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Ha ha!  Of course not.  Don't be silly.  Snack service is a Chaotic Good divine oracle's curse.  What Pilar does has all kinds of hidden effects.

That benefit Asmodeus.


"And why not tell us, hm, if the effects are so purely beneficial to Asmodeus?"


Because the suspicious Asmodeans wouldn't trust Snack Service about it, obviously.

This will become clearer in a few weeks, after one of the real effects of Pilar's actions becomes apparent, and Aspexia Rugatonn sees that it did benefit Asmodeus, and also that it would obviously have not served Asmodeus better if Pilar's curse had just told Pilar.


"Would you please tell me of Cayden Cailean's real goal in all of this?"




To be clear, that means nope, Pilar's curse won't say; not that Cayden Cailean's ultimate goal is nope.  The noping of all things is definitely not Cayden Cailean's goal here.


"Could you perhaps please tell me of Nethys's goal in all this?  Or Irori's?  Or who is Asmodia's own god?  Or whence truly come the tropes?"


Nope!  To be clear, that was a nope about answering any of the above questions, not the noping of all things being Nethys's goal in this particular case.

Chaotic Good is not really much bigger than Asmodeus on Asmodeans being told what's going on or why.  Asmodeus thinks Asmodeans should just follow their orders.  Chaotic Good would like to see that happen too!


"I now hate Chaotic Good noticeably more than I did at the start of this conversation, which I concede to be an impressive accomplishment."


"Most High - what am I to do?"




"If your curse tells you that something must be done to serve the interests of Asmodeus where they overlap with those of Broom's god, and there is no time to consult Sevar or myself or Abrogail Thrune - use your best judgment, but on the whole, obey."



It really wasn't the answer Pilar was hoping for.  She was hoping for something more like 'just do anything it tells you' or 'tell it to fuck off unless it gets approval from your superiors'.  'Use your best judgment' not so much.


"What serves best Asmodeus is not always what makes you most happy.  Even you, Pilar, are not always made most happy by what serves Him best."



Pilar knows that is true but Pilar doesn't have to like it.


"Do you suppose I am allowed to just plainly ask Keltham for the logic behind what he tried?  You reported to Subirachs on what had occurred, Subirachs reported to me in my capacity as your recent past sadist rather than as Queen, I write Keltham an incognito letter from one sadist to another..."


"Maybe? It tips our hand that you're paying a lot of attention, and, uh, from a tropes standpoint makes you a recurring character, but might be worth it, if he can explain himself. could also just ask him for the logic, which is safer but perhaps permits you less to get at your exact question."


"I suspect the matter of the recurring character is a ship that will certainly sail at some point if it has not already; the real story does not make sense if I am mentioned in it but once."

"I could have sent the letter to you, to show to Keltham only if you deemed that acceptable.  The Queen of alterCheliax is solicitous of her subjects' rights in such matters, if no great stakes otherwise prohibit her from it."


"Alter Cheliax has so far been treating me as Keltham's possession, which of course it only does because that's what I said and I ought to be taken seriously when I say it. I don't think it'd make me responsible for deciding which letters Keltham reads." She is less terrified about disagreeing with the Queen than she would have been before, but it's still a very salient thing to do, like jumping onto a bed of hot coals while you have Protection from Energy up.


Aspexia Rugatonn is now approaching the table.


"My time here is up, I fear.  Well, Keltham will very likely show the letter to you if I tell him that it is safe to do so.  I think you may ask better followup questions than I myself would, if there is anything of Law in his answer."

Abrogail rises, smiles at Carissa with blinding levels of Splendour, and departs.


How does she smile like that. Why does she smile like that. Just for fun??


"Most High," she says. She is not gaping wide-eyed at departing Abrogail, she's not.


Aspexia Rugatonn drops into a chair without much ceremony.  "Subirachs.  Sevar.  A relatively minor matter first:  When Pilar's curse turned her in for unAsmodean thought, after she considered donating her new earnings to the Church without expecting to benefit herself thereby, you said that you thought you knew what mistake she was making.  What mistake do you suspect in Pilar, Sevar, and how would you remedy it in her if such fell to you?"


"I was directed to try to discover in myself desires that Axis could not fulfill, and to be supported in my education in cruelty and wickedness, because those are skills, skills that Asmodeus values in mortals, and if you try to loyally serve Asmodeus while possessing none of them you'll - end up too Lawful Neutral,  in my case, probably others would err in different directions.

It seems to me that Pilar is absolutely and unshakeably loyal to Asmodeus, but possesses little, herself, in an appetite for cruelty, or power, or slaves, or much of anything else, and I think it hadn't occurred to her that that could be a deficit, because after all, time spent pursuing her own personal interests is time not spent serving Asmodeus. But - devils are cruel, and enjoy cruelty. Asmodeus in making His servants did not actually make beings with no desire but to obey orders, even though He obviously could have; they are to obey orders and within the bounds of their orders to pursue Evil that pleases them. It pleases Pilar to obey, but she doesn't know what pleases her when obedience requires nothing in particular, or requires only that she do some Evil. 



That's what I think the error is. As for how to correct it, I have no idea, because Pilar is more devout than me, and this is an area in which I need to improve as well, and I would fear that in trying to teach her I would end up causing damage. I assume there's not an established route of escalating cruelty that takes people who don't find it particularly appealing and makes them masters of it, or it would have been offered to me. If I absolutely had to do something and there was no one else to ask at all I'd, uh, have her help Ione torture Ione's brother who Ione hates or something?"


"Mm.  I did not expect you to be able to correct Pilar in this particular matter of faith, but it seemed worth checking.  Subirachs?"


"Order Pilar to try out standard Asmodean enjoyments that cost money, read her mind to see if any such had appealed to her.  Do not order her to any enjoyments that resemble torturing orphans, per standing orders on Pineda.  Only once Pilar knows some other right path for herself, punish her for her unAsmodean thought.  With an additional punishment for the fact that her Chaotic Good curse usurped Lawful Evil's authority in presuming to have her reported and punished, lest she think that her curse have the power to punish her and determine the right path thereby."

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