the war with sauron in velgarth starts several years earlier, and Green acquires some refugees
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The pharmacy deliveryperson knocks and leaves the drugs on the doorstep almost immediately afterwards.


This is long enough for Leareth, who was uncomfortably half-dozing (the second couch is not actually long enough for him to stretch out) to startle half-awake and flail out with his Othersenses, and then decide not to panic because Melody is already groggily reassuring him that everything is fine. 


It takes Melody somewhat longer than that to stagger to her feet and over to the door to unlock it and look around. 


Deliveryperson looks over her shoulder and waves and gets back on her horse and trots off.


Ooh, horse! It feels - nice to see. A soothing reminder of home. Melody doesn't even like riding horses, the non-magical powered carriage vehicles are just objectively better, but still. She waves back and smiles, and then collects the delivery bag to go unpack on the dining table and examine. 


There are seven little packages. Each has different pills in it - three each - and some text in Kayshu.


....Great. In hindsight this was an expected problem. She could ask Leareth to have a go at deciphering the letters, but almost certainly his vocabulary hasn't gotten as far as to cover drugs for sleep. 

She stretches out her Thoughtsensing to look for Dree. 


Dree is with a different client now, checking in about how he's coping with the restraining order his ex has on him and talking about his options if he wants to move to a different city to make that easier.


Seems like an awkward time! Melody will try again in half a candlemark. 

In the meantime, maybe she can convince Leareth to make his way upstairs and, like, take a shower? 


Leareth is not exactly enthusiastic but he gamely heads upstairs and tells Melody that he can figure it out himself. (It's not complicated plumbing, and he's fine with Maitimo or even Vanyel helping him bathe, but Melody never has before and it feels weird, he sort of has the sense that she isn't very comfortable with random nudity.) 

He gets undressed and tentatively steps into the shower and tries the knob - 





- and the water comes out COLD and also with more water pressure than he was expecting and for some mysterious unknown reason that he can't even immediately connect to a horrible torturememory, this is the WORST THING IMAGINABLE, and he tries to dive to the floor and instead manages to hit his head very hard on the wall of the shower cubicle. 


That....didn't sound reassuring. 

"Leareth?" Melody calls, knocking at the door. "Leareth, can I come in?" 


No answer. 


:Leareth? If you don't confirm that you're all right I'm coming in to check on you: 


Leareth is for some reason in a really uncomfortable position and also really cold and his head hurts quite a lot and he's not sure how he got here, and all of these seem like extremely strong convincing reasons why it's not safe to reason about the situation or have beliefs or preferences about it and definitely not safe to take actions. 


:Right, I'm coming in now: 









Hellfires. That definitely looks like a problem! 

Melody reaches out again, and this time actually Mindtouches Dree. 

:Dree? I'm so sorry to interrupt but we sort of have an emergency here: 


"- excuse me a moment," Dree tells her client, and she nips into an empty office. :What is it?:


:I'm not exactly sure I didn't see what happened but Leareth is on the floor in the shower bleeding and not responding to me - I think he hit his head -:


:I'll send you an ambulance: Dree says, getting out her phone to do that.


Wow that sure has the potential to make the situation EVEN WORSE if, in fact, Leareth isn't badly hurt and is just predictably unresponsive because he always does that when he panics hard enough, but also Melody doesn't have Healing-Sight! And has no way of telling from the outside if Leareth has a serious head injury if he won't talk to her! 

:Thank you: she sends tersely. 

Also she doesn't know if he's safe to move but she can't exactly leave him sprawled naked in the shower. she supposed to get a fully grown adult man who is completely limp and uncooperative, and also nude and wet and slippery, and ALSO has a lot of touch-related trauma and might still be aware of his surroundings and just unable to engage, out of a shower which is STILL ON and FREEZING COLD? She can't even reach to turn the stupid shower off without, like, stepping on him. 


She will do her best to awkwardly maneuver Leareth out of the shower without moving or jarring his neck too much, and get him on the floor with a blanket over him and a folded towel under his head, and then - try to stop the bleeding? He's not actually bleeding all that much, it's maybe already clotted on its own. 


The ambulance is there in eleven minutes and they knock on the door really urgently.


Leareth spends this time lying on the floor and does not interact in any way and tries very hard not to have thoughts. (Which Melody can't observe directly because he's still shielding.) 


Melody sits beside him and talks soothingly to him throughout and then, when she hears the knock, gets up and sprints for the stairs, and almost trips on her robes and falls flat on her face which would, you know, really be exactly the addition this situation needs. She catches herself, though, and makes it down without incident, and opens the door. :Upstairs: she says shortly. 


They flinch a little at the telepathy but were apparently warned. Up they go to assess Leareth. How bad is it?


Well, he's lying on the floor and not responding to anything! He's also shivering, probably because he's still pretty damp. (Melody did not want to touch him more than necessary in order to properly towel him off.) There's a some blood in his hair and on the towel under his head, but not, like, a huge lake of blood or anything. He's breathing normally. He looks kind of pale but it could just be that he's cold. 


Melody tries to prod him with Mindspeech again, is unsurprised at the lack of response, and then hovers and picks at her sleeve. 

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