"I think Ice will get one of the mages on her way back, and then he'll want to see you shapeshift into those people so he can use you to get a bead on whoever it is that's racist against sphinxes," she tells Savannah. "So, uh, questions on the multiverse thing?"
"The girl ones look like you, I guess except for the older one, who still looks mostly like you, just older. The guy one of you is pretty decent-looking."
"And the others of me look like me, except Spring, who looks - well, she's not from Earth, but if I saw her on Earth I would think she was maybe Indian or some manner of South American or something. And they're a few years older, except Spring who is like ninety, but she looks twentiesish because she was resurrected from the dead and that is how that works."
"Yeah, Ice'll do it, but it only handles aging, not sudden death, so there's no hurry. And the other Darrens - they're called Adarins because two of them are named that - look like him, but with white hair, and older, especially Prime, who is five hundred something and used to have white hair that has since gone gray."
"... Okay that one's genuinely weird. White hair? Why? Why that color, that's absurd. Also, how did - Prime? Prime - make it to five hundred, did he have the immortality spell? Will my hair turn grey while the rest of me doesn't age at all? Because I can work with that, hair dye is a thing."
"Okay, so the ones who are named Adarin - Prime and Cypress - are both a quarter fae, and their moms were the half-fae parent, and she has white hair, I think because she had a fae parent, but it's not guaranteed by the time it's only a quarter fae because the others of you have brown hair. It's not usual in either of their home worlds. And being part fae is also why Prime can be so old; he looks old, but not five hundred, he looks kind of like a really tired fifty, maybe, and he could live another century even without magic help. But in Hex, people just have white hair sometimes, and Edarial - he's the only one named that, but everybody's getting nicknames regardless, Rain, he picked Rain - is one of those people who just has it. He's just a normal human, except for the magic things he gets for being from Hex."
"Huh. Congrats to Prime, then. Cypress, too, but I'm guessing he's not five hundred yet."
"Yeah, Cypress is twenty-something and so is Ice and they're adorably married and their souls are birds that cuddle all the time."
"Ice's world Chamomile has everybody there having an external animal-shaped soul - by the way never fucking ever touch somebody's animal-soul - and if people go there, they get them too. Ice always had hers, and then Cypress came to Chamomile looking for chamomile which is why she named the world that, and when he showed up he got an animal soul too."
"No touching anyone's animal-soul, got it. Also, that must have been really alarming, just randomly getting an animal soul. When looking for a flower."
"When you use that statement I had the picture of my brother with like - a shitty white wig on, dressed in a loincloth and hunting things with a spear. His bird soul flapping along behind him."
"Ice goes around everywhere with a bow and arrows and a dagger, wearing incredibly cool-looking torn silks with designs on, but Cypress does not have a spear or wear a loincloth. And his hair is not a wig."
She may also want to see if Cypress is willing to share, because running around everywhere with weaponry sounds super hot.
"She's really cool. She's a witch, I think Cypress's sister decided to pretend to be a witch."
"Smart other me. Bet she's fucked some witches, I bet she'll let me share. Also, me in torn looking silks, I want to see, it sounds sweeeeet."
"And I'm pretty sure Darren's excited. Be prepared for him to talk your ear off about - magic things."