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happy days increasing the universe-conquering capabilities of Lawful Evil
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They do so and show up at approximately all the same time. "Doesn't Keltham have several additional girlfriends?" Yaisa wonders aloud. 


"Am I missing anybody in particular obviously on this list?"

That would be a pretty worrisome fact if so.


"...Asmodia? Ione?"


"Do you have reason to believe I've fucked either of those people?"


"....just that you vanish to your cuddleroom with them in the evenings frequently."


"I've been on... a date with Ione that didn't go to the cuddleroom, and I think I've gone to bed with Asmodia twice?  Like actual bedroom bed, not cuddleroom bed.  Do you have reason to believe this isn't the case, and if so do you remember which night it was?"


" - just what Paxti said. She - might've said 'bedroom', because they're...the same thing."


"I doubt they'd mind doing an Alter Self too even though you definitely haven't been mind-controlled to forget you fucked them."



"Neither of them have signed that contract!  For obvious reasons!  I guess I could ask anyways, but -"

"Carissa, on your own view of reality, how confused am I supposed to be right now?"


" - I am not surprised that the rumor mill among the bored girls who got removed from the project mixed up dates and cuddleroom sessions, so it's not very confusing to me? Rumor mills are just like that; they're not following you and Ione around on a date to find out where it ends. I feel like if there were a Conspiracy here probably they would have told Yaisa not to say the Conspiracy out loud to you for no reason. But that said I suspect that both Asmodia and Ione would be willing for a fairly trivial amount of money to do an Alter Self if it gives you peace of mind."


"Okay, you know, let's just get this Self-Altering done.  And then I'll track down Paxti and see what she thinks happened.  Just to make sure that nobody is accidentally sliding between nearly-neighboring parallel universes, because that is very an 'eroLARP' trope."


Why is her life like this. Or rather why is dath ilani fiction, which her life needs to be not mistakeable for, like this.


They all cast Alter Self and turn into boys! To Glimpse of Beyond/Glimpse of Truth they still look like their normal selves! They all turn back as the spell wears off (you can stop it early but then you risk Keltham worrying about whether the duration matters). 


Actually!  Keltham will cast Glimpse of Beyond - unwarned, but Carissa has probably guessed it's coming, since she's the one who suggested that - and verify he can see the correct original people beneath them.

And then Keltham will immediately turn around and look the other way once he's done that, and ask how long the spell needs to stay up.  If it's not long, they can change back now.


Ah, okay, cool! They'll all do that. Most girls find it kind of uncomfortable to be boys, and vice versa. 


Yeah his sexuality was apparently less than totally okay with seeing that.

Somebody needs to hurry up on that Male Bisexuality Enhancement, this is ridiculous.


Keltham goes looking for Paxti.


Paxti did notice Ione and Keltham slipping off on a date at dinnertime.  She heard about the Asmodia/Keltham date from Pela.


Okay, but did she see Ione and Keltham going from dinner to a cuddleroom?



Keltham will go ask Pela what she thinks happened between Keltham and Asmodia.  What does Pela think she knows, and how does Pela think she knows it?


Pela has a familiar, a bird, and it was out flying and saw them. It wasn't spying, that'd be creepy, it was just getting some air, and she has a little page of pictures for it to point at because it's good practice to communicate with your familiar, and it pointed at 'Keltham' and 'Asmodia' and 'bed.'

...did she do something wrong?


Not particularly.  Keltham is trying to figure out if people are going sideways through alternate universes, or, if that's not what's going on, get a grasp on how 'rumors' operate inside Golarion.

Did Pela herself tell other people that Keltham and Asmodia were having sex, or that he'd gone to his cuddleroom with Asmodia, or just describe to them what her familiar had said?


Well, over lunch Jacme said that Keltham must be sleeping with half the students by now, and Yaisa said it wasn't half, and Paxti said it was Ione Carissa Meritxell Yaisa at a minimum and then Pela said Asmodia too, her familiar was out flying and saw them together in bed, and everyone said huh, and then they started speculating about who Keltham would sleep with next. They know he's not sleeping with Pilar because she'd look way cheerfuller.



...okay that sounds sort of like maybe 'rumors' happen when people don't rigorously distinguish their observations from their inferences.

Keltham guesses that sounds plausible???

...he'll keep an eye out for signs that there's some kind of massive trope-related sideways reality slippage going on and the Conspiracy is trying to hide it from him, he guesses.  Though under the circumstances, this seems less like classical Conspiracy, and more like something where people like Yaisa don't know and will blurt things out in front of him??

...Keltham wishes he had some sort of reference magical world with Average Intelligence 10, known to have no Conspiracy or tropes, so he could know whether 'rumors' were a totally reasonable phenomenon to be occurring there.

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