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He shall obtain the food plate.

He shall then sit down next to the Source of All Answers.


"Did we ever explain to you how wizard levelling past third circle works at all."


"Fighting monsters was implied.  Sex was not."


"It's not about fighting monsters, it's about using magic while you're physically and mentally at the edge of your abilities - in a state where some people - not all people, some people stall out - are able to take in a little more of the magic they're using. Yes, we've tried drugs that make the heart race, they don't do it. It doesn't matter if the danger is real but it matters if you think it is. 



I don't think it'd be a good idea to tell you everything that happened yesterday, but, uh, at one point I found myself restrained and helpless in a very fancy enchanting workshop where I had been left to contemplate what I had coming, and casting spells did not work to get me out of this at all, but six feet away, on the wall, there was a shelf of spellsilver. And I thought to myself, you know, I can't actually think of a principled reason you can't bridge that with a scaffold and use spellsilver that far away, except for how it'd be ridiculously hard and might mess up the spellsilver and there's usually literally no reason. So I did, and started transforming my armillary amulet -" she taps it "- into a weapon I could use to break out, except it would've taken way too long, the weapon I wanted is a three day enchanting project, but I thought of some ways to do it faster, and Abrogail let me at this for a while because it was funny and then went back to what she'd been meaning to do with me. And I don't specifically know that I levelled from that but it was representative."


She's not keeping her voice down. It's a good story.


"Six feet away?" Ione says, not bothering to keep her voice down; she's not an Asmodean and she is not too scared to openly ask questions.  Albeit, in this case, the question was 'Six feet away?' which now that she thinks on it is not a very intelligent question.


'Abrogail'?! thinks the entire rest of the class plus a pair of visible Securities off in one corner.


"Want a demonstration?" she says cheerfully to Ione, and pulls a chunk of spellsilver from her Bag of Holding to hand off to her Unseen Servant, who can hold it at the appropriate distance. 

" - Keltham you're not going to appreciate this properly but you should have Detect Magic up for it, all the same -"


He is definitely missing some context but Detect Magic is a thing he can do.


Ione and Pilar, without quite thinking about the implications of what they're doing, perform Detect Magic too.


Carissa concentrates. 



And she flings magic out from her fingertips like it's silk scarves and she's one of those silk scarf-dancers, and there's nothing for it to catch on at the other end but she's building another layer under it to keep it up, and another layer under that, moving the scaffold's center of gravity out and out and out with nothing but her will and her quick-moving fingertips supporting it. it takes a long time. Building a scaffold takes ten minutes normally. It's hard to look away from, though. 

It's easier, the second time, and in the first delightful flush of competence she tells the Unseen Servant to move back another foot, and her scaffold-bridge shivers and twitches and stretches and bends and - holds, touching the spellsilver, seven feet away, and she grits her teeth and starts coaxing the power that spellsilver holds to move towards her, right here, see....



And she doesn't actually want to ruin her Armillary Amulet or waste her spellsilver, so she stops, once she's moved the first tiny mote of magic to her throat where it belongs.


It's pretty!  But Keltham is lacking some context on exactly how impressive this is, and dath ilani do get bored quickly, which means that over the course of minutes he's gotten around to also trying to analyze all the other active magic visible in this room; and noticing how everybody is watching this amazing feat but only he, Pilar, and Ione have any magically visible signs of Detect Magic being up, or need to recast it at any point.


"Context you're missing," Ione says, when the demonstration is over.  "That's absolutely ridiculous fucking bullshit, most sixth-circle wizards couldn't do that.  HOW."

She is guessing that Sevar does not, in fact, want her to hide her reaction here.


"Well, you know, I was very motivated. But yes, Abrogail said she'd never even seen anyone try that, much less succeed at it. It's fun, it's kind of like tightrope-walking with magic."


"I would no doubt be greatly impressed if I had anything like the skill or experience myself to appreciate how hard that was.  I'll do my best to avoid predictable updates in my more abstract beliefs about you?  But I suspect there's a visceral appreciation of this Difficult-Seeming Impressive Trick that I won't get for a while."

He doesn't know why they wouldn't tell him, if what he now suspects is true, but he's curious enough about that very question to keep quiet and see how it plays out.


"So what did you do to get the Queen's attention," says Meritxell flatly.


"Ah-uh, she specifically said to me she didn't have time to do this for all Project Lawful. Though our own High Priestess here might be worth a try."


She hopes to Nethys that Meritxell is only pretending to think that's a good idea for alter-Cheliax reasons.  Ione doesn't need dangerously suicidal people around her books.


"I am missing so much context right now, I can tell."


Really!?  Do you think?!  Shit, isn't that High Priestess supposed to be talking to them all later?


"...I can try to explain but I don't actually know what your question would be. Meritxell was asking if there's a way to get in on my incredibly fascinating sex life. Regrettably the Queen of Cheliax does not have time to provide such a hands-on education to all of us. However, the High Priestess Subarachs, who is on site to provide spiritual guidance to the Project Lawful girls, has some of the same expertise, which is why she was able to advise me on recovery, so if anyone wants to explore the space of highly motivated magic practice, they can ask her. - except me, of course, I'm yours." 


"Maybe once I know Jacint better, if I turn out to feel that way?  But taking that slowly.  I think I was sort of pushing things, the rate I rushed through everything with Abrogail, and in actual fact was leaning almost entirely on Abrogail being hot and seeming much more sensible than I was led to fear, rather than really having very much sense of her as a person."


She doesn't know any of these people, she's just eating here because it's near her library.


"There's no hurry. If you gave me to the High Priestess today she would just give me a book to read, anyway.

Or, you know, you could learn how to make girls shatter in your hands and come out of it masters of new kinds of magic yourself. No hurry on that either."


"Can he learn that?" says Meritxell doubtfully. (doubt subtype: flirtatious).  "Most people couldn't be the Queen of Cheliax even if you put a crown on their head and sent an erinyes to advise them."


"Keltham isn't most people," says Yaisa. 

"Are we, uh, doing a lesson today," says Peranza.

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