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Adana gets to work. She starts off with less in the way of money than she'd prefer, due to laws about summoning and counterfeiting, but she has a demon bodyguard who can make just about anything. When given something so obvious to work from, she will exploit it as much as possible.

She offers her services to every lunar colony that will give her the time of day. Most of them accept. Cam is instrumental in most of what she does, but Adana summons a few angels to help integrate shiny new things with the older structures in place. The two angels that Cam meets are nice to Adana, but less so to him - he gets the cold shoulder and some pointed glares and insinuations, but nothing else comes of it besides that. Adana keeps the peace as well as she can, distracts all parties involved with things to do, and they carry on without any real incident.

While fixing things is something that she's happy to do, she wants things to be organized in such a way that they don't need her to keep functioning. She has Cam make several factories, specialized in maintenance materials. Then she sells the rights to use them to companies that she background checks as 'not idiots.' She undercuts what it would cost to have them built normally, accepts several commissions to make other factories for things like shuttles and polymer repair gel, and has Cam build those, too. Along with those, miniature black holes are created and sold, to give gravity to space stations and the like. Soon enough, she is rich.

Once she has money to play with it, she starts using it. She bribes several companies into making deals with one another, hires more staff to do her bidding, and then slowly expands. Disaster relief structures are made, funded by her business in services such as extranet ports and factories. She negotiates the disaster relief's neutrality to international laws, and then they get to helping lunar colonies that are having problems.

Meanwhile, she negotiates with Mars and its colonies to set up terraforming. It's slow going, there are a lot of separately governed colonies to get to play nice together, but she makes steady progress. They should be good for terraforming the planet within a year. She realizes that she could just grab Cam and go do it whenever she likes, with or without permission, but she isn't anonymous anymore.

She becomes known as a demon summoner. A very effective demon summoner. Soon it's common for people to look at her nervously when she walks into a room. She doesn't care, except to behave extremely nicely, and play nice with all laws that she can. No need to make people afraid of her or Cam, she's got time to be patient.

True to her word, the binding on Cam is loose and pretty flexible. She doesn't stop being nice to him or treating him like a person just because he is working for her. Actually, if anything, she's nicer - cheerier, happier, thanking him every time he makes her something useful. And there's usually something useful to make, too, because she's always doing something or working on various projects that are all leading towards one goal - make the solar community as nice a place to live as possible.
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Cam likes to be busy.

He thinks he is - maybe not literally as lucky to have met Adana as she is to have met him, considering that if he'd met the wrong summoner it would have been a mild disappointment and if she'd met the wrong demon in the relevant conditions she'd be in lousy shape - but certainly very lucky for him too.

He makes things and naps and snuggles his summoner and flips angels the bird when they're rude to him without much real heat.

When he has been around full time for a few weeks and there's some downtime -

"Hey, Adana?"

"Yes?" she asks, looking up from her latest attempt to persuade all of Mars to play nice with terraforming. It's by text, because audio communication at such a distance is a bit weird and not worth the trouble, at least not yet.


"Can you keep a secret?" Beat. "I'm not saying, 'I wish to tell you deeply personal information which I want you to keep in confidence' - I'm asking, 'can you judge whether something ought to be secret and keep it that way if so'."


"I think so, though it would depend on the secret. If I'm not sure I will probably stick to sitting on it rather than risking it. Why?"

"Considering telling you some secrets of the universe. I'm not sure what order to do it in."


"Then I will probably not post what I learn to the extranet, whatever they are. Uh - whatever order seems best, I suppose?"


He thinks for a bit, then says:

"If 'souls' meaningfully exist in any way, shape, or form, then no demon I've ever met has ever admitted to me that they can perceive or interact with them at all and I have no inkling of being able to do it myself either."

She snorts with laughter. "I had an inkling of that one, by the way you talked about them. Also not really spiritual. Demons just - kept bringing them up anyway? Or are people just idiots?"


"Some demons think it's funny. I mostly haven't shared the information because nobody but you tended to let me talk, but the reason I hesitated to mention it to you when there was a moment is because - consider the situation when it ever actually comes up. Some mortal is desperate enough to offer their soul, or leave the price wide open. Some demon is enough of a dick to be amused by the prospect of 'taking' it. Now assume it's common knowledge that there's no such commodity. This doesn't undo desperation or dickishness one bit, but..."


"But suddenly someone loses something far more important than the 'loss' of a 'soul' and the world's a little more worse off. Yeah, that one should not be told to the world at large. It's good to know, anyway."


"Okay. Second secret of the universe: there is an afterlife."

That causes her to raise her eyebrows.

"... Okay, do you know what's in it?"

"Dead people," he laughs. "This one I don't know why some fairy or angel hasn't fessed up, but my guess is that you're getting angels and fairies who are deeply uncurious people and don't know - it would be easily possible to miss the information - or who don't think this tidbit would be interesting. It goes by assorted names, at least in Hell; my favorite is 'Limbo'. It's not terrible but it's not great either."


She snorts. "You know what I meant," she teases. "So - not terrible but also not great how?"


"Limbo-ites don't get any magic powers, and you can't summon them - well, if you can I don't know about how to do it, anyway. And Limbo is natively dramatically less interesting than Fairyland. It's basically flat earth extending infinitely, about a gee of gravity, and besides dead people - who are about as indestructible as daeva, but otherwise human - there's not much stuff. Specifically, the going theory is that when someone appears in Limbo they get one thing, which is whatever tops their personal list of 'things an afterlife would be incomplete without' and is not itself a person. Opinions vary on whether you can get a copy of a still-living animal. So you get your childhood dog or an ice skating rink complete with rental skates or a pond or a burger joint that stocks itself obligingly with burger fixings. But there's only one such thing per person, and they can't move or edit them either, so they have extremely haphazard sorts of settlements built out of incidentals."


"That sounds incredibly annoying. I think I like Hell's haphazard - stuff all over everywhere thing more. I mean, that sounds nice in some senses but also - what about houses? There can't be enough for everyone, if people only get one thing. Not everyone's house is at the top of their list."


"Right. So people move into the ice skating rinks or just outside - there's no weather, so it's not intolerable, just unprivate."


"Ugh. I mean I suppose some people would bring hotels, but - still. It doesn't sound like enough. I should look into trying to summon them."

"I'm pretty sure you can't do it."

He smiles.

"I tried."

"Damn, what methods did you use, maybe I can -" Pause. Head tilt. "... I was under the impression that demons can't summon? Was I wrong?"


"We cannot."


"So how did you try things, did you get a summoner to help, or - wait, no, they wouldn't let you talk, so how in the world did you test it?"


"I'm now really curious to see if you're going to guess."


She laughs. "Uh, okay, I can try. Um. Okay, so no summoner helped, because demon, but you specifically tried to figure it out. Demons can't summon, but you would have had to be able to. So - wait, were you not always a demon? Can you become one?"


"I was not always a demon."

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