Misaki keeps not doing her homework.

It starts out one day when she decides to stop and catch her breath for five minutes first, and five minutes becomes ten, and then fifty, and then she gets half of it done, and badly, and makes more mana doing it than she would have if she'd spent the time running.

So if she does half of it she can buy the other half and pay in mana, she thinks at first. That's not too unexpected, really. Sure, she's not maintenance track and not an enclaver and expects the classes to make her more prepared for graduation, so her default plan was to do her own homework, but plans can change. She buys half her homework. She buys two thirds of her homework. Some time around field day she stops being able to do it at all, even when she imagines her parents gently reminding her to. She remembers the naked terror she saw from her mother the last time she asked for a break, but it doesn't help at all, just makes her want to go to her room and hug a stuffed animal she didn't bring.

She tries to generate mana some other way. It's getting harder to make herself do anything that generates mana, but that just makes her more efficient at it, and for a while the increased efficiency keeps pace with the decrease in actual actions taken. Until it doesn't.

She planned to open a store around Christmas. She specifically planned to wait out the glut of outside goods. She specifically brought seasonal goods.

It's October when she sets up shop in the cafeteria. She does not think about what this means. It's just a change of plans.