"What are they unrestful about?" she inquires.
"A mess my mother made. She ripped a nice house out from under a noble family and handed it to someone else entirely on a whim. They've caught on to me generally undoing things she's done, and now they're demanding they get their house back. Problem is, the people living in it now have actually been extremely helpful towards country-fixing purposes. Except, favoritism. Leads to other problems."
"Are they helpful enough that you could honor them with an invitation to live in the castle for a year doing helpful things, then give them a different house? Nataliem's maybe, I'm assuming you went ahead and confiscated his stuff."
"Confiscated his stuff, plied some of his family members with a few heirlooms so they didn't raise a fuss, but his house is mine. I could honor them, but they have children and I'm not sure how they would feel about uprooting them and bringing them to court."
"Do they want to attend the school my mother works at? I'm an alumna and can get them reduced tuition even if I don't ask my mom about it. It's a good school, I can talk it up given the chance. And it's in Emavan."
"Also, we should absolutely be using our wealthy alts to render all forms of relatively physically compact trade goods fungible. They said they're rich, and I think they're helpfully disposed enough that they'd be willing to trade us anything for anything and dispose of what they can't use themselves within their own economy. If we have any shortages of anything in particular and comfortable surpluses of anything else that they don't have strictly better version of in their world."
"The problem with that is I'm not sure what kinds of things they'd need. I don't know the full extent of their magic or technology levels, it's entirely possible that we are completely eclipsed. But, we don't know, so - we should go ask."
"She uses herbs. We have those. If her immortality and resurrection spells also use herbs, she needs lots of them - there weren't any left on the ground after she cast the notice-me-not spell, they vanished completely. There was a bow and arrows strapped to her tree branch, so at least some people in their world use those too. They wear fabric."
"The arrows - yes, possibly, but the herbs, I'd have to know more in order to talk of anything more than theory. But it's kind of pointless if we don't know what herbs they want. They might have herbs we don't have here, or vice versa. I'm not against the idea, but I think we should find out more from them before we make assumptions about what they need. It's worth looking into, certainly, but only if we find out the scope of what sorts of things they're looking for."
"I don't know what we have or need yet, either. I'm just tossing out the general principle and pointing out that they're not so far advanced that they have grown past the need for things like... plants."
"Okay. Feel free to bring it up to them," he sighs. "I never said I was against the general principle, just against the lack of any knowledge about the subject."
Iobel looks away, frustrated, and picks up Cricket again from where he's been following at her heels.
"The ambassadors are to try and coax a trade route out of Lathalind - that's where the roads would be going if we can manage it," he tells her, because he is going to at least try to work with her.
"...and Lathalind in particular is irritated, apprehensive, skeptical of our ability to produce useful trade goods, what?"
"Apprehensive and skeptical that we are a safe place to travel and trade with. I think several members are irritated, but not the country as a whole."
"Safe as in controlling the risk of highway robbery or safe as in not planning to declare war on them or safe in some other sense or all of the above?"
"In the sense that they are worried they will randomly lose their property to the crown, but highway robbery is a problem, too. I am also trying to fix that, but that's more of a long-term thing."
"As in - seizure of loads of this or that on the road. Is the current plan to be handling all of the trade expeditions under the direct auspices of the Crown? I would imagine that given most conditions of the prevalence of bandits and public confidence in your ability to keep your hands off random cartsful of dye and rice and candles some private traders would be inclined to take the risk and then the leadership of Lathalind would risk nothing in particular by encouraging the road unless they expected you to actually invade them by it."
"It's not, but I'm having trouble finding private traders of Marlatia that are not terrified of royalty. So."