"Familiars are kind of limited in their ability to do that because none shares a language - well, much of a language anyway - with more people than their spellbinder. But otherwise they're independent people."
"People. Negatively. He loves me, he's reasonably tolerant of Raney and Kalars, and he despises most everyone else."
"Familiars are individual people. Perhaps Berathyme is lovely and everyone around her would benefit from her being able to converse in Marlese. I don't think you should cast it on Cricket in particular. But if you already have it on you, you will already have to listen to him, and so will Edarial if you bespell him - I'm thinking about random other people."
Pause. "I'll withhold judgement and let my - other decide. He knows Berathyme better than I do, and would be the one to have to listen to commentary."
"We can, if necessary, obtain privacy in the relatively customary way that people who share languages between them all must do. I certainly want this spell on myself."
"It's useful, certainly, I'm just - worried about privacy, some familiars are used to not being understood. Their actions would change if they knew they were understandable."
He nods. "I'll consider it. Maybe it's too useful to pass by, if I consider it. Berathyme can have the spell, at least."
"They can learn the vernacular, but it doesn't come naturally to them, they have to learn it all deliberately and don't seem to pick it up from any amount of mere exposure. But Cricket knows some, enough that he used to staff my till when I ducked out of my shop during the day. Zevros has been teaching him... choice phrases."
"... You let - er, him - teach phrases? If he's - my sister, in male form, that is a bad idea. The ones that aren't curse words will be graphically violent or sexual innuendos."
"They are," sighs Iobel, "but Cricket likes them, and he's reasonably obliging about holding his tongue when I tell him to."