"If I knew the answer to that question, my dear, it would no longer be a problem."
"I wonder if any of us have difficult dubiously moral twins or if that's just you guys."
"I wonder also who else there are duplicates of between - evidently - me, my parents, you, and Zevros. And plausibly also your parents although this doesn't seem to have been confirmed."
"What about our grandparents? It seems implausible that it goes back forever. Too many things would have to line up."
"I don't know... only one of my grandparents is still alive and I was never close to any of them so I don't think I could even confirm a match."
"And I've got no idea who my grandparents are, either," shrugs Adarin. "Except maybe the knowledge that my grandmother prooooobably sold my mother as a baby. Which does not endear me to her."
"There are some records about my grandparents since they were... Well, monarchs, but I didn't know them personally."
"And I suppose if Adarin knows that little you can't even match the names. But I know the names of mine at least -" She supplies them to Isabella.
"No suspicious similarity," says Isabella, shaking her head. "Weird."
"We will have to do more exciting research. Do you think you can scry specifically for alts of us?"
"Hmmm. Maybe? I'd have to look for similarities between Edarial and I and aim for those specifically. Worth a shot, at least."
"And similarities between Iobel and me, we might have strays who aren't in pairs. We weren't in a pair till you crashed my picnic."
"Good idea. Zevros and Zeviana, too, since we seem to come in pairs. From our - two observances."
"But perhaps in the multiverse you are available in singlet."
"Possibly, there's - no way to know, honestly. Working with the information given, no reason to not at least scry for it. Scrying's easy."
"Despite the vanity in saying so... I hope there are lots of me, too. To spread the plague of utopias."