DreamXD waits until Jingyan is alone to appear in front of him.
"Hello Jingyan. I'm going to send you to a different timeline and I thought it'd probably be less tedious if you had a warning first."
"You left me. I haven’t seen you. You- you didn’t come visit me once, after I was exiled, you know that, so don’t try and guilt me."
Tommy shoves him. "You didn't-- Dream told me you didn't-- Don't try and guilt me."
"Yeah, because Dream's trustworthy. I trust everything Dream says." The sarcasm is thick.
For the first time, he agrees with Technoblade. "That matches what I've seen."
"Thank you, bleedfierceforever. At least you understand. Also, do you have a less cringe nickname or something."
"Xiao Jingyan." (He's got the best pronunciation of it from anyone else in the server; he's still notably foreign and accented, but he's also notably actually attempting the tones.) "Thank you, thank you. Anyway. Back to why we should trust Dream?"
"I don't want to hear-- I don't want to hear any of this, alright! I don't want to hear shit! Don't try to speak to me about this! Stop lying, man! We're here to get Techno's pickaxe and then we're gonna get back the discs."
"Stop it. I don't want to hear this shit. What are we doing here-- Where is Techno's stuff, do you have his stuff."
This is Very Familiar. (And he could help before, a little bit, bug he doesn't know this Tommy. There's nothing he can say.)
"Yes, he has my stuff, he tried to execute me, the execution stand is still there." Point. There is a cage and a stage and a weird contraption above the cage.