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"The Moon has phases and the planet has seasons. We can't do this very often for that reason; it's not a reason to do it longer this time. Asmodia, take a break. Go for a walk. Get Security to take you to Ostenso and go shopping, if you like shopping."


Apparently this was the wrong thing to say somehow?  Asmodia nods obediently, turns to go, walks toward the door, and gets maybe four paces before she falls down and doesn't move thereafter.


" - we need a cleric here -" 


Does she have a pulse? Does she have the shriveling-fingernails associated with being cursed? Or the swollen lips and tongue associated with being poisoned?


Pulse maybe a bit fast but regular.  No external visible signs associated with curses or poisoning.  Sevar's permanent Detect Magic didn't show anything and neither did Security's Arcane Sight.


Carissa is somewhat at a loss. At the Worldwound the medical issues are mostly 'guts torn out by demons' or 'life drained by demons'. She pokes Asmodia, tentatively. 




A fourth-circle comms cleric is now here, slightly out of breath.  They're not a medical specialist, but can try a Cure Light Wounds and a Lesser Restoration, neither of which appear to do anything, nor does a hard slap wake her.

...possibly Asmodia should be put into a bed somewhere and Subirachs should have a look at her?  He doesn't have a Restoration ready but Subirachs probably has one.  Also vastly more medical experience.

(A sufficiently good roll on Sense Motive may show that this cleric very slightly flinched on seeing that Asmodia was the patient.)


Yes, someone should get Subirachs, and someone should float or carry Asmodia to a bed, and -



- she doesn't like it, and she doesn't entirely believe it's coincidence -


- and how are questions for Hell, specifically rather than for the Church, usually conveyed.


Sending information to Hell is cheap.  Getting information back from Hell is often not.

Both cases get routed through the Grand High Priestess's office.  The comms officer could go do that?


- not right now.



Maybe if Asmodia doesn't wake up.


Message relayed by Security from Subirachs to Sevar, a few minutes later:

Asmodia is unconscious and nonresponsive for no visible reason, full Restoration didn't help, nor did a couple of more extreme stimuli than slapping (now healed, of course).

This is consistent with an unfortunately large number of different phenomena, though most of those can be ruled out by the absence of visibly attacking shadows and so on.  

Given the way things have been on Project Lawful, Subirachs would otherwise suspect a divine vision, with similar effects as Ione Sala would've shown before she recovered.  But Otolmens should've prevented that, if Subirachs understands that setup correctly?


Yeah. Okay. They need to convey a question to Hell. The question is approximately just 'in light of Asmodia being insensate can someone authorized to know what's going on with her advise.' Subirachs is welcome to suggest a more diplomatic wording; Carissa doesn't send letters to Hell a lot.


They'd usually wait a few hours to see if the patient comes out of it naturally.  Does the Chosen want to rush this one?







"...I don't know. On the one hand contacting Hell with this is an expenditure of totally unknowable size. On the other, if we got another divine vision despite the interdiction -or if someone put her in a coma as part of kidnapping her consciousness to talk to -

- immediate report to the Grand High Priestess on what happened to Asmodia, note that contacting Hell is contemplated to ask the advice of someone who knows what's up with her." That's just making this decision someone else's problem but a decision this big should be.


Sounds sensible to her.  She'll write a report, since she's got the more complete medical knowledge, and forward it to the comms cleric.


Carissa paces unhappily and then realizes that won't help and then paces unhappily while being aware that a dath ilani wouldn't be pacing unhappily and being additionally upset about that. 


Well, Asmodia doesn't wake up in the next few minutes of unhappy pacing, anyways!

 about she makes a GLIB SWORD. How about that. 


The other students will continue working on their background stories!  It goes faster with Asmodia absent and not objecting to everything.  Oh, sure, she'll complain when she gets back and veto a bunch of stuff, but this way is still probably faster.



Asmodia has entered a state of permanent low-grade panic that she is probably never coming out of again, now that she's had time to catch her breath, get organized, read through more of the transcripts, and realize that her job is impossible.

Keltham was told that 5th-circle wizards got paid 500gp/week and 4th-circle wizards got paid 100gp/week and he immediately asked questions about that which means he was DEDUCING SOMETHING and Asmodia does not know WHAT HE WAS DEDUCING and in fact Asmodia does not have ANY IDEA IN THE FIRST PLACE of why a 5th-circle wizard gets paid 500gp/week and not 400gp/week or 700gp/week and probably NOBODY ELSE IN CHELIAX REALLY KNOWS EITHER except that Keltham clearly DOES KNOW and what's worse the numbers in alterCheliax are going to be DIFFERENT for example they're nicer to their peasants so they probably have LOWER TAXES instead of starving everyone so the nobles can have fancier parties and so the figure of 500gp/week for a Security wizard is probably WRONG and will be LOWER except that maybe actually that number is supposed to be HIGHER because alterCheliax hasn't bought the souls of its Security wizards and can't force them to work with threats of Hell and the one thing Asmodia is sure of is that the figure of 500gp/week for a Security wizard in alterCheliax is WRONG except that they ALREADY TOLD KELTHAM THAT NUMBER and now a bunch of other things in alterCheliax have to CHANGE and Asmodia does not know WHICH THINGS and Keltham obviously DOES and it is dawning on Asmodia that actually what they are trying to do here is construct AN ENTIRE ALTERNATE UNIVERSE TO CONTAIN KELTHAM whose internal consistency it is now Asmodia's job to MAINTAIN except that instead of Asmodia getting to carefully design this universe it is being PUT TOGETHER AT RANDOM by all her fellow researchers running around TELLING KELTHAM THINGS like when Sevar told him about the alterPilars and EVEN ON THEIR OFF-DAYS people are RUNNING AROUND MAKING THEIR BROTHERS JOIN PALADIN ORDERS while Asmodia was SUPPOSED TO BE CATCHING UP and Asmodia cannot begin to GUESS what else needs to be true for 1 in 30 siblings of Ostenso wizard students to join paladin orders but she can't just ORDER EVERYBODY TO STOP DOING ANYTHING INFORMATIVE because they need to be a NATURAL amount of informative or Keltham will NOTICE and by the time Asmodia figures out how all the pieces actually needed to fit together it is all going to be INCONSISTENT and NOT MAKE ANY SENSE and they need to make Keltham a statue for NEARLY ONE MONTH so that when he comes out the MOON IS IN THE CORRECT PHASE in case Keltham NOTICED THE MOON AT ALL but mostly so that Asmodia can figure out WHAT ALL OF ALTER-CHELIAX LOOKS LIKE including inventing all the Law she NEEDS in order to understand how ALL OF THE NUMBERS FIT TOGETHER and she is now trying AGAIN to REPORT ON THIS TO SEVAR but Asmodia is having trouble putting stuff into WORDS instead of intuitions about NUMBERS THAT WON'T FIT and she didn't explain CONVINCINGLY enough so Sevar SHOT HER DOWN and said that Asmodia needed to take a break and go SHOPPING and probably thinks she's MANIC but this is the opposite of MANIC it is being in a state of permanent low-grade panic that THEIR HASTILY CONSTRUCTED UNIVERSE is going to end up FULL OF INCONSISTENCIES any one of which could DESTROY IT because SEVAR ISN'T LISTENING TO HER and even if Sevar DID Asmodia is FLATLY NOT SMART ENOUGH TO HOLD IT ALL TOGETHER and can't possibly get enough TIME and this would be a great moment for somebody to give her a HEADBAND MORE POWERFUL THAN THE QUEEN'S or possibly one of the gods running around here could RAISE HER INTELLIGENCE BY 20 POINTS if they wanted this whole Keltham containment endeavor to be even SLIGHTLY POSSIBLE -



Look at that MORTAL there.  The one who is currently UNCONSCIOUS possibly for reasons of PURE COINCIDENCE that have nothing to do with any MISTAKES Otolmens may have made recently.

That mortal is thinking CORRECTLY.  Asmodeus should tell the other mortals to listen to THAT ONE.


Is Otolmens recommending that Asmodeus do an intervention targeting the interdiction zone.


Did someone else do an intervention such that that squirrel became unconscious. They don't usually do that.


No!  Nobody else intervened on that squirrel.  OBVIOUSLY.  That wouldn't happen inside the interdiction zone without AUTHORIZATION from Otolmens which obviously She would not have granted them.

Never mind, then!  Otolmens has LOTS of work still to do and should not have bothered ASMODEUS who is probably ALSO very busy!






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