At length, they are fed, and walk back to Terrible Adarin's House. Isabella opens the door.
"Hello," he says, glancing up.
"Hello. Nice seafood place. Let me know when you want to go to sleep."
"Certainly. I've arranged things so your husband's ghost will not be lonely, I'm just eating before sleep."
"A few people that owe me favors. They're all very nice, one of them volunteered when she heard the situation."
"I protest to being called 'Ada' or 'Addy-kins,'" he says dryly.
"Ours - well, mine is sort of lying in wait until another Isabella-proper turns up - are Ice for me and Cypress for him."
"Because I am in the Prime of my life," drawls the newly nicknamed Adarin.
"I have no idea. It vaguely amuses me, another alt might not feel like being ironic, though. I couldn't say."
"Edarial can just keep 'Edarial' for the time being unless that's a recurring variation, but Iobel should pick something, I suppose, I wonder if she's gotten anywhere on that."
"I won't ask what earned her that one for fear of disappointment."
"Alas, disappointment. I'd expected thirty cats, or her being part cat, or living in a giant cat floating in space."