Five witches besides Isabella ward the colony site. Robots guard the site of the portal, obligingly letting colonists through during scheduled trips and reporting to Isabella by mirror if anybody else shows up. Other robots help the colonists with setting up their farms and houses in the warded area. It'll hold a city, no problem, although another transfer of silks and bags to pay for warding a second site is going to be called for before they get literally everyone across, since in addition to city they need farmland, and since they can't build vertically as effectively as fully industrialized Earthlings or the deceased aliens.
One day:
"It's been exactly a year now since you crashed my picnic. Let's go to a fancy restaurant and celebrate."
Adarin laughs. "Fancy restaurant, sure. Is there some specific brand of restaurant you'd like, or just the fanciest?"
He goes and looks one up. While cuddling, because he now has a fancy phone and has internet access on it.
"Found one." He shows her his phone, it has the restaurant's website pulled up. "Shall we, then?"
So they portal to Manhattan and they stroll into the restaurant and they really ought to have made reservations, but Isabella manages to trade a few round-trip vouchers for them to resell in exchange for a cancelled table.
Off they go to sit. It's a very nice restaurant.
"Do you know if we have the infrastructure set up to do the glass bauble thing? It seems like it would be appropriate."
"We could get some kind of floating candle holder, I am certain," says Isabella. "Whether it would look like what you have in mind I don't know, the colonists have had non-glass-related priorities."
"Some kind of floating candle holder, then. Later we can get the proper kind, but for now we can just do something cute."
"Yes. But first fantastic dinner." She picks an appetizer and an entrée and anticipates wanting a soufflé so she puts that order in too, since they're make-ahead. An excruciatingly professional waiter collects these desires.
"I do have to say that this is one of the most eventful years I've ever had. Also easily the nicest."
Adarin snorts a little. "That too. I was politely ignoring the valleys, though. You have a cloud-pine."
"It was a play on words, even if not exactly a pun, but I will allow it. I'm nice like that."
"A play on words is wit, my dear, not a pun. I do agree that you are nice like that."
Adarin's gotten far more comfortable with the culture, in a year.
Isabella laughs and seizes his hand and pulls it across the table so she can kiss it, because she doesn't want to test the fireproofing of their outfits right now with the candle by leaning over to kiss him properly. "I can completely see that, there would be moments like the dipping followed by the thrice-damned doorbell in half the season finales..."
Adarin laughs, pleased with hand-kisses. "Yeah, it'll be terrible. But it'll also make millions. Our backup plan in case portal-capitalism fails?"
"Sure, though I'd rather hire actors to play us, since the TV show would involve lots of us almost kissing. It would get dull."
"Well, when the cameras turned off you could actually kiss me to make up for it. I would let you."
"I would be extremely surprised if I went to kiss you and you didn't let me. Also sad. Perhaps also a touch broken hearted."
"But what if I had morning breath? Maybe I wouldn't let you kiss me if I had morning breath. You don't know. You sleep a lot later than I do."
He takes her hand and kisses her fingertips, just as demonstration.