"...Does it just last? Kitty, these people can understand you by strange magic, you are warned," she adds to Cricket in his language.
"It just lasts! It's awesome. Anyway, I don't see anything except for your spirit animals."
"Cricket and Berathyme aren't spirit animals anymore, they're familiars. We bound them to physical form to become spellbinders and now they don't fade the way unbound spirit animals do."
"And I don't see any spirit animal, either. Oh, well. I suppose we can't expect to get all types of magic to fall into our lap."
"Having a familiar's obviously a vulnerability, anyway, and it sounds like your magic is probably better in most ways than ours."
Isabella squeezes her husband's hand.
Adarin returns the favor, then moves behind her and wraps his arms around her waist. It's out of a mixture of love, affection, and the desire to comfort her a little about a topic that they've both been on the receiving end of. Snuggle.
Edarial is a little weirded out by his alt so easily snuggling an alt of his wife. But he doesn't say anything, except, "That sounds terrible."
"The only things that can happen to me through Cricket - not that I wouldn't strenuously object if someone harmed him - are unmaking if he dies, and magical lockdown if someone casts a certain hex on him."
He is just going to keep holding his wife, it is comfy and he doesn't see a reason to stop now that they've started.
"Vernaia - my daemon - circumvents some of the social awkwardness I have. She also helps me with my thoughts, and organizing them in general and offering insights that I missed. She offers new ideas to solve problems, except they're still our ideas so they come from the same style of thinking and I don't have to - translate or reinvent them or anything. I'm never truly alone, not with her there, but it's not the pressured sort of 'someone is there,' it's more soothing. Not to mention, she reminds me when I forget to feed myself."
"I think I would go through notebooks at least two or three times as fast without Path to talk to. He doesn't count as not-privacy, he gets me, and he can still talk back with his own voice and form memories independently. Good for multitasking, too."
"Perhaps not, but I adjusted well enough. Though I suppose there would be no other daemons for yours to talk to, which would be a terrible pity."
"Well, yes, but I mean - daemons talk to each other, and do subtext between two people. Things that would have gone unsaid, if it were just - me. Or Isabella."
"Some people's daemons won't even talk to non-daemons at all. In general they're working in parallel."