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If you're a worshipper of Lord Nethys, you can by this point work out in your head that the answer is -4/3 and then write it down on the paper without any visible work accompanying it.


2/5 is log2(2) - log2(5), so that'll be 1 - something a little greater than 2. If there were 7 2s in 3 5s, then there'd be 7/3rds of a 2 in a 5, so it'd be 1 - 7/3rds. 


Everyone is mostly keeping up now, though at obviously varying speeds.


Well obviously this learning experience is Done, then!  At least Keltham figures that's how it should work if you don't need to just spend a bunch of time playing around waiting for your brain to mature slightly further.

They should probably all stand up and walk around and eat a tiny snack though.


Pilar has some appropriately tiny snacks in her bag.  Cayden Cailean apparently has nothing better to do with the power He received from the Starstone and all His worshippers.


Sure, snacks! Even if they're from Cayden Cailean and therefore kind of weird.


"This may be a dumb question, but is there any connection, however distant, between the snacks and the Elysium thing?"

Keltham previously knew 2 facts about Pilar, her trip and her fetish, and he was already suspecting there would ultimately prove to be some connection between them (trope-wise, not causally).  Now he has noticed a third fact repeated twice:  Pilar has candy.


Can Pilar be placed in my Telepathic Bond, please, and this fact concealed. 



Yes, almost definitely; they're both the product of some intervention by Cayden Cailean which we think is in support of the project but we're not entirely sure honestly.


"Almost definitely yes?  Um, according to what was found out yesterday, the snacks are a product of an intervention by Cayden Cailean, which people seem to think is in support of the project, and Cayden Cailean is Chaotic Good, which is the alignment on Elysium, but nobody's sure about anything."


"Wait, so a god intervened to support our project with tiny snacks?"


That would be very stupid, which is why Cheliax's very smart people are confused. Some possibilities: it's actually stupid! Cailean is called the Drunk God etc etc Pilar can fill that in with true stuff. Alternatively, it's meant as a form of communicating that Chaotic Good is backing Asmodeus here. Alternatively, it'll turn out to actually be important for some reason, say if the project is besieged, or if everyone is nutrient deficient on something that the snacks contain. Alternatively, there's some kind of preexisting god agreement which happened to cash out like this.


"Repeating back some things that have been said to me:  That would, in fact, be incredibly stupid, the phrase fucking Chaotic fucking Good does come to mind, Cayden Cailean is called the Drunk God because he did the Starstone on a dare while drunk.  But it could also be to show that Chaotic Good is backing Asmodeus on this, or it could be important for some reason like we get beseiged and have to survive on my snacks or everyone ends up deficient in something the snacks contain or there could be a pre-existing god agreement that happens to imply this -"


"Could you maybe have mentioned this earlier?  Could you maybe have mentioned this before handing out the snacks?"


Seems to demand a fast response.  "There literally hasn't been time since I saw you at breakfast... this probably seems even weirder if you're not from Golarion, doesn't it."


"It actually does!  And I would in fact like to be told about all divine interventions on my project as soon as they become known to Governance moving forwards!  Are there any more?"


"I just know about Asmodeus on the project twice, Nethys on Ione, and Cayden Cailean on me... uh, sorry?  I think you sort of expect me to know what you've already been told and I don't actually?"


"Is everything on Golarion this poorly organized from a management perspective?"


"We wouldn't know because we don't have magic items that connect us to all of the knowledge in the world.  Wizard school, which I've been to, was better organized, but it wasn't, uh, it hadn't started existing less than a week ago?"

Thinking loudly:  Dear Asmodeans, have you considered actually telling Keltham some things before he finds them out and asks why he hasn't been told them?


Well they did tell Keltham that Pilar was held up in the capital by tons of very serious people trying to figure out what the fuck was going on with her, which is about as much setup for 'we're not keeping this secret on purpose' as you can manage. Probably the payoff to things like that needs to always be a couple hours later. 

Security, pull him aside -


"Keltham, can we talk privately for a minute?"


"Of course, Security."


Privacy spell. "All divine interventions on the project disclosed to us are as follows: Asmodeus, at the Worldwound the first day, communicating to His priest that the project should be established. The next is the intervention of Broom's god, Otolmens, the Lawful Neutral god of preventing catastrophes, empowering Broom.

We now believe that Cayden Cailean's manipulation of Pilar began on the third day, when she mysteriously ended up in the room with you before your excursion out of the villa, and that its primary aim at least was saving your life, but we haven't ruled out that it began on the second day, because Pilar didn't recall that incident as unusual until we asked about it, and anything where she mysteriously ended up somewhere other than in a secure operation she hadn't been invited to might've been hard to detect in retrospect. We think Pilar went to Elysium as a consequence of it, somehow. As I think was reported to you, she spent yesterday at the palace with people trying to get to the bottom of what's going on, but we are still a ways away from a satisfactory answer, though the snacks have been very conclusively demonstrated nonmagical, safe, and tasty.

Nidal's attack on you was almost certainly a divine intervention. Ione's warning was a divine intervention. A second divine intervention by Asmodeus directed us to restart the project here. That is the specific answer to your specific question, but it occurs to me that you might additionally want to receive the briefing we all receive daily, which is more extensive than that."


(Carissa is giving these instructions.)


"I would definitely like to receive at least one of those briefings and, if possible, review previous ones."

"I think I can already guess the answer to this, but if I asked the question, 'What official of Chelish Governance has responsibility for making sure Keltham learns things we know and that he'd obviously want to know', is there in fact no such identifiable official who gets pointed questions from their boss when something like this happens?"


Split second decision: is it a good idea to make Governance sound that incompetent. 

Taldor would be.

Cheliax, obviously, isn't. What happened is that it was Carissa's call and Carissa who'll get - hah! - pointed questions from her superiors about it - and arguably also Maillol on the grounds that everyone knew Carissa wasn't at full capacity and it was his job to be handling communications with Keltham in the meantime. 

Incompetence is an easier lie than most other lies to tell - and they are going to need to escape, later, they couldn't escape from the real Cheliax -

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