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Adarin nods at his wife, and then goes and gives Edarial another hug.

Wander wander.


"How much of this is you wanting to be queen?"


"Some that, some inkling of might-have-been I had even before you showed up, some concern about political instability if the king gets divorced - he'll also have to re-marry, for legal reasons, so I don't think it would really improve anything if I stepped aside."


"Okay. I have a small colony over which I am empress. If you want I will take you home with me and declare you to all and sundry to be my sister and you can be a princess in your own right and help me with my numerous projects and we can set up useful trade and contact between the relevant worlds and you can accomplish things with at least as much scope as you're currently looking at and there will be a portal so you can still visit your parents. I'm not worried that much about the country - this situation is, in fact, unstable until you fix it, eventually one or the other of you will have officially had it, and he'll make a fine king as long as his consort is no worse than 'vaguely inoffensive'. So. On the what-might-have-been basis, and any concern you have for his personal life and its comfort if he marries some vaguely inoffensive girl. What do you want, Iobel?"


"You look happy."

"We are deliriously, preposterously, flagrantly happy."


"But yours seems - better adjusted than mine."


"Well. Yes, considerably, but yours will work on it - not as fast as we do, but that doesn't mean he can't get anywhere."


"How fast is not fast, I don't know how to undetach when all I have to attach to is acting like I'm an acid-spitting porcuipine."


"Good question. I'm not saying you should leap instantly into being as sappy as Adarin and I are, that would probably be uncomfortable for everyone involved even if you managed the choreography. I'm not sure. I wonder if you'd be well-served talking about things other than the two of you? Like, going for a walk in the garden is a reasonable idea but I'm not sure it's the best idea. Mine didn't exactly ask me out for milkshakes and quiz me about my childhood as a bonding exercise, there was no explicit bonding exercise, we had stuff to do."


"We have things to do, but we haven't exactly been collaborating. I've been finding bits and pieces without help for months and more recently he's been - delegating."


"...Okay, maybe my resume will help him promote you to actual cooperative work of some kind if you don't have enough of a concrete accomplishment collection on your own."


"I don't think it's entirely lack of confidence in my skills; he's also just used to working by himself, I think."


"Maybe Adarin can help him on that front."


"I also actually don't know anything about running a country but what I've managed to piece together recently."


"Then he should teach you. Front-load some effort now and collect on the investment later. And then he can watch you be awesome, if he's an Adarin he is equipped to notice you being awesome in exactly the right way."


"What, exactly?"


"I have not detected any deficiencies in the noticing of my awesome, although I hesitate to declare improvement literally impossible."




"You have stuff to do besides running this country, now, anyway, you have first contact with a new world to manage, and he's no better or more practiced at that than you are."


And back to their husbands they go.
"Hello," says Adarin. "Anything you need me to do, my dear?"

He and Edarial have stopped hugging.
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