"And you can make sure they're not visible? Or just strategically place them so no one will see them?"
"After I place them I can say a verse over them that will make them completely invisible. Sorry, Iobel, I think you asked that too."
"I can read her - really well - but not you quite as much. How are you doing?" Isabella asks Edarial.
"I'm coping. ... Though I'm pretty sure she hates me, so." He sighs, and looks depressed. "That's nice."
"She doesn't hate you. She hasn't hated you since she found out you didn't take her cat."
"This is the catch-22 I mentioned again. If you were just some random person she could - not care what you think of her as long as you weren't operating under any slanderous misapprehensions. But you're not some random guy. She has to care, and she's not getting a -" She gestures at Adarin, "perpetually delightful shower of approval like I am, or - I mean, you were complaining about her being cold, but I'm trying to imagine what would happen if she started being warm to you. I think she expects that would just be uncomfortable, extra intimacy you're not either of you set up to handle. How are you hoping she would show it if she did like being in your presence, exactly?"
"I keep trying to be a decent human being, and she's - it's like she wants me to just expect her competence or constantly approve of everything she does, when I don't know her? Like she wants me to shower her with praise until I win her approval. But I'm trying to be nice and open up a bit and she - keeps not reacting and it's kind of difficult to be pleasant towards a cold brick wall."
Isabella facepalms. "And what, please, would constitute reacting? Is she not saying 'thank you' and 'you're welcome' and so on where appropriate?"
"So you're assuming she hates you and that her politeness is grudging because you think it would be reasonable if that were the case."
"Kind of, not to mention - I'm... Pretty used to her hating me now and it's just - expectation. By now."