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Permalink Mark Unread
Veron is installed in a nice house in Seattle with the help of Isabella's staff.

The colony gets big enough that Isabella sculpts herself an ice crown and applies permanency to it so it won't melt. She makes Adarin one too out of cypress branches, wired into shape, magicked to stay alive and shaped like that, and then freed of the wire. She wears hers on Earth sometimes, as well as on the colony. Her queen elects not to comment.

Various people are resurrected. Isabella hires more people to sort more requests; she's not going to be able to handle this via descending on charities. (She extracts longer-term promises of help - and nonviolence - from the clans she shares this spell with, though.) She opens an office near San Francisco, puts a lot of poultry in the back yard and makes a deal with an egg producer to save the otherwise unwanted males till adulthood for the purpose in future months, arranges regular deliveries of all the necessary herbs and ashes, and has someone carve out an enormous stencil of all the runes to speed up the process: the diagram may now be drawn with a broom, as long as it's still a witch doing it. (She also has stencils of the immortalization spell made.) There is always some witch in residence, working off their favor to her a few hours at a time, and a security team to prevent unruly demands, interference by religious protestors, and a receptionist or two to make sure the people coming in actually have appointments (or standby arrangements, in case of no-shows) to collect loved ones.

She gets into a bit of an argument with the United States military about resurrecting fallen soldiers. While she originally had no intention of discriminating against soldiers, she insists that resurrected ones be considered honorably discharged and that their re-upping be optional, and absolutely refuses to approve any systematic preferential resurrection of people who are just going to pick up guns and walk into war zones again.

Normally, there would be some clan with access to the spell who'd cut a deal.

On this occasion, with this particular Olympic witch having come up with three (really two, but the portals are still officially credited to her, with everyone understanding now that she's proprietary about the process and capitalistic about the disposition to fund her anti-death projects) revolutionary spells in fewer years than that, they're a little concerned that they won't get a look in the next time she publishes, if they do things she doesn't approve of.

Isabella threatens to move her resurrection office to New Zealand. The military backpedals. Resurrections proceed.

(Isabella does open a second resurrection office in New Zealand. And one in Finland and one in India. There are witch clans all around the world and they are all beholden to her.)

Insurance companies freak out, then remake their actuarial tables and throw lawyers at their contractual language and calm down again. Isabella's insurance company of choice has a small head start. Isabella's insurance company of choice loves her.

Luzia gets her son back. She dithers for a bit about the husband. She gets the husband back. The husband is kind of taken aback by Luzia's activities since then but decides that Zeviana "doesn't count" as cheating. It's up to Zeviana whether she wants to call that close enough and continue carrying on.

Isabella and Adarin have no such problems. They continue to be deliriously happy.

Then, there's a relatively slow day. Isabella flops across her husband's lap on the couch and says, "Want to start looking for places to plague with utopias?"
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Adarin is delighted to have his father back. Veron gets a cellphone, and then the two of them occasionally call each other or schedule father and son things to do. Veron gets pictures from the wedding, acclimatizes to Earth relatively quickly, and then happily starts setting up a proper life. He doesn't need a job, not with occasional presents of only slightly ludicrous amounts of money from his son, but he gets one working at the portal hub as a security guard, anyway. Because he dislikes feeling useless.

Zeviana tolerates Luzia's husband, and shows remarkable restraint with not punching the man out. She thinks about it for a little bit, deems Luzia worth the trouble of dealing with her twit of a husband, and carries on as her girlfriend. She's not the jealous type, she doesn't care if Luzia wants to bang her husband, so the change doesn't bother her in the slightest aside from occasionally having to put up with him.

Adarin continues to be absurdly in love with his wife. He approves of all of her actions after the invention of immortality, giving occasional advice and happily helping in any fashion she needs. But reaction to immortality is her show, he's perfectly content to let her take the reins for it.

He manages the colony. He manages to make a spell to help with programming, and shortly after the robots get a language update to something more pronounceable. Building projects are planned and then enacted, various little buildings for portals are made, and then have portals put in them. Adarin has slowed down a bit on portals Earth-side, because they are slowly running out of cities that are easily connected to the portal network, so he takes the opportunity to turn the colony's public transportation system to be entirely portal based.

Crops are grown, electricity is generated and then used, pipes are made, and the colony soon becomes completely self-reliant. They keep retrieving new refugees, with temporary portals up to move people and then being destroyed once they have moved. Some people are skeptical at first, but upon seeing the colony and how nice it is, and how happy people that live there are - there are still several obstinate people who refuse to go, but overall, it's doing better than Adarin could have hoped.

Back on Kystle, people have started noticing entire towns just - disappearing. Not killed, just gone - their things packed up and taken with them. No one has figured out who's responsible. Not yet, anyway. That's just how Adarin prefers it.

He wears the crown. Less for the sake of wearing it and more so he can match his wife. He'd heard somewhere that marriages get a bit stale after a while, but if that's true then it's not of their marriage. They are a team, they are fixing two worlds together, and he is enjoying every minute of it.

So obviously he wants to go fix some more planes, too. Two is hardly enough.

"Sure," he laughs, when Isabella asks. "Do you want me to do the same thing I did when we were planet shopping?"
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"With the mirrors and pausing to let me take pictures of anything pretty. Yes."

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"Mhmm. Though, fair warning, it won't be as clear since it's other planes, they're harder to scry. So maybe not as many pictures as with planet shopping."

He gets to scrying. There are lots of pretty, pretty planes, though some of them are just bizarre. A place with giant, twisting mushrooms and one planet where water flows up.

Then there is one that looks perfectly ordinary, like Earth or Kystle before it was destroyed - except with cities and towns and what obviously looks to be people. Adarin sends the scry to inspect the people, and finds them to be human or somewhat close to it.

"Probably a decent place to plague with a utopia," says Adarin. "Maybe we can try scrying on their leadership to talk to in order to make it easier?"
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"Sure. It's unlikely to be global leadership; you can find whoever's running a specific country okay?"

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"Yeah, I think so. Give me a bit."

He fiddles with his scry, accidentally aims it at a bush, and then gets the leadership of a country.

He is surprised. "... Isabella, love," he says distantly. "Are - those look like us, don't they? I'm not just seeing things?"

They do. A man and a woman, a man with familiar white hair in a similar style, and a woman with the same shade of brown at a similar length to Isabella's. Adarin fiddles with the scry some more, manages a close up, and through the blurry and smudgy scry - that's recognizably them. In a garden. With crowns, on their heads.
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"They. Look exactly like us. Down to the crowns. Well, the presence of crowns, anyway."

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"To be fair, ours are unique and magical. What... I have never heard of this before in my life, what should we do?"

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"Crash their date?"
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Adarin snorts with laughter. "I suppose, I mean - I wouldn't complain if - a set of us with magic powers showed up and offered to use them to help."
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"I mean, I guess they could just look like us, there are sometimes strong resemblances between people who aren't even related, but they are together, wearing crowns, identified by your scry as running a country, I'm very suspicious. Look, they have critters, too - I can't tell if those are daemons or pets, they're not birds though..."

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Her husband peers at the blurry scry. "A snake daemon? I don't see myself as a snake person, love. I can maybe see you as a cat, but a snake is weird."

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"Can you see yourself having one for a pet?"

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"... Maybe? I don't know why, though."

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"I'm not sure why I'd have a cat, frankly, maybe everybody gets a pet in this country or something."

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"Possibly. It's still worth investigating, though. I have the mana to take us there now, but we should let my sister know if we plan to crash their date immediately."

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"We can mirror her," agrees Isabella. "Birds come along or stay behind, you think?"

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"Stay, I think. For safety, we know how planes that don't have daemons react to planes that do. Vern, you okay with that?"

Vern nods. "I can cuddle my Path."
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"Mm-hm," agrees Path, cuddling her.

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Vern cuddles right back.

"Okay then, I'll mirror my sister," says Adarin. He retrieves the mirror to Zeviana, informs her quickly of what's going on, where they're going, and asks her to stay on standby if they need retrieval. She agrees.

"All right then, I... Guess we can go crash a date."
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Isabella grabs her cloudpine and her portal bag and is all set!
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Adarin retrieves his book of cheatsheets, maps out a teleportation spell, takes his wife's arm, and then -

- there they are. In the garden.
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Iobel is alarmed!

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So is Edarial!

"What the - how the hell did you get here? Who are you and why are you - why do you look like us?"
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"I second all of those questions!

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"Sorry for dropping on you like this! Okay, next time, we should probably appear somewhere out of the way and, like - knock," says Isabella. "But we don't know why we look like you either and came partly to find out!"

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"Agreed," says Adarin, in accented but perfect Marlese. "Sorry, I should have thought of something better than immediately teleporting to you both. Wow, that is weird, you sound like us and everything. Hello!"

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Edarial is just going to stand here and be confused. "... What?"

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"Okay I should have made a checklist or something, but, you, what's your name," she asks Iobel, "if you wanted to find out if I was you, what would you ask me?"

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"I... well, you look like me... are you a clumsy spellbinder with parents that also match and a penchant for notebooking?"

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"Clumsy witch, haven't checked parents, notebooking yes! My name's Isabella Amariah."

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"I'm not actually clumsy anymore, I fixed it - and - my name's Iobel Swan. Iobel Maryah Swan."

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"Witches don't do last names but my dad's is Swan! Well, in English, anyway."

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Edarial eyes Adarin, and the cypress crown. "Are you a prince with terrible parents and a twin that likes fighting a bit too much?"

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"I don't know about my birth father, but my mother was quite terrible. My sister likes fighting a bit too much and has the social finesse of a newborn three-legged moose. My adoptive father is quite wonderful, though."

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"Sister," repeats Edarial. "... My twin is a male."

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"Oh wow, boy Zeviana. Or not-Zeviana, maybe."

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"Where did you say you were from?"

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"I'm from Earth! Adarin is from Kystle originally and he's the one with the plane-hopping magic."

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"Yup!" says Adarin, brightly. "This is the fourth plane I've been to, that's how we got here."

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"Essentially, another world, but you can't reach it by non-magical travel. Well. Maybe there will be technology for it eventually, but as of right now my plane-hopping magic is the only thing I know of."

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"And you are a magical, plane-hopping prince."

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"Nope! I am a magical, plane-hopping... Person. Wait, love, have we declared ourselves emperor and empress yet, or are the crowns just a fashion statement?"

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"I told the robot army that English for Senior Equipment Maintenance Specialist is 'Empress', does that count? I think I told, like, a mayor of a town in the colony but haven't formally announced it. But prince, no, unless you count the son-of-halfblood thing?"

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"I'll accept that. We are technically emperor and empress, and I am not a prince. Son-of-halfblood really doesn't count, I mean, I suppose she was technically queen but no one treated me in any - princely fashion. Not to mention all titles from Kystle are utterly meaningless. So I'm just - not counting it."

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"But we are looking for interplanar resonance, whether it counts for purposes of your own life doesn't necessarily have much to do with whether it means he's a you. Although I'm increasingly convinced!"

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"You seem to be a me, all right. A very... perky... me."

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"You're wearing a tiara, do you not have enough to be perky about?"

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"No," repeats Edarial, quietly.
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Adarin peers at Edarial. "Did something happen? If you are us, which, you seem to be, then I am perfectly happy to help. With whatever it is."

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"Yeah, um, wow, story of your life, Iobel, go."

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"...Born in South Fork. Parents divorced, I moved here to Emavan with Raney. Became a spellbinder at age seven, acquired Cricket -" She picks up her cat and switches languages to murmur to him. "We're figuring it out, kitty, I'll explain when I know enough myself -" She switches back. "- who is my familiar. Attended school, self-studied, opened magic shop, did research. ...I don't have a tactful way to put the rest of it."

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Edarial winces. "I'll try, then."

He pets Berathyme, then says, "In order to take the throne it's required by some stupid rule that I marry. I - didn't want to, but it was better than civil war. Except my -" he closes his eyes. "- my father decided that consent of the - spouse is not required. So he blackmailed Iobel into marrying me, with me unaware."
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"There were a bunch of palace guards in his pocket. They had Cricket - he'd been poisoned and I had to hand him over to get him healed in a magic fountain on the palace grounds. I don't know if you have spellbinders - if our familiars die we're vegetables, mentally dead. I thought it was Edarial behind it; there was - forged handwriting involved - I didn't meet him until the wedding. Or talk to him enough after it, to find out, for months."

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"Well, um, shit."
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"... Seconded. Shit."
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"Yes," says Edarial, quietly, looking guilty and sad and retreating back into a raincloud of misery.

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Isabella hugs her counterpart.

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Iobel drops Cricket (he lands quite neatly) to hug her back.

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Adarin does the same with his counterpart. Hugs.

"I am so sorry," he says solemnly, "that this happened to you. Both of you."
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Edarial doesn't say anything, he just accepts hugs and tries not to cry.

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"I'm assuming at this point that you two met more happily."

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"So much. Do you want the story or would it make it worse?"

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"...I'm not sure if it would make it worse but I want it anyway. Edarial might not, I guess."

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"It's fine," he says. "I'm... Curious, regardless."

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As gently as possible, Adarin relates: "My former home was in need of a certain type of herb that it didn't have. I traveled to another plane to find it, accidentally crashing her picnic in the process. She explained some basic parts of the plane, and her magic. We got to talking about various ways we could combine our different magic systems, and it sort of spiraled from there. It turns out that our magics combine extremely well."

He does not add that they also work together extremely well. That would be crass, in this situation.
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"That's. Cute."

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"...I can make people unaging, although not invulnerable. And resurrect the dead," volunteers Isabella.

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"...Trade you for a casting of my anti-clumsiness."

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"I don't think you can use my spells, but I can resurrect some people for you. And I would love an anti-clumsiness."

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"I can create portals that let you instantly travel from one far-away location to another. Among other things, but that was among the most immediately useful, for us."

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"It sounds it," says Iobel, starting to charge her spell. "Is that how you got here?"

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"No, but it's probably how we'll get home. And it is how we are fantastically ludicrously rich back home."

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"Mhm. They are permanent unless the surface they're on is broken, it's convenient."

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"So you can make some for us, possibly...?"

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"Yes, but not right now. I used a lot of - magical power to get here, I need to wait for it to recharge a bit before I can do other things."

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"Out of spells for the day?"

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"Mana's more of a - continuous substance. Do you run out of spells? Does any of this have to do with why your eyes are glowing?"

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"Spells aren't a continuous substance. We get six spells or one hex a day. The spells have to charge. I'm charging your anti-clumsiness now. It will take a few more minutes."

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"That's tidier than mine. It recharges at a fixed rate that goes faster if I'm asleep. Technically if I wanted to I could try and do something else magical today, but uh - something of a bad idea. If I run out of mana entirely, I die, if I get close, I will wish I was dead. Essentially."

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Isabella pets his hair. "Don't do it, love."

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"I wasn't planning on it, my dear," says Adarin, amused. "But I needed to explain the system. I would not actually do it, it's - it would worry you, and be unpleasant for me."

He pats Edarial's head, then releases him from the hug. He needs to hold his wife's hand, that is a thing that he needs to do. So he does it.
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Edarial doesn't protest the release of hugs, but he does look between Adarin and his wife with a complicated expression.

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Iobel's in about the same boat there.

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"My magic has no intrinsic usage limitations at all except for the time it takes to cast a spell, but for most of it I need to be sprinkling herbs on things or drawing diagrams or sacrificing animals. Resurrection takes two birds, immortalization takes one mammal, ideally a biggish one, I was using deer at first but now I have something worked out to get cows and pigs. And to use it you have to be a witch, meaning the daughter of someone herself a witch."

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Adarin nods. "Mine is similarly incapable of being passed on - my children will get a diluted form of my magic. They'll still be mages, but they won't have as much mana to work with as I do."

Pause. "Sorry, I knew you were wondering," he says, to Edarial.
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"I am not surprised," sighs Edarial.

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"Here, anyone can be a spellbinder if they want, though if you're going to it's best to do it young. But you need a spirit animal. Do you have those?"

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"...I don't think so. We have daemons, which we left home, but they're our souls and don't enable any practical magic and we have them from birth. On my world, anyway; Adarin didn't get his till he came to Earth."

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"Is there a way to check? It could be a similar situation to Earth, we might have miraculously gained spirit animals when we arrived."

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"How old are you?"

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"Um, in my years at least, I'm almost twenty-one, he's a year older, does that sound reasonable for how we look or do we need to figure out conversion factors?"

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"It sounds reasonable. At that age you'd probably still be able to see your spirit animal if you tried, although I wouldn't bet on you being able to understand their - how are you speaking Marlese, anyway?"

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"Translation spell!" says Isabella, beaming at Adarin.

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Adarin grins. "I'm actually extremely proud of it!"

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"What does it translate, just Marlese?"

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"Every language. Ever."

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"It's the best spell."

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"...Does it just last? Kitty, these people can understand you by strange magic, you are warned," she adds to Cricket in his language.

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"It just lasts! It's awesome. Anyway, I don't see anything except for your spirit animals."

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"Cricket and Berathyme aren't spirit animals anymore, they're familiars. We bound them to physical form to become spellbinders and now they don't fade the way unbound spirit animals do."

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"And I don't see any spirit animal, either. Oh, well. I suppose we can't expect to get all types of magic to fall into our lap."

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"Having a familiar's obviously a vulnerability, anyway, and it sounds like your magic is probably better in most ways than ours."

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"...I think, from what you've said, that having a daemon is a much worse vulnerability."

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"I am inclined to agree. Are you effected if your familiar is hurt, or touched?"

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"No," says Edarial. "Only killed."

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"Yeah, it's not as much of a vulnerability."

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Isabella nods.

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"Why - what happens?"

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"My daemon - Pathalan, Path for short - is part of me, not a separate person. If he hurts, I hurt, and vice-versa, and if anybody but me or another daemon touches him - they're touching my soul, which is incapacitatingly agonizing in any situation where you would not, in fact, literally invite someone to touch your soul with their bare hands."

Isabella squeezes her husband's hand.
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Adarin returns the favor, then moves behind her and wraps his arms around her waist. It's out of a mixture of love, affection, and the desire to comfort her a little about a topic that they've both been on the receiving end of. Snuggle.

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Edarial is a little weirded out by his alt so easily snuggling an alt of his wife. But he doesn't say anything, except, "That sounds terrible."

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Isabella leans into Adarin.
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"The only things that can happen to me through Cricket - not that I wouldn't strenuously object if someone harmed him - are unmaking if he dies, and magical lockdown if someone casts a certain hex on him."

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Adarin nods. "I honestly enjoy having a daemon, but there are risks to having one. I'm glad you can avoid the latter."

He is just going to keep holding his wife, it is comfy and he doesn't see a reason to stop now that they've started.
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"Yeah, it doesn't sound like I want one - what do you like about it?"

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"Vernaia - my daemon - circumvents some of the social awkwardness I have. She also helps me with my thoughts, and organizing them in general and offering insights that I missed. She offers new ideas to solve problems, except they're still our ideas so they come from the same style of thinking and I don't have to - translate or reinvent them or anything. I'm never truly alone, not with her there, but it's not the pressured sort of 'someone is there,' it's more soothing. Not to mention, she reminds me when I forget to feed myself."

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"I think I would go through notebooks at least two or three times as fast without Path to talk to. He doesn't count as not-privacy, he gets me, and he can still talk back with his own voice and form memories independently. Good for multitasking, too."

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"But maybe not as useful for a - a you who isn't accustomed to it."

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"Perhaps not, but I adjusted well enough. Though I suppose there would be no other daemons for yours to talk to, which would be a terrible pity."

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"How so? Would they get bored?"

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"Well, yes, but I mean - daemons talk to each other, and do subtext between two people. Things that would have gone unsaid, if it were just - me. Or Isabella."

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"Some people's daemons won't even talk to non-daemons at all. In general they're working in parallel."

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"Familiars are kind of limited in their ability to do that because none shares a language - well, much of a language anyway - with more people than their spellbinder. But otherwise they're independent people."

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"Do you want me to cast translation spells on your familiars?" offers Adarin.

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"No. Not for Cricket, anyway. He's - not friendly."

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"Berathyme would benefit, though."

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"I can cast it on her, later, then."

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"You will then have to listen to Cricket commentating," Iobel points out.

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"Well, what does he commentate on?"

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"People. Negatively. He loves me, he's reasonably tolerant of Raney and Kalars, and he despises most everyone else."

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"Do I count as you?" wonders Isabella.

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"He hasn't decided, apparently, or he'd be more talkative."

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"Okay. Then I can just - not put translation spells on familiars?"

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"Familiars are individual people. Perhaps Berathyme is lovely and everyone around her would benefit from her being able to converse in Marlese. I don't think you should cast it on Cricket in particular. But if you already have it on you, you will already have to listen to him, and so will Edarial if you bespell him - I'm thinking about random other people."

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"Ah, I see."

Pause. "I'll withhold judgement and let my - other decide. He knows Berathyme better than I do, and would be the one to have to listen to commentary."
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"... I would like to leave Cricket and Iobel their privacy."

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"We can, if necessary, obtain privacy in the relatively customary way that people who share languages between them all must do. I certainly want this spell on myself."

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"It's useful, certainly, I'm just - worried about privacy, some familiars are used to not being understood. Their actions would change if they knew they were understandable."

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"Yes. I'd tell them as it came up, certainly."

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He nods. "I'll consider it. Maybe it's too useful to pass by, if I consider it. Berathyme can have the spell, at least."

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"Do familiars get lonely? Only being able to talk to one person?"

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"They can learn the vernacular, but it doesn't come naturally to them, they have to learn it all deliberately and don't seem to pick it up from any amount of mere exposure. But Cricket knows some, enough that he used to staff my till when I ducked out of my shop during the day. Zevros has been teaching him... choice phrases."

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"... You let - er, him - teach phrases? If he's - my sister, in male form, that is a bad idea. The ones that aren't curse words will be graphically violent or sexual innuendos."

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"They are," sighs Iobel, "but Cricket likes them, and he's reasonably obliging about holding his tongue when I tell him to."

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"Good luck."

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"He taught Berathyme phrases, too."

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"... Of course he did. Good luck to you, too."

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"She's reasonably circumspect about using them."

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"Hey, Cricket, can I pet you?" Isabella inquires in Cricket's language.

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"I will allow it," deigns Cricket after musing. He makes his way towards his binder's alt.
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Pet pet pet.

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"Awww," says Adarin. "That's cute."

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"Isn't he soft?"

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"So soft. Yes you are. Soft kitty."

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Cricket purrs quietly.

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Adarin switches to Cricket's language. "May I also pet you?"

He is curious about soft kitties. He wonders, briefly, if Isabella's going to want to get a cat after this, but then decides that he doesn't mind.
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Cricket looks suspiciously at Adarin. "I don't know. Are you terrible? You look a lot like the neglectful one."

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Iobel facepalms.

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Eyebrow raise. "I try very hard to not be terrible. Love, have I neglected you?"

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"Hmmmm," says Cricket. "Fine, you may pet me. But I will bite you if you do it backwards."

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Pet, pet, pet, head to tail, gently and carefully.

"You are quite soft."
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Edarial doesn't think he wants a translation of the proceedings. He'll just... Stand over here. Petting Berathyme. Maybe also being a bit miserable.

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Iobel... looks at her husband but can't think of anything to say.

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Isabella notices but can't think of anything either.

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Adarin also notices. He does have an idea of what to say, though.

"Thank you, Cricket. Excuse me, please," he says in Cricket's language, then switches to Marlese and addresses Edarial. "May I speak with you?"
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"Sure," sighs Edarial, in his resignation voice.

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Adarin gives his wife a quick peck, says, "Be back in a bit, love," and then gently leads Edarial off to have a talk.

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"Okay," agrees Isabella, still petting Cricket.

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Iobel watches Edarial and Adarin go, then looks away and watches her alt pet her cat instead.

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When they're far enough away, Adarin says, "Okay, I will be your tactful, non-violent Zeviana with minimal cursing. What are the exact things that are making you miserable?"

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"... Everything?"

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"Everything? Forgive me for the language but while I am standing in for our twin - I am calling bullshit."

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Edarial shrinks a little. "All of the - everything dealing with the throne, or Zevros, or marriage, or Iobel, and it makes it worse that you and - yours are so... Happy. Like if I'd been stronger or cleverer or something I could have prevented it and we could be happy, too."

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"Thank you. Okay. Analyzing that - the throne itself doesn't bother you, it's how you got it that does, which ties back into the marriage. Zevros we both know is volatile but there's no bite to his bark, not with you involved. The marriage to Iobel is the real problem here, yes? Everything involving it?"
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Edarial is hugged. He nods, then buries his face in his alt's shoulder. "I don't know what to do."

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Hair pet.

"That's all right. I could tell you what to do, but then you would wonder if you'd have ever gotten there on your own, and that would make it worse. So, I'll just help you come to your own conclusions. Okay?"
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"Okay," mumbles Edarial. "How do I - fix my marriage?"

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"Tell me, how valid do you consider a wedding that neither party wants?"

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"... Not... Very?"

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"So you're not married. A large amount of people just happen to think you are."

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"It's... Really not that simple."

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"Yes it is. Because if you are unofficially not married, that means that you can do it again and get it right."

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"... But..."

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"Okay, if your marriage is valid then what sorts of things have you done together?"

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"Not really all that much," sighs Edarial.

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"Mhm. Bare minimum, what is in your head for what makes a marriage a marriage? Besides the vows, the vows we both know are meaningless if you don't mean them."

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"Whatever it is, it's missing, and the fact that it's missing hurts. Right?"

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Nod nod.

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"So, the marriage is invalid. It does not exist. Then nothing is missing, and you can stop being stuck in your head thinking about how horrible it is. Because if you keep doing that you're going to lose the second chance entirely."

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"Okay, now - good news. If Iobel is even vaguely similar to Isabella, she is a delight. You will get along fantastically if you give it a chance. Stop reading too much into her words, don't act like you're not. I know better, I saw. That's not fair to her, and we both know it."

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"I... Should probably stop that, yeah..."

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"With love, yes, yes you should. You are the emotionally complicated one of the pair of you. You're the one that's all subtext. So - display some actual text or she won't know what to do with you."

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"... You're meaner than Zevros," complains Edarial.

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"No, I am being selectively mean and brutally honest. Sorry, but it's the best way to help."

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Sigh. "I don't know how to display text anymore. I'm working on it."

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Adarin considers his alt. He considers pushing some more, but... Mmm, no. Bad idea.

"Okay. Good, and - hug? I'm sorry I had to be mean."
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"So, in summary - not a valid marriage, and have text."
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"Essentially. Are you okay with going back?"

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Back they go.
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"Thank you, we're done," says Adarin.

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Edarial is looking less like a raincloud and more thoughtful. Improvement!

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"I am intensely curious, but you probably went off by yourselves for a reason."

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Adarin scoops his wife up into a hug. "Sorry, love."

"I will explain later, I promise," he adds in English.
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"Did this conversation have any immediate ramifications I should know about?"

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"Yes." He looks at Edarial expectantly.

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Fidget. "He said that we shouldn't consider ourselves married even though we still would legally be. Also that I need to... 'Have actual text' rather than subtext."
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"What content were you previously imagining 'being married' to have besides our actual day-to-day behavior and a legal status?"
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Adarin facepalms.

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Edarial is... Just going to look down at his shoes.

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"... Do you want me to try and explain it?"

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"Oh wow, I want to help her and I do not even - I haven't seen you like this so my expertise is kind of limited," sighs Isabella in her husband's direction.

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"Yes. Please. Explanations are good."

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Adarin takes his wife's hand and gives it a squeeze. "It's okay, dearest."

To Iobel, he says, "Okay, in a marriage - he and I don't just want it to function. Lots of things function, but that doesn't make them automatically good. He has wanted, perhaps expected a marriage he is one member of to do more than function as a government body together. Which is a fancy way of saying that he wants to be in love. And he is extremely distressed that your marriage doesn't have that."
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"I was under the impression that was why we were in this garden in the first place," says Iobel.

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"The - the layer of detachment is not actually going to help with any things," says Isabella.

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"It really isn't," sighs Adarin.

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"I'm - aware that I'm doing it but not aware of an alternative."

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"... I don't really know of a way to help with that. Isabella?"

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"Uh - hmm - let's you and I wander off?"

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Adarin nods at his wife, and then goes and gives Edarial another hug.

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Wander wander.

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"How much of this is you wanting to be queen?"

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"Some that, some inkling of might-have-been I had even before you showed up, some concern about political instability if the king gets divorced - he'll also have to re-marry, for legal reasons, so I don't think it would really improve anything if I stepped aside."

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"Okay. I have a small colony over which I am empress. If you want I will take you home with me and declare you to all and sundry to be my sister and you can be a princess in your own right and help me with my numerous projects and we can set up useful trade and contact between the relevant worlds and you can accomplish things with at least as much scope as you're currently looking at and there will be a portal so you can still visit your parents. I'm not worried that much about the country - this situation is, in fact, unstable until you fix it, eventually one or the other of you will have officially had it, and he'll make a fine king as long as his consort is no worse than 'vaguely inoffensive'. So. On the what-might-have-been basis, and any concern you have for his personal life and its comfort if he marries some vaguely inoffensive girl. What do you want, Iobel?"

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"You look happy."
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"We are deliriously, preposterously, flagrantly happy."

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"But yours seems - better adjusted than mine."

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"Well. Yes, considerably, but yours will work on it - not as fast as we do, but that doesn't mean he can't get anywhere."

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"How fast is not fast, I don't know how to undetach when all I have to attach to is acting like I'm an acid-spitting porcuipine."

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"Good question. I'm not saying you should leap instantly into being as sappy as Adarin and I are, that would probably be uncomfortable for everyone involved even if you managed the choreography. I'm not sure. I wonder if you'd be well-served talking about things other than the two of you? Like, going for a walk in the garden is a reasonable idea but I'm not sure it's the best idea. Mine didn't exactly ask me out for milkshakes and quiz me about my childhood as a bonding exercise, there was no explicit bonding exercise, we had stuff to do."

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"We have things to do, but we haven't exactly been collaborating. I've been finding bits and pieces without help for months and more recently he's been - delegating."

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"...Okay, maybe my resume will help him promote you to actual cooperative work of some kind if you don't have enough of a concrete accomplishment collection on your own."

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"I don't think it's entirely lack of confidence in my skills; he's also just used to working by himself, I think."

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"Maybe Adarin can help him on that front."

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"I also actually don't know anything about running a country but what I've managed to piece together recently."

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"Then he should teach you. Front-load some effort now and collect on the investment later. And then he can watch you be awesome, if he's an Adarin he is equipped to notice you being awesome in exactly the right way."

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"What, exactly?"

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"I have not detected any deficiencies in the noticing of my awesome, although I hesitate to declare improvement literally impossible."

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"You have stuff to do besides running this country, now, anyway, you have first contact with a new world to manage, and he's no better or more practiced at that than you are."

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And back to their husbands they go.
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"Hello," says Adarin. "Anything you need me to do, my dear?"

He and Edarial have stopped hugging.
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"Vouch for my competence at running political units and give your alternate tips on collaborative political-unit-running so he will work with her and teach her what he knows instead of just assigning her things."

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"That I can do!"

He looks at Edarial. "Speaking of my knowledge of Isabella: extremely, absurdly competent. If she doesn't know what's going on she will catch on quickly. She is good at being empress, or in this case, queen. I do not mean that she is just good at running the place, I mean that she has an extremely good set of priorities. So if nothing else, she is fantastic to collaborate with. Just - share what you are doing, why you are doing it, ask her to do the same with you and I promise it will just work."
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Semi-skeptical look, but Edarial nods.

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Iobel detects skepticism.

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Adarin frowns at Edarial. "You're being subtext again. Stop it."

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"I'm a little concerned about trusting an entire country to..." He trails off. He gets a look from his alt. "Fine! Okay, she has been nothing but cold and - and distant and I keep trying to tell her things and I get no emotional response from her. I am worried that if I hand her a country she will react the same with the people under her care."

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"Wow, ouch, but, not subtext, so that's good."

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"Emotional responses do not feed the hungry - they could conceivably stop wars under the right conditions but my skills do not lie in rhetoric so I focus my efforts elsewhere - emotional responses will not get contraptions invented or cram spells into my head any better or line up economic incentive neatly - and if they don't help, and if I can control them, I will control them and have those pieces of energy left for being useful. You've seen me with Cricket and with my mother, you know I'm not some kind of ambulatory statue."

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"Immediate family members and total strangers are two different beasts. I saw you heal some people, that was promising, but it very well could have been a political move so that if things went south you would have people indebted to you. Other than that - I know you as the woman who glares without explanation and gives no response when I try and explain myself!"

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"... Oh, my, that's half of the problem, right there. She's not under your wall of paranoia, is she?"

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"...Wait, what?"

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"You think I healed people who were most recently found in the employ of the man who poisoned and kidnapped my familiar because I thought they'd do me favors later? What kind of plan is that? And you have since learned the reason! Why hasn't it percolated yet?"

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"That doesn't mean that you're going to miraculously get good at explaining why when it concerns me to know! The lack of that is extremely bad!"

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"... Okay, hold on, please, both of you. Iobel, there is a thing you should know about my alternate. He is extremely paranoid. As in, my list of people I trusted was at two before I met Isabella. One of them was dead at the time, and the other was my sister."

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"What does he think I'm going to do, then?"

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"Well I'd have to know the specifics of his life to get things exactly, but from what I can guess - right now, he is aware that you want to be queen. Because of that single fact alone, he is probably quietly worried that you're going to do any combination of the following: kill, depose, imprison, emotionally torture, or manipulate him. Not because of anything you, personally, did, but because that is what he is used to. And you haven't gotten past the wall of paranoia yet, so you are at a disadvantage."

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Iobel pinches the bridge of her nose.

"Maybe I had better go home with you and be Isabella's sister-princess after all. Daemon or no. I don't suppose it helps at all that I considered killing him only during the period of time when I expected to be raped and dismissed the idea when that expectation was disconfirmed even though I still thought he'd taken Cricket."
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Adarin sighs.

"That, right there, that doesn't help. That's you expecting him to know you and what you're like. This is not insulting, this isn't - him being vengeful against you because you glared at him a lot, this is him being too scared to let anyone in."
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"I do hope for basic charity of interpretation from even total strangers."

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Isabella hugs her.

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"... Sorry," says Edarial.

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Iobel looks at him but doesn't say anything.

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"Would it help," says Adarin, "if he told you about what his childhood was like and why exactly he is paranoid? Or if he doesn't want to, I can tell you about mine, and you can extrapolate what his was like and get why he is paranoid."

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"I really don't know. So far all of this seems to have plausibly worsened the situation. But I have a standing job offer on another planet now so why not, go for broke."

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"Okay. Mine, then, because I've pretty neatly moved on and give no fucks about it anymore. My mom was insane, waffling between creepily saccharine sweet and absolutely terrifying. To the point where I did not know what would set her off, so I avoided her. Birth-father, nonexistent, I had guardians, but they were not - parents. If you recall that thing I mentioned about my magic if I'm almost out of mana - I went through it. When I was eleven. Because they blackmailed into doing it to see what my actual mana reserves were, so they could more accurately use me to make things. They did it to my sister, too, multiple times because her reserve's higher than mine and they wanted cool magic things."

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Edarial stares at Adarin.

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"Now, it wasn't all bad, that was when Veron got involved, and he was basically the best father ever, but he couldn't always be there, because they wouldn't let him. So for most of my childhood it was me and my sister against basically everyone. Consent was basically not a thing that either of us were allowed to have, she got men thrown at her - and she is extremely gay - and I got badgered endlessly to fuck everyone. When I was - fourteen, fifteen. Then they gave up badgering me, and started using drugs. I only barely escaped getting raped because my sister caught on and beat the everliving shit of out the perpetrator."

He looks at Edarial. "Any of this sounding familiar?"
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"... I didn't have the - dad."

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Adarin scoots over and hugs him.

"I can go on, but - essentially, it is not your fault, but you need to be aware of it because apparently it is just destined for me to be surrounded by terrible people."
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Anticlimactically, Iobel's spell goes off.

"There's your anti-clumsy, Isabella," she murmurs.
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"Thanks," says Isabella, equally quiet.

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Adarin keeps hugging Edarial, because he is pretty sure he needs it right now.

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"... I-I am... Extremely sorry, that it - does this," mutters Edarial. "I don't mean to just - assume everyone is plotting something terrible."

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"I mean, a lot of the people around you legitimately are. Iobel isn't, I can state that roughly as confidently as I can state that you're an alt of my husband and she's an alt of me for any definition of 'alt' worth considering."

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"Okay. Thanks."

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"You're welcome."

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Iobel picks up Cricket again.

"I want to be queen because I think I'd be good at it if y- with practice," she amends. "Good queens get more done than good magic shop proprietors. I very much doubt that whoever you'd marry if I divorced you would be a better queen or for that matter that much more comfortable a spouse. But if there is this much indelible suspicion - if I can't have even the minimal benefit of the doubt from you that I extend to people I have not even met - then I'm not going to be a very good queen in practice and I should go be a very good princess now that I've been offered it, even though I don't overmuch want a daemon. If I cannot have that today, then I do want to know how long I am supposed to wait."
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"I do honestly want the country to have the best chance it can. Meaning if you will be a good queen, then I'll help you do that. That being said, it's - I mean, it's really helpful to have another me telling me that it will be okay. But I keep trying and you keep being incredibly cold and that doesn't exactly make it easy to trust you. So I don't know what the timetable would be for me letting you in? But I could help you be queen. By... Actually teaching you."

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"...I think we have a nasty catch-22 here."

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"You think?" mutters Iobel.

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Edarial makes a little sad sound.

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Adarin hugs him. "Would a - trial period help? Where he shows you how to queen and you both see if you work together as well as Isabella and I do? Then after that you can decide if you want to be a sister princess or a queen. We'll need some time before making the portal anyway, mana and all."

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"I'm not actually sure that's going to help - Iobel has a point that we are plausibly making things worse. I'm - hm. The catch-22 in question is that Iobel is having a hell of a hard time mustering personal warmth for someone who not only does not especially trust but also apparently mistrusts her, and Edarial's having a hard time trusting someone who's coming off as cold, and I'm not sure how to - cut the Gordian knot, so to speak - Iobel, why do you love your cat? He's so obnoxious you don't want him to be able to talk to other people if you can help it, why do you like him?"

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"Are you looking for a list or a pivotal insight?"
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"Second thing."

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"This is about the noticing thing you mentioned, isn't it. Cricket detests most everybody, but he produces reasons on inspection - that they're careless or cruel or stupid or whatever - and they are reasons that he has observed legitimately don't apply to me, and consequently he's fond of me. He isn't just indiscriminately affectionate or loyal to me because I'm his binder, he loves me for reasons."

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"Noticing thing?" asks Adarin.

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"Your wife," says Iobel dryly, "mentioned as a perk of the relationship that you are good at noticing how awesome she is in precisely correct ways."

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Head tilt.

"Well that's convenient. I hadn't even meant to do that but I am not complaining, my wife is awesome. But on topic - I think queening would help," he says. He looks at Isabella, and adds, "Recall that I find you talking about economics incredibly hot. It would probably help."
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"Supply. Demand. Compound interest," deadpans Isabella. "I'm not completely optimistic - I mean, presumably they can do the work, but if she just does the work and isn't smiley and friendly while she's doing it because everything about him is screaming I actively dislike you and expect you to do potentially horrifying things? Remember that when we met I was in a fairly good mood and managed to impress you with pretty much the first substantive thing I said beyond 'yes of course you have a talking bird why wouldn't you have a talking bird'."

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"Oh goodness, keep that up and I'll tackle you where you stand," drawls Adarin, amused. "And we would scar my poor alt."

More seriously, he says, "I don't think I am capable of actively disliking someone who does what you do. Even if Iobel isn't smiley and friendly, she would still be doing that. So admiration of some kind would follow."
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"I don't actively dislike her," says Edarial. "She's just - frustrating. And occasionally distressing."

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"It's not like I have been eating bonbons and playing board games with my cat for the last several months," Iobel points out. "I've been doing my best."

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"... Yeah. Thank you for it," he says, sincerely.

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"And you're welcome. But Adarin's optimism seems already contradicted, is the point."

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"Well, during most of the last few months I was avoiding you because you were - not personable for completely understandable reasons. So I - admittedly might have missed most of it?"

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"Well. I took notes."

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"... May I read them?"
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"I'll have to translate them into Marlese and separate them out from neighboring personal things, but yes."

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Edarial nods. "Thank you."

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"You're welcome. Shouldn't take me more than a day or so, I haven't found that many things to do."

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"I've liked what you've done so far with the things I've given over."

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Iobel rejects two potential responses and finally settles on, "I'm glad."

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He smiles at her, a bit.

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Isabella leans on her husband with a hopeful smile.

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"They'll figure it out, love," he murmurs to her, in English. "I kind of feel like if there's a next time with another pair of us I should just... Not mention the paranoia."

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"It would still be there, wouldn't it?" Isabella replies.

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"Yeah. So it might not solve anything after all. But you made it past my paranoia wall pretty nicely, and I don't think you were aware how deep it went at the time."

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"I wasn't, but - she was aware that he wasn't treating her like a trusted ally, even if the exact underlying psychology was a mystery."

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"True. He's also more of a - mess than I was."

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Isabella nods.

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Edarial notices the conversation, but obviously doesn't understand a word of it. He raises an eyebrow, but doesn't ask.

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"Anyway," says Iobel. "It sounds like you need to be in this world for a while, but I'm not sure how we are going to explain both suddenly having identical twins. Who are, I think, slightly younger than us. Did you come with a plan for that in mind?"

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"Yep, I can cast notice-me-not spells on me and Adarin and we can follow you. The drawback is that you won't be able to see us and he won't be able to see me - I will still be able to see him because I have a blessing that covers this sort of thing - but we will be able to follow you until you tell us all clear."

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"I will endeavor to be a duckling," says Adarin dryly.

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"Assuming you want us in your place, of course. If you don't we have sufficient stuff to camp out and I can fly around on this thing," she gestures with her cloud-pine, "to someplace appropriate for camping."

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"I don't see any obvious reason you shouldn't be in a palace guest room as long as you are unobtrusive as you say."

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"Good, I can leave the camping to my sister."

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"Should I cast those spells now or is there more to discuss first?"

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"I can't think of anything we need to discuss right now." He looks at the other married couple. "You?"

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"You'll be able to hear us if we think of something to say on the way there, yes?"

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"Then, no, nothing we couldn't handle indoors."

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Edarial nods.

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"Then in that case - all free for spelling, I am excited to be doused in herbs."

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Isabella kisses him, rummages in her portal bag, comes up with some herbs, douses him in them, and recites her verse. He is unnoticeable. She does the same to herself. She is also unnoticeable.

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"...Okay," says Iobel. "Home, I guess."

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"Home," he agrees.

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Adarin likes his wife's magic, but he kind of wishes he could at least like - hold her hand while she was unnoticeable. Oh well. He will follow Iobel and Edarial.

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"The canal boats might be awkward," remarks Iobel as they head for the exit of the garden. "But you - they - it is hard to address unnoticeable people - flying would be a reasonable way to follow us, we won't be traveling that fast or become untrackable at any point."

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...Now Isabella has to figure out how to wrestle Adarin onto her cloudpine while he's incapable of paying attention to her or anything she does. Well, if she can't manage it she can break his spell and start over while he's on the branch.

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While he is briefly confused by being wrestled onto a branch, he is still capable of logic, and puts the pieces together as to why he's being wrestled. So, he doesn't resist. Onto the branch he goes!

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Okay, cool. Isabella will fly after the canal-traveling monarchs.

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Walk walk walk. Boat boat boat.

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All of those things!

Edarial isn't very talkative on the trip back to the palace.
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Neither's Iobel. Well, she's talking to Cricket, summarizing the conversation for him, but not otherwise.

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Yeah. Berathyme is a bit curious about the conversation, but accepts a brief explanation without fuss and goes back to sleeping.

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Adarin is a little annoyed with them for being so blatantly awkward, but - well, not much he can do about it. He'll just keep being flown by his unnoticeable wife.

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And here is the palace.

Iobel heads to a corridor that she knows to contain empty and little-trafficked guest rooms.
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They are free of people! How convenient!

"Think this would be a good spot for them to reveal themselves?" he asks.
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"In a room, I think, in case someone comes up the stairs unexpectedly."

Iobel picks a room, holds the door open for a good long time, and then closes it.
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Isabella breaks her own spell by poking her alt hard in the forehead.

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"What sorts of things break the spell?" asks Adarin, when he can see his wife again.

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"Anything a little too - attention-getting. I don't think you can do anything to me to end it because I can already see you, but if you - I don't know, pull Edarial's hair or try to take his shoes off or something."

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"Okay," he says. Then he decides to be boring and pokes Edarial in the forehead. "Hello."

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"Hello. So, this is the palace. You can have this room, if you keep the door locked the servants shouldn't bother you."

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"Thank you," says Adarin. "If we find them anyway, do we uh - pretend to be you, or something?"

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"I... don't really know how that would be taken. People don't know very much about me, so Isabella can probably get away with being my sister, but everyone knows Edarial's twin is not identical. That spell was pretty fast, maybe just recast it if someone bangs on the door?"

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"That could work. Or I could hide, I suppose."

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"And if we're going to have to prowl the castle we can just cast it beforehand and be fine," says Isabella. "Worst case scenario you can tell people the truth or claim to have produced us by magic."

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"Your clothes are a bit strange, though I suppose we could explain it away as us inventing a doppelganger spell. Or something."

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"I suppose we could loan you clothes."

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"You could, but these are magic."

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Adarin grins. "Yup! I like practical things."

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"They're armor! Fancy armor."

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"Well, I suppose the situation where you're observed closely enough to be noticed wearing anything at all is also the case where you might conceivably want to be wearing armor."

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"Paranoid!" says Adarin. "You're fine, Edarial's fine, my love is fine, but for other people, I am going to wear armor. Besides, Isabella likes her silks."

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"I do! They're pretty and you decorated them for me."

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"Aww, thank you!" He gives his wife a kiss, because she is his wife and he loves her.

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Edarial is vaguely weirded out by an alt of him kissing Isabella so casually.

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Iobel's more - wistful.

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"Anyway. Do you want to do your monarching-together supervised or un-?"

She's mostly asking Edarial.
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"Unsupervised, please. I do agree that you might have made things a bit worse overall."

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"It's okay," he says, smiling a bit. "You meant well, and - some parts of it were honestly comforting."

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"Which parts? If there's two sets of us maybe there's more, who knows how many times we'll be doing this."

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"General information that the relationship isn't doomed from the start, confirmation that she would make a good queen. That I could be happy." He motions to Adarin.

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Isabella pulls a notebook out of her portal bag - it's one of the decorated ones - and writes this down.

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Edarial looks at Iobel. "What about you? Things that helped, things that didn't?"

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"More talking, less flaunting, more figuring out the details of our situation before making assumptions based on yours."

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"Fair. Sorry."

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"It's understandable. You seem - very comfortable with each other - and it's probably barely conscious. The flaunting."

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"I was not trying to flaunt," he agrees. "... How much were we flaunting?"

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"A lot. It's very obvious."

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"I was trying to tone it down a little..."

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"Then you must be virtually unbearable under ordinary circumstances. Congratulations."

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"We're very proud."

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"You're very lucky."

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"I will not agree with you aloud because flaunting."

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Adarin just smiles and resists the urge to kiss his wife. He takes her hand, though.

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"...So, we should go do some unsupervised monarching, is I think the takeaway."

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"Apparently so."

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"Is there anything on your plate right now?" Iobel asks Edarial.

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He names off an entire list of things - there's a thing having to do with unrest two cities over, some ambassadors arriving, his attempts to get some nice potential trade routes paved to poke the economy, and a new canal that's being constructed. Apparently he has been busy.

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Iobel takes notes and departs the guest room so that the rest of this business can be conducted without flagrantly cheerful alts breathing down their necks.

"What are they unrestful about?" she inquires.
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"A mess my mother made. She ripped a nice house out from under a noble family and handed it to someone else entirely on a whim. They've caught on to me generally undoing things she's done, and now they're demanding they get their house back. Problem is, the people living in it now have actually been extremely helpful towards country-fixing purposes. Except, favoritism. Leads to other problems."

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"Are they helpful enough that you could honor them with an invitation to live in the castle for a year doing helpful things, then give them a different house? Nataliem's maybe, I'm assuming you went ahead and confiscated his stuff."

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"Confiscated his stuff, plied some of his family members with a few heirlooms so they didn't raise a fuss, but his house is mine. I could honor them, but they have children and I'm not sure how they would feel about uprooting them and bringing them to court."

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"How old are the children?"

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"Uhh... One's four, one's seven, and the last is twelve. I think."

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"Do they want to attend the school my mother works at? I'm an alumna and can get them reduced tuition even if I don't ask my mom about it. It's a good school, I can talk it up given the chance. And it's in Emavan."

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"Hmm. Maybe, that's a good idea. We can always ask."

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"Also, we should absolutely be using our wealthy alts to render all forms of relatively physically compact trade goods fungible. They said they're rich, and I think they're helpfully disposed enough that they'd be willing to trade us anything for anything and dispose of what they can't use themselves within their own economy. If we have any shortages of anything in particular and comfortable surpluses of anything else that they don't have strictly better version of in their world."

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"The problem with that is I'm not sure what kinds of things they'd need. I don't know the full extent of their magic or technology levels, it's entirely possible that we are completely eclipsed. But, we don't know, so - we should go ask."

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"She uses herbs. We have those. If her immortality and resurrection spells also use herbs, she needs lots of them - there weren't any left on the ground after she cast the notice-me-not spell, they vanished completely. There was a bow and arrows strapped to her tree branch, so at least some people in their world use those too. They wear fabric."

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"The arrows - yes, possibly, but the herbs, I'd have to know more in order to talk of anything more than theory. But it's kind of pointless if we don't know what herbs they want. They might have herbs we don't have here, or vice versa. I'm not against the idea, but I think we should find out more from them before we make assumptions about what they need. It's worth looking into, certainly, but only if we find out the scope of what sorts of things they're looking for."

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"I don't know what we have or need yet, either. I'm just tossing out the general principle and pointing out that they're not so far advanced that they have grown past the need for things like... plants."

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Edarial doesn't really think it's very useful to mess around with 'what ifs' of trade agreements for people he knows nearly nothing about other than being a more flagrantly cheerful version of them. Especially when the people are not actually present.

"Okay. Feel free to bring it up to them," he sighs. "I never said I was against the general principle, just against the lack of any knowledge about the subject."
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Iobel looks away, frustrated, and picks up Cricket again from where he's been following at her heels.

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This is going to be a long day. This is why he was delegating, with easy problems.

"The ambassadors are to try and coax a trade route out of Lathalind - that's where the roads would be going if we can manage it," he tells her, because he is going to at least try to work with her.
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"Why do they need coaxing?" she asks.

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"Because my mother single-handedly fucked everything over."

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"...and Lathalind in particular is irritated, apprehensive, skeptical of our ability to produce useful trade goods, what?"

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"Apprehensive and skeptical that we are a safe place to travel and trade with. I think several members are irritated, but not the country as a whole."

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"Safe as in controlling the risk of highway robbery or safe as in not planning to declare war on them or safe in some other sense or all of the above?"

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"In the sense that they are worried they will randomly lose their property to the crown, but highway robbery is a problem, too. I am also trying to fix that, but that's more of a long-term thing."

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"As in - seizure of loads of this or that on the road. Is the current plan to be handling all of the trade expeditions under the direct auspices of the Crown? I would imagine that given most conditions of the prevalence of bandits and public confidence in your ability to keep your hands off random cartsful of dye and rice and candles some private traders would be inclined to take the risk and then the leadership of Lathalind would risk nothing in particular by encouraging the road unless they expected you to actually invade them by it."

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"It's not, but I'm having trouble finding private traders of Marlatia that are not terrified of royalty. So."

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"Would they be noticeably less frightened of me?"

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"Possibly? It would depend on the trader, but it's worth a shot, certainly."

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"Okay. I'm willing to talk to them as long as I go in having an idea what I can and cannot commit to over the course of the conversation."

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Edarial nods. "I can give ideas of both. That would be extremely helpful." Pause. "Thank you."

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"You're welcome."

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And then it's back on to fixing things. Obsessively. There are a lot of problems with one country.

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Iobel is deficient in experience and detailed background information. And occasionally tact.

But not in other requisite attributes.

After a while she sends Cricket to talk to the visitors, since he can and he promises to be cordial and no one else will be able to eavesdrop effectively if they speak his language, and ask about the fungibility through interworld trade thing.

Cricket comes back with a list of recognizable herbs that Isabella is willing to trade pretty much arbitrary things for in large quantity.
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Edarial takes a bit to adjust to her competence, but once he does, he starts laying out problems with requisite detailed background information and his potential solutions and their effects, and works from there, rather than being patronizing. He is no slouch in other requisite attributes, either, but he tends towards thinking economically and politically rather than branching out a bit more. Iobel turns out to be helpful in several situations, though many he's got covered and just handles.

He is less awkward and distant when running a country. Actually, he warms up to Iobel a bit as they work, though not to 'flaunting' levels. It's progress, though. Some.
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Iobel's focused almost absolutely on the tasks presented and not on Edarial at all. She relaxes a little, around the shoulders, in her voice, when the patronization goes away. It streamlines the conversation; she no longer has to fight down the feeling that she's being actively goaded. It would be premature to describe her as "warm".

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That is something. Probably.

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She's not really speeding up his work at this time. There's too much time spent on filling her in. But she's taking notes and will probably be less time-consuming to have around on future occasions.

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Edarial does get time investment, logically. It's a thing he supports, even. So he manages to be reasonably patient with her and fill her in every time it's necessary, he just - has to force himself to slow down and explain for her. He's not used to actively going slow, he's used to multi-tasking large amounts of things and bouncing between then as they gestate. It quietly bothers him, but he does like having someone to actually talk to about work, so he deals with it and slows down. Though she will probably have to remind him a few times.

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She stops him and asks questions whenever she has them, certainly.

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That works. He answers them, gives reasons for why he does what he does, and then moves on to the next problem. Occasionally his actual top speed shows a bit, but he slows down when she needs him to. Obviously he is actively trying to help her with being a queen.

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That is good of him.

It's not so much that she does any given thing very slowly, it's only that she needs to do more steps than he does. Including the notetaking. She refers to things she wrote down earlier in the conversation once in a while.

And, every once in a greater while, the questions she asks lead to clever sideways - cheats, sidestepping part of all of a problem or subtask.
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He waits for the notetaking, and eventually he starts helping with background information necessary to skip the steps completely unprompted by a problem to solve.

When she finds clever cheats, Edarial is extremely pleased. He compliments her every time, honestly, and genuinely.
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Well, that's a way to get a smile out of her.

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That was not why he was giving the compliments, he tries not to be in the habit of ignoring good work. But he's not going to complain about the results.

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Iobel sends Cricket to the kitchens to have food sent to where they're working, after it's been long enough. And then sends him to ask their alts if they have enough food or if someone needs to bring them some. Cricket obligingly runs these errands. It's the most she's had Cricket away from her person since Edarial has known her to have access to him.

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This is a good idea. Edarial forgets to feed himself, sometimes, at least someone remembers.

He's not going to ask why Cricket is away from her person so much recently. He's tempted to, but doesn't dare, because they are functioning and he does not want to screw that up. Work, work, work.

(Berathyme is bored by obsessive work, she finds a sunny spot by a window to curl up at.)
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When Cricket returns with the news that the visitors have plenty of food for the duration of their stay if it would be inconvenient to discreetly feed them, Iobel translates this message for Edarial while flipping through pages of notes to find something in her records about the personality of some relevant member of gentry.

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"Probably a bit inconvenient, but we can manage it if they're going to be living off of bread or something for however long they're here," he replies. "It seems excessively mean to have helpful guests that are - us - and not make sure they're treated well. Even if they're extremely flaunty."

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"They didn't tell Cricket what they'd be eating, and the word chosen was 'inconvenient' as opposed to something more like 'intractable', but I do imagine if we have the chance to bring them something hot they'd appreciate it."

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"Mhm. Maybe not an entire fancy meal, but probably some hot chocolate or something," he agrees. "I can just blame it on my brother and say he is feeling voracious."

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"Should we tell your brother about our alts?"

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Pause. "... Yes. Yes we should. It'd slipped my mind, sorry."

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"There's no need to apologize to me about it. Should we wrap up all - this?" She gestures at paperwork and notes and scrolls. "And do it now?"

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"Mm. Sure, sooner I tell him the less annoyed he will be with me."

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"Do you want me there or should I find something else to do?"

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"No preference. Would you like to be there, or do something else?"

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"I suspect I might be useful at explaining. Perhaps we should show him the pair of them, and then if he spends any amount of time staring with his jaw hanging open I can catch up on comparing life stories with Isabella in the lull."

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"Sure, let's go with that. We'll find him and ask him to come with us."

He organizes the various items necessary for running a country, and then, off they go to find his brother.
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There he is! Doing something that does not involve weaponry, even. Look at him... Napping. Just, in the middle of everything, on a bench. He twitches awake at footsteps.

"Mmrh?" he says, then he peers sleepily at Edarial and Iobel. "Oh, hey." (Yawn.) "Have fun on the date?"
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"Well, we found something interesting."

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"Ooo. Did you find a pony? Or the secrets of the universe? I bet it was a pony."

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Edarial snorts. "It's not a pony."

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"It is, to a significant extent, the secrets of the universe."

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"... Oooo! Possibly better than a pony, if it makes Edarial stop being mopey. What'd you find?"

He hops off of his bench and looks at them expectantly.
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"It's easier to just show you."

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"Okay! Then show me, what's the thing?"

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"It's people, as it happens." Iobel leads the way to the relevant corridor.

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"Ooo, people. I bet they're spellbinders, you and Edarial would not be excited if they weren't magic. Did they give you charts on fancy, fancy spells?"

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"No new spellcharts."

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"... Okay, so I am kind of confused about why you are excited, but I will roll with it. Are they fun people? Or boring?"

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"I think they're very interesting. And I think you will too."

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"Ooo, okay. Interesting but not necessarily fun. Hmm. What's interesting but not necessarily fun..."

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"You're not going to guess it," says Iobel as they approach the corridor.

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"That's no reason to not try! Are they another set of monarchs that are going to help you monarch or something? Ari's mentioned wanting allies, is it that?"

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"Sort of."

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"Soooort of, hmmm."

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"Sort of," agrees Iobel. "But that's not why they're interesting."

And she knocks on the door and says in Cricket's language, "It's us, with Edarial's brother."
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"Oh boy," laughs Adarin in English. "This'll be strange. Love, ready to meet my other me's male replacement of my sister?"

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"Sure, why not."

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Adarin opens the door. "Hello," he says brightly in Marlese.

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"... Yup. Definitely would not have guessed that."
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"In our world, you're a girl!" Isabella says brightly.

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"Zevros, this is a second set of - us. From another - what did you call it? World?"

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"Plane's more precise, but world works, too. Hello! I'm Adarin and this is Isabella. Lovely to meet you."

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"And I am a girl in your world."

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"Yes. Yes you are, honestly this is quite strange. You're taller than I am but you're - my sister. But not."

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"You think it's strange. Pfff. Am I a hot girl?"

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"Her girlfriend seems to think so."

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"Well it's not like I'm going to fuck her, I just want to be sure that I am fucking gorgeous in every world."

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Adarin facepalms. "Oh yes. You are definitely my sister as a man."

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"Let's all go in the room, in case someone comes into this hall."

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Everyone is ushered inside, and the door is closed. "Questions, Zevros?"
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"Uhhh... Does girl-me get all of the ladies?"

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Adarin rolls his eyes. "She lives in clan lands, where there is no such thing as money and no nudity taboo," he sighs. "And in her words, it is filled with 'hot witches.'"

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"Ooo, score. Go girl-me."

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Iobel snorts slightly. "Anyway. They have different magic in their respective worlds of origin. Isabella is a witch and Adarin's - I don't remember if we learned the word - another kind of magic person. They're not from the same world but are now both living in hers. And they came to visit and be helpful."

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"Mage," provides Adarin. "We came because we saw a pair of us and we would also like to start a plague of utopias."

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"Okay. Cool. Now, on to the important stuff - is girl-me any good with a sword?"

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"I think her girlfriend is teaching her to use a dagger," sighs Isabella, "I haven't seen her with a sword. Also her name is Zeviana."

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"Huh! I would have guessed Zephrys, but Zeviana works too. A dagger? Pfff, I hope she's not a wuss, that would be such a let down."

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Eye roll. "She'd punch you for even implying it - are we not going to focus on off world magic of two different types? We're going to focus on aspects of my sister's life? Really?"

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"Yes. Yes, really, why, are you surprised?"
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"When there's a portal set up perhaps she can visit. You probably don't want to visit her, you'd get a daemon if you came to my world. You guys are going to have to decide where you want Adarin to put that, by the way."

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"A whatsit?"

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"We'll think about it. It should be reasonably out of the way, I think."

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"A daemon is an external animal-shaped soul. It presents a worse vulnerability than a familiar and there's much less point to having one if you don't live in a world where they're a thing. We left ours home, but most people can't get more than across the room from theirs."

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"Yeah, pass. She can come visit me, we can get into a fight or something."

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"Riveting," drawls Adarin. "New source of power in the multiverse... But getting into a fight with yourself is more important."

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"... Um, yeah? C'mon, not-Ari, snap to it, keep up."

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Isabella pats Adarin on the shoulder comfortingly. "At least we know for sure that you have the same general sort of twin in both worlds."

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"At least we know," he agrees. "Ana will be happy. It'll be insufferable."

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"I wonder how many of us there are."

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"If there are legions of us with all sorts of different types of magic and technology, that would be the best thing."

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"It would! I'm excited."

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"In their world," murmurs Iobel, for Zevros's information, "they met in - more comfortable circumstances and are now flagrantly happy together. They are supposedly trying to tone it down."

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"... Sorry. Uh. It would... Be helpful to lots of projects if there were legions of us?" says Adarin, a bit more sedately.

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"That's excessively adorable. Awww, happy Edarial."
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"I'll get used to it eventually," Iobel tells Adarin.

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"I'm trying anyway," he says sincerely.

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"Well. Thanks."

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"So!" says Zevros, to make an honest attempt to dispell the awkward. "Not-Ari! Want to spar?"

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"... I beg your pardon?"

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"You know. We both get some sticks and then hit each other with them! It's fun!"

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"...I want to see how good Iobel's anti-clumsy spell is, so if you have something I can tuck my dagger into that doesn't mess with the balance too much and won't leave me at risk of cutting you, I'll try it for a little while, although I can't promise more than like fifteen minutes, and I want to wear my armor silks."

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"Ooo! Ooo, I like you, okay, uh - leather, cloth, or what? How sharp's the dagger?"

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"It's blessed. So, very, the approved method of sheathing it involves having the sharp part touch nothing at all and just have it cinched up around the unsharp part near the hilt. My actual sheath has straps on it so I can't just use that."

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"... Ooooo. Ooo, a blessed dagger. Is it super sharp? Can you bless other things too, to be super sharp? Can I get a super sharp sword that kills all of everything?"

He sounds disturbingly excited.
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"...It is super sharp. I can bless things to be super sharp. I am really not sure I should bless anything you own to be super sharp."

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"Well I wouldn't use it on everyone, but it's a really useful thing to have in case we have another Nataliem!"

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"Who's that?"

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"Worst dad. Of all time. Ever."

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"Nataliem is the one responsible for the - situation Iobel and I find ourselves in."

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Adarin is kind of disturbed, but doesn't comment.

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"...He's your dad?"

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"Yes," says Edarial, quietly. Looking like he hates being connected to Nataliem even slightly. "We're - fairly certain."

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Adarin's just going to take his wife's hand. "I suppose," says Adarin, "that it's incredibly fortunate I never met my birth father."

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"Lucky bastard," says Zevros, without heat.

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"I am seeing that, yes."

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"And you guys don't have a Veron. I wonder if at this point in your lives you could even profitably borrow him or if that would just wind up being weird for all concerned."

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"Veron being the surrogate father?"

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Adarin nods. "He's wonderful."

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"... It would be too weird, I think."

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"At least if he dads all over the place, maybe we can be buddy buddy, but that would also be kinda weird."

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"Oh well."

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"And now we know not to bring him back to life - honestly I don't want to call him my father, what's a good word for him?"

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"Sperm donor?"

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"One of those, certainly. Either way, he can stay dead."

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"I don't expect anyone to turn up at a resurrection office requesting him, but I can put out the word when we go home just in case some mage turns up and wants him for some reason."

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Nod. "Thank you, love."

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"Wait, hold on. Resurrecting the dead?!"

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"Oh yes. I can resurrect the dead. And make existing people immortal - not heavy duty immortal, but unaging."

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".... Sign me the hell up for that one, I want to live forever!"

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"Can do. It takes kind of a while to draw the magic diagram, though."

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"I'll wait, no worries. Thanks a ton if you do it!"

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"I figure I'll get Iobel and Edarial and you in that order."

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"Sure. Go for it."

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"Thank you," says Edarial.

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"You're welcome."

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"You have all the things you need in that magic bag, or do you want us to bring you ingredients?"

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"I have enough for three," says Isabella, patting her portal bag. "But I do also need sacrifices which are alive until the moment I cast the spell. Any largish mammal will do, at home it usually winds up being wild deer if I'm doing it on the fly but the efficient version involves cows. So you might want to wait until we're stashed somewhere other than in your palace."

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"Probably when you are stashed somewhere other than the palace. Unless you have an easy way to dispose of several deer?"

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"I generally burn them, which, not ideal for inside a palace."

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"Not really. Thank you, though."

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"You're welcome. I am very proud of my magical breakthroughs."

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"They are delightful," says Adarin brightly. "And I approve wholeheartedly of every one."

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"You are flaunting again," sighs Edarial.

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Wince. "Sorry."

Wife hand pat. If he can mentally send how delighted he is with her, he would be all on board with that. But hand pats are all he can do.
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"Sorry," echoes Isabella.

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"Our names aren't exactly alike," says Iobel, changing the subject, "but they bear obvious resemblance. If we find a lot of us it's going to be hard to keep an Isabella and an Iobel and another handful equally similar all straight."

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"And my second name sounds like your middle and you have my dad's last name, in meaning if not sound," sighs Isabella. "Hmm. I guess we could just pick nicknames."

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"I suppose so. Should we work it out now, or wait until we find a lot of us? It could be premature." Pause. "Though kind of fun to do, anyway."

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"I don't have any ideas for myself, but I think we should start thinking about it."

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"Well, ideally, it would be something hard for another one of us to choose, so we don't have to switch later if it gets confusing."

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"Maybe let's wait until we find one or two more and have more of an idea of how much we'll be all over the map and how much we cluster?"

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"Agreed. It's hard to figure out what would work right now. Or even what would fit me."

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"Very," sighs Edarial.

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...Isabellla stifles something. No excess flaunting.

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"Fascinating as this is," says Zevros, obviously bored, "I am going to go grab a thing to wrap your dagger in so we can fight! Be back once I find something!"

He departs to go do that.
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"Do you need to see how big it is?" calls Isabella.

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".... Yes!" he replies, doubling back to do that.

"How big is your dagger?" says Zevros, in a tone that is laced with innuendo. "Can I... touch it?"
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"Aw, it was a joke!"

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Isabella raises an eyebrow, but she draws her dagger. It is about six inches long, symmetrical, and shiny.

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"Cool! Okay, I will go find something! Hey, not-Ari, take a joke! She doesn't even have the right plumbing!" Pause. "... I think? Right?"

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...Isabella tucks her dagger away and tucks herself under her husband's arm. "All witches are women. The overwhelming majority have your alt's preferred plumbing. Mine is none of your business because I'm extremely married."

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Adarin snuggles his wife. He has a few replies to Zevros, but decides against saying any of them. He gives Isabella a somewhat sappy look, instead.

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"Pact when we were twelve," says Edarial calmly. "Extends to alts, too. Unless you want several versions of me to be upset with you?"

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"... I wasn't even - pff, fine. No touching your love interests, even as a joke. I'll go grab the thing for your dagger."

He goes off to grab the thing.
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"What pact is this exactly?"

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"Basically, we do absolutely nothing romantically with anyone the other twin is with. Because that would just end badly for everyone involved."

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"And I suppose at least one of you didn't know yet about how the orientation dice would turn up?"

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"He already knew. I suspected, but wasn't sure until later. Besides, it's still valid," shrugs Edarial.

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"And occasionally requires reminding, it would seem."

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"Apparently so."

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"Fun fact, I was not prepared to guarantee to anyone that I was definitely straight till I was fourteen."

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"Me either."

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"I didn't realize just how little I cared about gender in the slightest until I was sixteenish," shrugs Edarial. "It was bewildering how it mattered to other people but I assumed that I was missing something."

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Iobel blinks at him.
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Isabella looks curiously at her husband.

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"... Is that weird? It's probably a little weird."

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"It's uncommon. I did not have this information."

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"Sorry," says her husband. "It didn't seem to matter, really, I've only ever been honestly attracted to you."

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"...Even a little bit? No wandering down the street and going 'oh that person is pretty'?"

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"Not really? I can tell if someone is pretty or not, I just - don't tend to care unless it's blatantly flaunted in front of me."

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"And the people who have been flaunting their pretty at you have been terrible mages and... me. Okay."

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Snuggle. "I do not tend to go to places where people pointlessly flaunt their pretty. You are the exception."

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"And the naked witches all over clan lands just make you look at the sky," she giggles.

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"Y- not flaunting, not flaunting. Insert counterfactual flaunting here, my dear."

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"Your attempted restraint is appreciated."

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Edarial nods. "Thank you for trying."

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"Counterfactual flaunting has been filed away for future notice. Thank you, love."

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"You're welcome. I'm sorry this is so - sad and weird for you guys."

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"I honestly had suspicions along the lines of 'what might have been' before you showed up to confirm them in spades."

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"... It's less sad and weird, but still a little weird. I mean, at least I am obviously capable of being in love. I'd wondered."

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"Why wouldn't you think you were, under - the right conditions?"

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"Mostly because I tend not to have the right conditions. So I wasn't sure if I could even manage it if they were present."

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"I think it may be a property of Adarins that you are mostly surrounded by awful people."

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"Only mostly. You can find the good ones and keep us and get rid of everybody else from your life."

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"Actually sincere yay," says Adarin. He stops there, because flaunting.

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"Mm-hm. Of course, my Adarin had to move out of his entire world to do it, so."

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"That part's not as comforting. I don't want to just - abandon a country to kill itself."

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"Well, we've been siphoning off the salvageable parts of his original population and putting them on our colony world."

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"... I'm not sure we have the infrastructure for that."

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"Yeah. I mean, your problem probably isn't alike and you have official political power so you may be in a better position to stay put."

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"I'll just avoid the awful people."

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"Or lock them up as the case may be."

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"Or that. That also works."

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"You're very lucky you don't have a live Nataliem to deal with."

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"It sounds it."

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"Very." Wife snuggle. "I'm sorry that you don't have a Veron."

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Nod. "I've gotten on all right this far."

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"Kind of a loose definition of all right," murmurs Isabella.

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"... I'm not raving and killing people?"

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"I think it would take a ludicrous situation to get you doing that, and even then you would probably only kill people who kind of needed it."

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Edarial frowns. "It's kind of crossing a line for me to kill anyone. I don't see myself doing it, there are usually other ways to solve the problem, even if they're harder."

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"... You are entirely capable of killing people," says Adarin, quietly.

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Isabella hugs her husband's arm.

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Edarial stares at Adarin.

"You didn't."
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"It was extremely justified."
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Edarial backs away from Adarin, kind of horrified.

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"They had my daemon," says Isabella. "They took him and they were holding him."

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"It's still - very horrifying to hear a - version of myself speak so calmly about it."

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Adarin is of the opinion that he needs to be holding his wife, now. So he goes and does that.

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Isabella presses her face into his shoulder.

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"Why had people taken your daemon?"

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"Because," mumbles Isabella, "they didn't like my influence on Adarin because I am not encouraging him to do what the terrible mages tell him to and have a million babies with anything female that winks at him, and they know enough about daemons to know it would hurt me and not enough to comprehend it as an atrocity."

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Adarin pets her hair, soothingly. "They will not do it again, love," he murmurs.

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"I know," she sighs, snuggling closer. To hell with not flaunting, right now all she's flaunting is trama.

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"I'm sorry."
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"Very," says Edarial. "I'm sorry."
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Adarin nods, then goes back to snuggling his wife.

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"So yeah. Anyway, we can get them back now. After every person nicer than them has been brought back and we can be sure they're containable, anyway."
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"Yeah. Not for a long, long while, anyway. I don't even know how you'd go about containing mages, so - quite a long while."

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"For spellbinders there's a hex you can cast on their familiar, if you have the familiar to hand. That's how Nataliem is still in the dungeon."

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"Mages have no such neutering. It's rather annoying."

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"I would say 'not for the mages', but I suppose that's what got them killed."

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"Maybe when we go home I'll ask the alethiometer about mage-neutering."

Isabella gets out her notebook and writes this down.
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"Your notebook's pretty."

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"Thanks. Adarin made it for me."
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Adarin laughs a little. "Technically I didn't make the book. I just - decorated it. And spelled it."

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"What magic thing does it do?"

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"No one but her can open it," says Adarin, brightly.

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"It's pretty great!"

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"I just write in a transliteration of Cricket's language, but I guess if there are going to be language spells around - I assume it works on print?"

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"Yyyyes but I'm not sure it'll work on a transliteration. Unless we read it aloud."

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"It isn't built to work on transliterations. It's just as terrible at cypher and code, actually. We might be able to figure it out with some effort but uh - honestly I respect privacy."

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"He does, and me too obviously, fear not."

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"Well, you're going to cast it on more people - right?"

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"I've actually been kind of careful about handing out the translation spell. It's exceedingly useful, but - not handing it out like it's candy and there are small children to placate about. So, yes, but not - everyone I ever come across in life."

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"But Edarial and maybe Zevros."

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Edarial frowns. "I am not going to invade your privacy, either."

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"Okay. What about Zevros?"

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"If you blatantly write things in front of him he'll be curious about it and the why behind it, but when you tell him that it's private he'll get that and respect it."

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"He wants you to cast spells on him that would let him see people naked through walls!"

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"Zevros categorizes people." Wince. "If he doesn't know you and doesn't know your preferences he will assume that your preferences are the same as his and he therefore doesn't care. But if you tell him otherwise he will listen."

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"Are you quite sure?"

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"Yes. He's my twin, I've known him all of my life."

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"Does Zeviana do that?"

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"It's a bit... questionable, yeah. But she consistently remembers preferences that people have, so if you tell them, she won't step on them again. It's just the 'figuring out what the preferences are' that's the hard part."

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"She can't just - note common ones and use them as a baseline?"

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"I think she can, she just... Doesn't know how or doesn't want to bother with it. It's easier to use herself as the baseline."

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"But she is in many ways unconventional."

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"Remember that for a large part of our lives... Surrounded by terrible people. So since she is better than the people around her, noticeably, then using herself as a baseline is giving people the benefit of the doubt."

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"In terms of expecting them to be - decent or competent, yes. In terms of expecting them to care about privacy not so much."

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"Yeah. That's a downside." Wince. "I have tried to get her to work on it."

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"No luck?"

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"Nnnot really, she doesn't understand the 'why' on some privacy stuff, so she thinks it's stupid."

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"...What's to understand?"

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"If I knew the answer to that question, my dear, it would no longer be a problem."

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"I wonder if any of us have difficult dubiously moral twins or if that's just you guys."

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"If it's just us, I feel special," deadpans Edarial.

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"I wonder also who else there are duplicates of between - evidently - me, my parents, you, and Zevros. And plausibly also your parents although this doesn't seem to have been confirmed."

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"Crazy mother?" asks Edarial, to Adarin.

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"Absolutely batshit. So, probably a duplicate."

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"What about our grandparents? It seems implausible that it goes back forever. Too many things would have to line up."

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"I don't know... only one of my grandparents is still alive and I was never close to any of them so I don't think I could even confirm a match."

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"Same here, but I don't have any of the four left."

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"And I've got no idea who my grandparents are, either," shrugs Adarin. "Except maybe the knowledge that my grandmother prooooobably sold my mother as a baby. Which does not endear me to her."

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"There are some records about my grandparents since they were... Well, monarchs, but I didn't know them personally."

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"And I suppose if Adarin knows that little you can't even match the names. But I know the names of mine at least -" She supplies them to Isabella.

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"No suspicious similarity," says Isabella, shaking her head. "Weird."

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"Very. Planes are confusing."

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"We will have to do more exciting research. Do you think you can scry specifically for alts of us?"

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"Hmmm. Maybe? I'd have to look for similarities between Edarial and I and aim for those specifically. Worth a shot, at least."

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"And similarities between Iobel and me, we might have strays who aren't in pairs. We weren't in a pair till you crashed my picnic."

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"Good idea. Zevros and Zeviana, too, since we seem to come in pairs. From our - two observances."

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"But perhaps in the multiverse you are available in singlet."

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"Possibly, there's - no way to know, honestly. Working with the information given, no reason to not at least scry for it. Scrying's easy."

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Isabella nods.

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"I hope there's lots of me."

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"Despite the vanity in saying so... I hope there are lots of me, too. To spread the plague of utopias."

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"Is that what you're calling it?"

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Edarial snickers. "That's funny."

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"What's funny?" says Zevros, poking his head back in the room, bits of leather retrieved to wrap Isabella's dagger.

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"We are referring to our plan as a 'plague of utopias'. I hope you don't require that leather to remain intact, if it's for my dagger."

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"Ooo. Cute! Feel free to slice the leather into itty bitty pieces!"

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"All right then." Isabella draws her dagger and wraps it up. "I think there's room here if you don't rely on a lot of footwork. I don't."

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"Meh. Don't need to, can, though."

He has a practice stick, all nice and ready. He is not going to use his actual sword on her. Because safety. (Also Edarial would make faces at him.)
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Isabella tests the leather binding against her silks; the dagger doesn't bite through. "Okay," she says, and she drops into stance. "Anti-clumsy is nice, let's find out how nice."

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Zevros grins at her.

He drops into a stance of his own. Wisely, Adarin and Edarial scoot out of the way. Then, without warning - he launches an attack. It's fast and brutal.
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Isabella knows only the basics.

But she practiced them thousands of times with limbs less cooperative than this. She is now textbook perfect in the introductory moves of a fighting style he has never seen before.

This isn't going to let her win, but it'll probably give her a few minutes.
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It's true, he hasn't seen her fighting style before. It gives him a bit of trouble, she catches him by surprise a few times and the dagger almost lands a hit, once.

But he knows more than introductory moves, and he has been doing this obsessively since he was little. He knows how to adapt. So he does. That's when he starts winning.

It doesn't take long, after that.

"That was fun, I liked whatever that - weird fighting style thing was!"
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"Olympic clan witch style," says Isabella. "Same thing your alt is learning, if you want to pick up with her later." Thanks to her armor silks she has only been knocked over, not harmed; she gets up and sits down on the bed again.

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"Ooo, cool. Might do that, wouldn't have thought a dagger would do much but it was cool, anyway!"

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Adarin scoots next to his wife. "Enjoying not being clumsy?"

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"So much. You must take me dancing."

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He laughs. "Certainly. What type of dance?"

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"No idea. Do you not already know any? Have you not been practicing for a ballroom competition in your copious spare time?"

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"I'm afraid not. I'm sorry, love, we'll have to learn how to dance together."

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"Oh no! The horror! I have to learn a skill with someone I l- sorry sorry no flaunting sorry."

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Adarin laughs. "We are hilariously bad at this."

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"You really are," snorts Edarial. "It's kind of cute, in a - freaky weird sort of way."

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"And, in a depressingly roundabout sort of way, vindicating."

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"Vindicating? How?"

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"I had - inklings - that - if we'd started on a better foot - it might have worked."

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"Ah, right. You'd mentioned those. Sorry."

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"It's all right."

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"How did cooperative monarching go, anyway?"

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"Well, we - got some things done."

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"We did," agrees Edarial. He's rather pleased about how it all went, but - well. It might be a bit premature to actually be optimistic.

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"That's it, huh?"
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"I have the impression that you built your little empire from near-scratch. Marlatia has a lot of preexisting - baggage. So perhaps it's not quite as good a fit for my skills until I've learned more."

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"She has handled it very well so far."

He doesn't add 'for someone who has absolutely no background in this' because that does not seem very wise.
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Isabella sighs. "Yeah, I mean, the people already existed but they'd been recently uprooted already and the planet was empty of anything except alien ruins and my robot army. Maybe a better luck of the draw there."

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Iobel shrugs, looking - small.

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Adarin notices. He then gives Edarial a look.

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"You've been doing extremely well and I have high hopes for when you are up to speed," says Edarial. "It's all right."
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"Thank you."
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"Plus you've already come up with several clever ideas."

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Little smile.

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"I think," says Adarin, "that I need to introduce you to gummy worms. Also chocolate."

Mostly because he kind of wants to give his alt a reward for not being a total twit. Only mostly a twit.
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"I think I have a little chocolate of some kind in here, lemme see," says Isabella, rummaging in her portal bag. "Ooh yes here I have truffles." She produces a plastic-wrapped ball of chocolate.

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"You do not have to share it if you were saving it for yourself. You do love chocolate, after all."

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"I can get more at home. I just have assorted food just-in-case in here." She offers Edarial the truffle. "Uh, unwrap it first, I'm getting a distinctly 'plastic has not been invented' vibe from this world."

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He takes it, and unwraps it. "I don't know what that is, so... I think you're correct."


"This is delicious," he declares, and then it is gone.
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"Chocolate! If you have a rainforest to grow 'em in I can get you chocolate plants."

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"Not in Marlatia, but they certainly exist. I suppose I could make some trade deals with someone who has a rainforest and get them to grow it."

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"I could also just get you chocolate directly. Cocoa beans or whatever stage of the process you want."

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"... Ooo."

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Adarin snickers.

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"And for that matter plastic, but that'd be way harder to explain - also, we are ludicrously rich but I'm funding some large scale charitable efforts and diverting a lot of resources up to the colony, so I'm not necessarily arbitrarily able to funnel you guys cool things no extra charge, but Cricket mentioned Iobel thought maybe you could trade me herbs? I need herbs for some of the things I am doing, in pretty large quantity."

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"We can," agrees Edarial. "That was Iobel's idea, it's a good one. We can buy some farmland in the name of the crown and grow the right herbs there, and just - be seen as kind of weird for doing that."

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"And then I can bring you cocoa beans for 'em, it'll be great, the weird journalists who think my spending habits are fascinating will have more to write about than 'Isabella Amariah seen having a meal at a restaurant' and 'Is she building a new hub yet? The answer may surprise you. It's no.'. They will get to run headlines like 'why is she buying so much fair trade chocolate what the hell'."

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"Aw, but that might shove aside my favorite ones. 'Mysterious husband - innocent lover, manipulative benefactor, or secret power behind the success?'"

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"And what kind of a name is Adarin and what the heck kinda accent is that and is hair bleaching the new fashion trend for this fall?"

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Iobel giggles.

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Adarin snorts. "Won't they be upset when they find out it's not bleached. 'Invaders from another world - here to take our hair colors."

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"Hair doesn't just sometimes come in white, where you're from?"

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"Only for albinos and old people, mostly. Some people have very light blonde hair, but not outright white, at least not without something weird going on."

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"Same here. The 'something weird' would be my mother's genes, so - white hair."

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"... Huh. That's strange, it's just - sometimes a hair color, here."

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"We just have blonde and orange and brown and black in various shades on Earth. Gray and white for old people. It's weird that we're similar in so many ways, to be honest, I would have expected - aliens like the ones that left behind my robot army. Although at least the aliens had daemons."

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"Yeah. It's strange to - deal with people that don't have them. Which I realize is hypocritical, but I've acclimatized to Earth. It's like I'm only speaking to half of you."

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"You don't even have the relevant magical sensitivity to tell by just looking, even. My magical senses are going zombie!"

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"In your world people without daemons are like the equivalent of some kind of half-dead monster?"

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"In my world people without daemons is an oxymoron unless you're talking about the bears, who at least have their armor. You are horror - uh, literature - material. Congratulations."

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"We're very proud," drawls Edarial.

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"...'Uh, literature'?"

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"Where I'm from we have a way to record theater so you can watch it later after the actors have all gone home. It's basically its own genre now. The recorded things are called movies."

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"It's delightful! They can even add other things to make it look different after it's recorded - making something look like it's magic or adding a creature where there wasn't one before."

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"Listening to you explain movies might be the cutest thing."

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"Sorry, sorry. Maybe you should only talk to us separately or something, that might be easier? If it's that bad."

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"It probably doesn't help that Path and Vern are cuddling at home, I keep wanting to join in and snuggle her," admits Adarin.

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At Iobel's confused look, Isabella says, "We left our daemons home, but they're still connected to us. We have - first person subjective access to what they're doing, especially if it's associated with strong emotions - not to the point where we can see through their eyes or anything, but it's not strictly a matter of hurting when they hurt and vice-versa. So our birds are at home on the couch all snuggled up and if I get at all distracted it's like I'm mid-snuggle too."

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"... Huh. That's - no wonder you two are so flaunty."

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"We are admittedly also kind of flaunty when I have sent Path on some kind of errand. But yes, it's contributing."

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"We're trying, though. Promise."

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"I believe you," sighs Iobel.

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"I wonder if you two would get along better if you had daemons. They're useful, they're good at - feelings. But it would be kind of a drastic shift to make and there are the aforementioned vulnerability problems..."

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"The vulnerability problems make me quite nervous, I think we should try to see if we can manage it without them. Unless you particularly want them, Iobel?"

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"I'd be worried someone would try to pet it, since no one here would know what it was. If someone who Cricket doesn't like tries to touch him he can just resort to violence but it's sounding like daemons can't do that."

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"They can't. Not - not really."
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"So. If I move to your world - we should name those I think - then I'll get one because I'll mostly be around people who'll know how to act. But not as long as I'm staying here."

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"Fair. The world's name is Earth, we could name the plane, though, since the colony isn't on Earth."

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"Chamomile," says Isabella whimsically.

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Adarin bursts out laughing and then hugs his wife. "That's absolutely perfect, let's call it that!"
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"Why is this so perfect? And hilarious?"

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"It's the entire reason I went to the plane in the first place. Finding Chamomile."

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Edarial is pretty sure that counts as flaunting, but he's starting to give up trying to get them to stop being so - flaunty.

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"You use interplanar travel to find chamomile?"

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"He was living on a hastily colonized plane on a tidally locked planet and the eternal twilight thing was screwing with people's sleep cycles."

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"Right, and plants are more scalable than magical solutions - I set a farm to grow them and within a few years there's enough to at least alleviate the problem. I was going to also work on magical solutions in the time that the chamomile bought me, but - then I decided to just leave the plane and work with Isabella."

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Isabella opens her mouth and then closes it. No flaunting.

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Zevros is maybe a little bored out of his skull by all of this talk. He'd been hoping they'd talk about interesting things, but - flowers? Scalable solutions? Daemons? He does not care.

"Right, fascinating, flowers. You all have fun with that, I am going to go back to napping. Bye!"

He turns to leave.
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"Your alt's daemon is a black harrier if you care."

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"Meh!" he says, and then he's gone.

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"Is there any sort of meaning to what your daemons are?"

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"Some. Witches all invariably have flying birds - so Zeviana can pass as one but if she'd gotten something else she might not be able to. And there are stereotypes or real correlations, it's hard to tell which, with various things and personality traits. Daemons tend to wind up seeming - fitting."

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"Hm. Interesting. What are your daemons?"

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"Kagu." Pause. "... Pretty, nearly flightless, travels quickly on foot?"

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"Eastern screech owl, gray morph. Yea big." She gestures.

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"He is extremely fluffy and adorable," declares Adarin.

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"Children's daemons can change shape. He sort of wanted to be a dragon or a firefly - I was more friendly to the first idea - but we had to be a bird so we could be a witch properly."

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"So you can influence what you'll end up as?"

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"It's an open question, really. Not completely, or far fewer people would wind up with really inconvenient or unattractive or impractical daemons."

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"Huh. All right. Interesting to know, though."

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"Yup. And when they can change they can be anything at all, even animals that don't really exist. If they're reasonably creative children."

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"That sounds useful. Also kind of fun."

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"It's very much both!"

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"It's a pity Vern missed out on it. Oh, well, I like her as she is. And she's quite happy, so it's fine."

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"I think I still haven't gotten around to showing you the old photo albums with pictures of me and Path being a musk ox or an ostritch or an eel, I should fix that when we get home."

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"Yes. Yes, please do, those sound adorable and I support their existence wholeheartedly."

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Edarial snickers.

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"They're pretty adorable."

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"This all must have had an amazing influence on your society, it's a pity it's such a big deal to visit and look around."

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Adarin nods. "It took some adjusting to - would it help if I explained what it was like? As someone who spent most of my life not having a daemon. I've got a comparison point."

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"Yes, please."

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"Well, architecture and layout's a bit different to allow for daemons. Restaurants have spaces for daemons to sit that are out of the way, but still nearby, that kind of thing. Not obvious or in your face, but it's noticeable if you pay attention. Uh - there's a bit of preconceptions about what daemon you have and how you'll get along with other people. It's faster to guess if you'll like someone on sight or not by their daemon, easier to avoid the people you won't get along with and aim for the ones you will."

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"The only thing I've noticed consistently is that I don't care for biting or stinging insects. Never met a venomous snake I liked either but those cases have seemed more - incidental."

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"Right, but it's more than you get without daemons. It's not - the one true thing to judge everyone by, though. Just... Helpful. In general."

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"Discrimination by daemon type - except in cases where particular types are practically necessary, like, if you want your daemon to train to do surgery to other people's daemons you need something with good dexterity like a monkey - or practically impossible to accommodate - like a dolphin, most anyplace - is illegal for most public and corporate contexts. I mean, in my native country. But people do it anyway."

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"That's - kind of horrifying. To have your soul incarnate get judged."

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"I'm used to it as a background fact. People discriminate based on - height, attractiveness, skin color, accent. At home; do they not here?"

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"There seems to be some of all of that, although it's hard to tell from just existing in the society how much."

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Nod. "I don't like that much, either."

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"That daemon discrimination was certainly an... interesting addition. I think I'm kind of fortunate kagu aren't exactly common."

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"Vern falls very comfortably into the category of 'difficult to place bird-of-some-kind', you have it about as good at it gets on that front," Isabella says. "Cats and dogs and rabbits and the like have the shelter of sheer commonness, but difficult to place birds-of-some-kind are vaguely weakly positive for almost everybody."

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Adarin nods. "... That doesn't happen to you, right? People being discriminatory against owls?"

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"I might get tasteless jokes if I attempted to buy coffee early in the morning, and people with mice and shrews might be slightly wary of me, otherwise no."

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"Okay. I'd offer to buy you coffee early in the morning, but uh..." He grins. "I don't think that would work out."

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"I know, love." She glances at Edarial. "Are you hopelessly groggy for a prolonged period when you wake up in the morning too?"

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"Well. Um. Yes."

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"When I invented my immortalization spell and wanted to immediately cast it on Adarin it was six in the morning and I woke him up and dragged him outside stark naked to do it right then anyway."

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Iobel giggles.
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Adarin turns a shade of pink and laughs, embarrassed.

"You had to add the 'stark naked' part, didn't you, love," he says, no real heat to his voice.
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Edarial raises an eyebrow, but snickers.
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"It is relevant flavor. It conveys information about how thoroughly excited I was."

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"The embarrassing part is just a benefit, I imagine. Complete coincidence."

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"Innocent unintended side effect. See how innocent I am?" She bats her eyelashes.

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"Yes. Innocence incarnate, surely."

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"Nevermind the entire reason I was naked."

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Edarial turns an interesting shade of red and looks at his shoes.
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"I didn't bring it up, you brought that up."

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Adarin snickers. "Mhm. I did. It's a valid point."

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Nuzzle. Followed by abruptly stopping and going "sorry, sorry."

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"I actually don't even mind anymore, myself."

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Edarial snorts. "It's kind of cute. Besides, I don't think trying to stop being flaunty is even working."

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"We're so bad at this," laughs Adarin.

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"Yes. To the point where we've got used to it and you may stop trying."

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"Are you sure? I don't want to find that if I, say, actually kiss him in front of you, you will suddenly be upset."

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"I'm fine. Can't speak for Edarial."

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"Upset, no, uncomfortable, probably."

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"Normal levels of uncomfortable at public displays of affection, or extra special uncomfortable?"

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"... Former."

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"This is not technically public. I do not really get the discomfort at public displays of affection even when they are in fact public."

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"It's kind of hard to explain and whenever I try it never seems to work. Agree that I and my other are weird?"

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"Okay. Weirdo." Snuggle.

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Snuggle, and snickering. "Yup. It's part of my charm."

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"Oh, that explains it, here I was blaming cosmic rays."

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"You're so comfortable. You can't have started out this comfortable with each other."
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Adarin snorts. "It did not start out as this comfortable. Isabella, you get to tell her how much of a dork I was."

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"You weren't that bad. Except when it got hot in the kitchen that one time and I proposed taking my clothes off, and I don't think these two have that particular cultural clash to deal with."

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He giggles. "That was... Gah that was embarrassing."

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"... Am I... Missing something, why would you take off your clothes?"

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"Witches have no nudity taboo, it simply and completely fails to matter to us. We wear silks when we feel like it or in front of uptight mortals and not otherwise. And it was really warm! It was the middle of summer and cooking was going on!"

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Blink. "Okay."

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"It took some getting used to." Pause. "I'm still not used to it with other witches."

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"Or twin sisters who are pretending to be witches and acting very much like 'em!"

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"That, too. Traumatizing."

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Isabella pets his hair soothingly.

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He leans into her, happy. "Thanks, love."

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"... Ugh, naked twin. You poor man."

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"This is also confusing to me but I think I'm the odd one out in this respect."

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"It's okay," assures Adarin. "It's part of your charm."

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"My copious, copious charm!"

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"Mhmmm. I am quite charmed."

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"But apart from now being married on purpose and therefore presumably having more comfort around that extremely specific topic - can you explain - the development of the comfort level? At all?"

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"Hm. I... Learned how she worked, liked her company, and we got used to having each other there? I... Don't know what you'd like to hear, Isabella, you might be better at this?"

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"I... didn't meet you before, but I'm starting to suspect I have a higher baseline comfort level around new people in general than you do, Iobel, probably cultural reasons. I was surprised by his sudden appearance but never really that awkward around him - over time he just sort of naturally progressed from 'some restraint is probably necessary because I haven't known this guy that long and don't know what his sore spots might be' through 'we are friends and I know the general shape of what's what, I can make jokes and tease him' to - flaunting. Path and Vern talked to each other and Path reported back to me, but except for telling me that I ought to wait for him to kiss me first instead of doing it myself that didn't have much in the way of verbally describable effects."

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"Right. That. I have to agree. Sorry, wish I could give more information."

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"Unrelatedly, I'm going to make a checklist of things we should definitely do for you guys as opposed to maybe figuring out how to do. Immortalizations, portal wherever you want it, language spells, a mirror pair so we can chat without traveling, what am I forgetting?" Isabella asks, writing.

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"Uhhh.... Possibly armor their clothing because paranoia, protection tattoos for the same reason..."

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"Ooh, do I have the fixings for the protection tattoos..." Isabella peers into her portal bag. "I will need vinegar, but otherwise yes, I can do a set of those and still have enough for immortalizations, but I'm going to need to restock at home. You guys have vinegar? Any kind works."

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"We have vinegar. Tattoos? Really?"

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"Yeah. I can hide them if you don't want them even somewhere less than visible, though. On my world it'd be useful because it'd be a sign you were protected by a witch but here nobody would know, so if you don't like them cosmetically..." She shrugs.

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"You have tattoos?" Edarial asks Adarin, bewildered.

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"Yes. Isabella's fond of them. I've gotten used to them."

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"There's a half-dozen of them offering - limited, alas - protection against various things."

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"Limited is not none," says Adarin, fondly. "Thank you for giving me them."

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"You're welcome, love. Fair warning, they don't tickle, but it just hurts for a second, it's not like getting a nonmagical tattoo."

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"Well. If they'll help - just a temporary bit of pain is doable."

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Isabella nods. "It's not that bad."

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"How long does it take and how thorough is the hiding?"

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"If you bring me some bowls so I don't have to use the same one for every mixture and wash it in between, and you're willing to have the to-be-tattooed locations exposed while you're in the same room instead of requiring weird logistics about that, start to finish less than an hour."

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"Can it be an arm or something?"

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"Sure. Adarin's are on his back but there's no reason it couldn't be anywhere you like."

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"And you can make sure they're not visible? Or just strategically place them so no one will see them?"

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"After I place them I can say a verse over them that will make them completely invisible. Sorry, Iobel, I think you asked that too."

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Nod. "Then my arm will work just fine."

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"Back of my calf, I think. How many bowls?"

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"I'll go get them." Iobel ducks out of the room.

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"And the vinegar, too? I can go grab it."

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"I remembered the vinegar," says Iobel through the door. "I've got it."

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Little smile. "Okay, thank you."

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Off she goes.

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"I can read her - really well - but not you quite as much. How are you doing?" Isabella asks Edarial.

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"I'm coping. ... Though I'm pretty sure she hates me, so." He sighs, and looks depressed. "That's nice."

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"She doesn't hate you. She hasn't hated you since she found out you didn't take her cat."

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Fidget, fidget. "Dislikes being in my presence, then."

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"This is the catch-22 I mentioned again. If you were just some random person she could - not care what you think of her as long as you weren't operating under any slanderous misapprehensions. But you're not some random guy. She has to care, and she's not getting a -" She gestures at Adarin, "perpetually delightful shower of approval like I am, or - I mean, you were complaining about her being cold, but I'm trying to imagine what would happen if she started being warm to you. I think she expects that would just be uncomfortable, extra intimacy you're not either of you set up to handle. How are you hoping she would show it if she did like being in your presence, exactly?"

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"I keep trying to be a decent human being, and she's - it's like she wants me to just expect her competence or constantly approve of everything she does, when I don't know her? Like she wants me to shower her with praise until I win her approval. But I'm trying to be nice and open up a bit and she - keeps not reacting and it's kind of difficult to be pleasant towards a cold brick wall."

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Isabella facepalms. "And what, please, would constitute reacting? Is she not saying 'thank you' and 'you're welcome' and so on where appropriate?"
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"... She is? But I keep feeling like it's through gritted teeth."

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"Why? What exactly is causing you to suspect this?"

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"Because she has every reason to hate me."
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"So you're assuming she hates you and that her politeness is grudging because you think it would be reasonable if that were the case."

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"Kind of, not to mention - I'm... Pretty used to her hating me now and it's just - expectation. By now."

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Adarin frowns, and then hugs him.

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Isabella decides to wait to continue to elaborate on her point until they seem done.

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The hug ends. Adarin will turn this over to his wife because he isn't sure how to handle this, anymore.

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"You know that's not fair, right?"

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"Yes," says Edarial. "But I can't rewrite my own head, do you want honesty or do you want me to lie to you? I can't fix it because it's convenient."

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"What did I say that sounded like 'lie to me'?"

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"I -"

Sigh. "Nothing. It's - it's my own head. All of this shit is my fucking head."
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"If you need her to help you with assumptions you're making about her - if it would help you if she told you every hour on the hour in so many words 'I don't hate you' - you could tell her that. She wants to make it work or she would already be making plans to move to my world with me. She will do reasonable things that are suggested as possible helpful steps if she knows how to actually do them."

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"... Okay. I'll try to think of things that will help."

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"But 'not being cold' isn't a thing she knows how to actually do, so it's sort of like thwacking her on the head if she goes left and thwacking her on the head if she goes right and never supplying her with a ladder to indicate that going up instead is even an option."

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Sigh. "I don't know what the ladder is, though."

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Isabella shrugs. "So you tell her that, and she will start figuring out how to fly."

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Isabella flops on her husband. "Any questions about our likely-shared internal workings before she gets back, as long as she's stepped out anyway?"

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Edarial shakes his head. "No, thank you."
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Adarin snuggles his wife. "I think the more you think about it the worse it will be," he informs his alt.

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"I can't exactly turn my head off."

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"No, but - don't hover on it so much. There's - surely lots of projects for you to work on, switch to those, put the thoughts on hold."

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"And if you're sitting on any kind of assumption about her please turn it into a question instead of building up elaborate theories on top of it. She doesn't hate you. You'd know it in a dozen ways already if she did. If that assumption has any neighbors ask about them."

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Nod. "Okay. Thank you."

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"You're welcome."

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Presently Iobel lets herself back in, carrying six bowls and a bottle of vinegar. "This is apple cider vinegar, but if it has to be a different kind I can go out again."

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"Apple cider's fine." Isabella lays out the bowls and starts pulling stuff out of her portal bag.

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"Is there anything in particular you need me to do?"

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"When I've got something mixed up hold your arm out and stay still while I verse the ink in, that's all."

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"Oh, okay then. Easy enough."

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The first batch of ink is full of crushed bayleaves. She has a paintbrush for it in her portal bag. "All right, who's first?"
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Iobel holds out her leg.

She makes a little hssst noise when the verse is over and the marks is sunken in but that's all.
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Then Edarial holds out his arm for painting. Yaay, tattoos.

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Isabella paints a bayleaf on him and speaks the same poem and it burnsburnsburns for just a second and then it's over.

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"Ow," he says, scrunching up his face but otherwise not reacting.

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"They're all going to be about like that." Isabella starts mixing up the second batch.

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"Yeah, just not fun."

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"Yup. Sorry."

She paints five more tattoos on each presented limb, then renders them all invisible.
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"Thank you very much," Edarial agrees.

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"No problem!"

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Since they are allowed to flaunt now... Adarin scoops his wife up into a hug and kisses her forehead. She is a delight and her magic is so useful.

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Eeeeeeee! Snuggles.

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Iobel pulls her sock back up over her invisibly tattooed leg.
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Edarial raises an eyebrow, then retrieves his jacket and similarly hides invisibly tattooed arm.

(They are incredibly adorable, why are they incredibly adorable?)
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"I'm going to go notebook for a while."

Iobel gets up and leaves, Cricket following her at a murmured word from her in his language.
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Awkward pause. "I'll leave you two alone, thank you very much for your help."

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"You're welcome. Adarin should have enough mana to do some of his useful spells after a night of sleep - right, love?"

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Nod! "Or possibly a nap, but I'd prefer a full night's sleep and not wreck my sleep schedule."

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"Thanks," repeats Edarial, and then off he goes to think about various ways to - get Iobel a ladder.