoughts a lot sooner, and in fact was doing that, but it doesn't exactly work with Melody, the usual way he does it is different from just 'unshielding'. 


:Head hurts: he sends, fairly clearly. 


:I know. I think you slipped and fell in the shower and hurt yourself. How badly does it hurt?: 


It's still kind of hard to assess that. :Not...the worst I have felt? I think: 


Melody turns back to the paramedics. :He's talking to me. Said his head hurts, but that it's not the 'worst' he's experienced. ....Though, er, that does not set the bar where it would for most people. Are there other questions I should ask him: 


They have a standard inventory for head injuries they can go through, yeah.


Leareth knows where he is, if only because Melody just told him twenty times. He doesn't know the date but this is mostly because he has no idea of the local calendar; he can give the approximate date in Arda. He can feel all of his extremities and doesn't have numbness or tingling. (He can also move everything, it just takes him substantially longer to work up the will to do this.) He's pretty dizzy and feels nauseated when he tries turning his head and he thinks he probably could stand up but he would really prefer not to do any things. 

(It takes, like, five minutes to get all of this, because sometimes Leareth takes a while to answer a question.) 


They do not feel this is urgent-hospitalization-level, but they will leave their ambulance parked outside where it is till they get another dispatch, in case. They will go sit in it rather than hovering though.


Melody is really grateful for their help! She thinks she feels qualified to stay with Leareth and make sure his condition isn't worsening, now that he's communicative - she did work with Healers - but if they've got any advice she would like to hear it. 


They produce some advice this margin is too medically untrained to contain and go sit in their ambulance. The one with the dog suggestion reiterates it.


:It seems like a good idea! I'm going to ask Dree for more information about dogs when it's a good time for non-emergency discussions: 

Melody kind of feels like Leareth would be more comfortable not on the goddamned bathroom floor, but if he doesn't want to move then he doesn't have to move. She Mindspeaks the paramedics again to ask if it's safe to give him water. 


Yup, he can have water, though he should be careful especially if he's not ready to sit up that he doesn't wind up with it in his nose.


Leareth does not really want to sit up all the way, but he's willing to be eased slowly into a more and more propped position with additional pillows, and also this planet has the incredible technology of plastic straws, which makes drinking in weird positions much easier. 


Melody helps him with that, and then Thoughtsenses Dree again to check if it's a bad time to interrupt. 


Now Dree is having her lunch break.

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