"Well, darling, my opinion is simply that it doesn't matter if those old perverts have dirty minds."
She closes the fan and raps him lightly with it. "And now you've corrupted me, stolen my innocence, my purity, my virginity-- now I'll have to be a fallen woman-- give birth to our child in a home for unwed mothers because I know you won't do right by me--"
"That's the danger of messing with people from the under world. You should have seen this coming."
She raps him again. "I'd get in trouble, that's exactly what we've been talking about."
"I'd hit you with a cane but you're from the barbaric East and don't enjoy the British vice."
She turned more serious. "I keep getting such beautiful imagery in my dreams... the city in the valley, and the sea-coast beyond, and the snowy peak overlooking the sea, and the gaily painted galleys that sail out of the harbour toward the distant regions where the sea meets the sky..."