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Azurifice meet Anomalans
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The question curator(A) can tell when A is out of A's depth, and sends urgent messages to several of Firstplanet's most highly reviewed fiction curators(B) asking for help. Most of B respond while A is still drafting the stuff about automation, with recommendations for each member of the probe crew. Each person gets eight works, with one singled out as "this is the best one,".

For Muroti: A story set at a multiversal conference for instances of the same famous fictional crime-fighting duo from thirty-two different fanfictions, at which they have to find and subdue the pair from a grimdark AU who are trying to kill off the others, plus the original material and the thirty-two fanfictions for context.

For Zanmi: a series of short stories set on a Mars base, featuring a series of debates about how to prioritize various pieces of base infrastructure. The first entry ends after all arguments have been heard but right before the final votes are counted. The second entry in the series is set five years later and has two versions picking up after each possible decision with which the first one could have ended, each of which in turn ends with a vote; this goes on until the last one in the series is set on sixteen heavily diverged versions of the base. 

For Avaker: a terraforming puzzle game in tabletop and PC formats, with rulesets for three in-system locations (Hotplanet, Redplanet, and Bigplanet-Icemoon) and four levels of extra rules that can be added for realism or removed for speed and simplicity, plus dramatic novelizations of a couple of narratively satisfying playthroughs.

For Penjaga: A series of novellas centered around a high school theatre club, featuring shifting friendships and romantic entanglements, conflicts over artistic vision, and subsets of the group playing surreal pranks on each other, some of which the reader isn't in on until they go off.  

Makoki: A translated historical drama from over five hundred years ago, set over five hundred years before that, in which the monarchs of two kingdoms marry for reasons of state, gradually fall in love, and then the political winds shift and the viewpoint character betrays and murders the love interest to ensure the security of the viewpoint character's kingdom. (The questioncurator includes a little note saying not to worry, this sort of thing is not how polities are run anymore.)

Also, Firstplanet would like to see whatever they think is best! If any of the probe crew has a favorite interest in a piece of fiction and wants new people to talk about it with, now is the time for shameless pitching!


Meanwhile on the internet:

> Eeeeeeeeee dyson sphere!


> The Azurifice already feel safe enough to want to have kids here! That's so great!

> Baby Azurifice might be a lot more mature than baby humans, and being a probe is probably really safe in general, but yeah it's pretty great!






> I hope the Azurifice like Captain Hawkwing!

> We're not sending Captain Hawkwing in the first 512 things. Captain Hawkwing spends like half the series fighting hostile aliens. We'd look like xenophobic scum.

> Okay but like eventually, you know? The one with the negative space wedgie that deletes everyone's theory of mind is legit top tier!

> Yeah, fair, I usually hate softphysics spacefic but that was pretty awesome.


> They're building a Dyson sphere!!!


life-should-flourish: So how's everyone enjoying the fiction they sent us?
life-should-flourish: I'm loving mine! It's cute and sweet and delightfully zany.
hopelessly-entangled: the one for me was 10/10, i cried so much...
hopelessly-entangled: The ending! augh.
light-and-wonder: I love this format! Okay okay so
light-and-wonder: No spoilers, but it's a series where books that end on binary cliffhangers
light-and-wonder: And then each time, there's two sequels for it!
space-ourselves: oooo 
light-and-wonder: I've only finished 5 of the paths so far, but I'm really impressed with the concept and execution!
space-ourselves: I actually haven't gotten very far in the main story, because it's a major template-instance-crossover story
space-ourselves: And they sent me the sourceworks, so every time a new variant on the template comes up I read their stuff for context.
But I'm madly in love with everyone who worked on this, it's so delightfully intricate! The layers... 💙
space-ourselves: I'm recommending them Kumbatoof.
life-should-flourish: ...oh dear.
hopelessly-entangled: these poor souls.
space-ourselves: I think they're gonna love it!!!
: ...they're going to be really confused about the culture context stuff, but... 
space-ourselves: You say that like I don't have a Kumbatoof companion guide that I haven't been furiously adding cross-cultural notes to since first contact.
life-should-flourish: Your dedication to getting everyone you interact with to at least try Kumbatoof is honestly kind of inspiring.
hopelessly-entangled: ...wait, what did they send Avaker?
hopelessly-entangled: I just noticed we're talking about Kumbatoof, and she hasn't stopped by to say that Aksirv did nothing wrong.
space-ourselves: Oh, they sent her an engineering-sim game.
space-ourselves: She's absolutely lost in the sauce.
space-ourselves: Adorable! 💙
void-your-warranty: ...guilty as charged, honestly. This game is incredible. Their 2nd planet from the sun is really interesting to terraform.
void-your-warranty: ...oh, are we talking about Kumbatoof? Aksirv did nothing wrong!!!
hopelessly-entangled: *giggles* and she's back.
void-your-warranty: Hey, Muroti, wanna help me build rulesets for this game for the planets we surveyed on the way here?
void-your-warranty: Mostly I want balance input, I've got all the data and figured out a few unique mechanics but I want help making the scoring fair.
space-ourselves: Babe!! 💙💙💙 You have the best date suggestions. 
space-ourselves: PS everyone should send me media reccs for them.
space-ourselves: We can't just send them Kumbatoof.


It should definitely be possible for humans to do some of their own exception handling, especially for less time-sensitive tasks! The Azurifice would be happy to help them figure out which parts of that would be feasible and start getting bits of it setup.

They're grateful for the taxation and financial system primers -- "We're interested in setting up physically somewhere you aren't using the land, and preferably somewhere cold to save cost on cooling clusters, will it matter much what polity we setup our initial business in?" -- and would be happy to start initial talks with firms about licensing / purchasing fees for some of the technology they could start sharing right away. 


Muroti sends back the effusive praise of the crew for the media they've been given, along with a recommendation from each of them.

From Penjaga: A long and extremely cute/fluffy serial about the slow formation of an Azurifice polycule, following one member's attempts to make sure her friends are taking care of themselves and living their best lives as she falls in love with them and learns to take better care of herself in the process. Each major arc covers one of her edges of the polycule.

From Makoki: An absolutely heartbreaking time-travel tragedy where the protagonist, trapped in one of the other vaults, discovers powerful psionic technologies and figures out how to use them to build a time machine. tries to go back in time and better-prepare his people for the Yok Edici. He fails repeatedly due to increasingly implausible and brutal events before one of his (messy) love interests proves that the time travel tech is metaphysically reliant on (and maybe acasually responsible for?) the mass extinction caused by the Yok Edici. The story ends with her rigging the time machine to blow in the hopes that with her, him, and it dead, the planet might be spared.

From Avaker: Galactic Energy Preservation Initiative, an engineering sim where the player is teleported by fiat to a planet in a galaxy that is known by fiat to not have any existing life (and therefore has absurd amounts of stellar energy that's just going to waste!) The player starts with a single very versatile Azurifice mining-and-fabrication setup, and scales up to producing a dyson sphere, and then scales up more until the player is relocating entire solar systems with stellar engines (for manufacturing convenience), stopping larger stars from going supernova by siphoning off mass, and more. 

From Zanmi: A serial drama about a multi-species team on an FTL survey ship that represents a post-scarcity galactic federation encountering new sentient life and offering them the wonders of fancy technology and galactic cosmopolitanism. Some episodes have thorny ethical dilemmas brought on by cultural clashes; most of those end up having creative resolutions that leave everyone happy and their interests accounted for; some of them have uncomfortable or tragic compromises, and a very few go horribly wrong and require a multi-episode arc to either fix the resulting problem or resolve the emotional turmoil of the cast.

From Muroti: Kumbatoof, which she prefaces with "Okay, so I think this is absolutely the pinnacle of Azurifice media and that isn't an especially uncommon opinion, but you should be warned it is kind of a controversial one? It's really really good though and I think some of you will love it even though you definitely need the companion guide to fully enjoy it." Kumbatoof is an extremely long and convoluted multi-media-type serial that follows a steadily-expanding cast of characters undergoing a steadily more convoluted string of events to try and save their world from some kind of predestined tragedy that turns out to be a potential catalyst for the creation of new universes. The story presentation is almost antagonistically nonlinear, and at times goes in what seems like completely nonsensical tangents that only come up again much, much later. There's multiple kinds of time travel, each with different mechanics; one of them worked by the creator editing the existing media to be retroactively compliant with the changes it implied.

The companion guide explains what was going on with the fanbase at the time (Kumbatoof's story was all written by one Azurifice who had already amassed a minor following for her earlier works; she incorporated a lot of fandom in-jokes and other content back into the work, and got help from some dedicated fans with the creation of the kinds of art assets she didn't enjoy producing), applies versioning on time-travel-recton'd changes to give later consumers the same experience longtime fans got, and contains some notes and commentary about the author's unique perspectives on serial media creation and the (sometimes collaborative, sometimes antagonistic) nature of relationship between author and consumer. Muroti's notes further attempt to provide context on Azurifice-specific things, and also note the favorite characters of herself and the rest of the crew (She claims that Avaker stans Aksirv, highly controversial alien character who causes a lot of suffering for questionable reasons but is nevertheless vital to the eventual happy(?) ending).


Somewhere cold with unused land? How about this continent under one of the polar ice caps! All it has are a couple of research stations and a bunch of birds, neither of which seem likely to be a risk to, or at risk from, an Azurifice installation. If that's too cold or too remote or otherwise problematic, there are plenty of cities a little farther from the other polar cap that claim unusually large chunks of wilderness and are willing to negotiate carving out a section for a new city. Here are initial bids for technology collaboration from several sixty-fours of firms, though, personal note from a few of the diplomats here, these are the bids that were hacked together as fast as possible to try to get in first, and the bids that will come in over the next few hours are likely to be better thought-out in their details and edge-case-handling. If the crew(A) want to pick or design one setup as a standard framework and offer that broadly it might save people on both sides a lot of work; if A would rather set up something from scratch each time that's perfectly reasonable too.

Everyone is so happy the Azurifice liked the mediacurators' recommendations! Summaries of preliminary comments on the Azurifice's recommendations will be forthcoming as soon as people have had an hour or two to read them!


On the polycule fluff: Adorable! There's fanart now. Most of it tries to hew faithfully to the available pictures of the protagonist's species' avatars' appearances from the corpus, with various degrees of success ranging from "very realistic" to "attempt at realism that kind of lands in the uncanny valley" to "stylized in various ways that might or might not be uncanny valley". 

On the time travel tragedy: lots of "I cried" and keyboard mashing; also one of the people who maintains the most popular index and classification system for fictional time travel mechanics wrote this 2048-word essay discussing where this work fits in the classification scheme and comparing and contrasting it to some famous local works in terms of the emotional valences of things like changing history, erasing yourself, erasing other people, etc.

On Galactic Energy Preservation Initiative: VOID ON A STICK this is the coolest game EVER! It's going to have a competitive speedrunning scene in eight days and a novelization by the next full moon and fanmade mods as soon as anyone gets good enough at Azurifice programming languages to write them. It will win all the awards.

On the FTL survey ship drama: lots of comments on the first couple of episodes but very few on the later ones yet; lots of people(A) are aware of the coordination issue here but most of A think getting to see the series in the right order is more important than having something original to say immediately. General opinion is that the entire premise is such a collosal mood right now, except from the perspective of the primitive planets in their case. Also there are a lot of arguments about how the various ethical dilemmas should have been resolved, but not yet any points where what the characters actually did is outside the local Overton window.

On Kumbatoof: the fact that this exists is very impressive and the fact that it's popular reflects well on the Azurifice in general! It's predicted to have a significant fanbase 64 days from now when people have had time to finish it and absorb it and process it and when the set of on-average-above-averagely-intelligent people who are currently working at jobs too important to drop for an impromptu planetwide holiday get to take a break and sit down with it.


space-ourselves: al;sdfnawe;lfjsd you guys aren't going to believe this but
hopelessly-entangled: w-what does "al;sdfnawe;lfjsd" mean???
space-ourselves: it's a keysmash!!! Humans do it sometimes to express having a lot of emotions. 
space-ourselves: They literally just mash random keys on their keyboards with their weird human hands!!
space-ourselves: it's adorable  n;weafajkwf;anklvl;nkaewf
life-should-flourish: And so now you're doing it.
life-should-flourish: despite the fact that we don't have keyboards.
life-should-flourish: ...or human hands.
space-ourselves: :D
space-ourselves: Try it, it's fun!
hopelessly-entangled: ancxvdfwenrewqrqo?
space-ourselves: Yeah!!!! 
void-your-warranty: She sent me like 10 lines of keysmashing without any context a little bit ago.
void-your-warranty: Because she was so excited about the concept of keysmashing.
void-your-warranty: It was briefly alarming! but in retrospect, very adorable.
space-ourselves: :D :D 💙 thanks babe
space-ourselves: anyways look!!!
space-ourselves: People drew fanart of us! adsklf;anweflajsdf !!!!
light-and-wonder: this is the best planet 💙 
hopelessly-entangled: aaaa that's so sweet ;_;
life-should-flourish: Awwww!!! 💙
life-should-flourish: I really like this one, the style is really interesting.
void-your-warranty: ooooh, yeah, me too.
void-your-warranty: Hey can someone help me sanity check the modding API I'm building for GEPI? It's really popular down there and I want their programmers to be able to interact with it more easily!
life-should-flourish: I can take a look!
void-your-warranty: Thanks 💙
light-and-wonder: Makoki, Muroti, quick pow-wow on short-term financial strategy? 
hopelessly-entangled: sure.
space-ourselves: Your wish is my command, O Fearless Leader 💙 


A little while later, Avaker sends down a modding framework for Galactic Energy Preservation Initiative, and some extra rulesets for their terraforming game based on planets in the Azurifice home system and the ones they surveyed on their way here. (Muroti said to say that she helped with the balance.)


Wooo, modding framework and new planets! (Best sufficiently advanced AIs.) A bunch of scientists want all the survey data that went into making those rulesets.

A different bunch of scientists(A) would, if the Azurifice(B) are okay with it and don't mind talking about it, like everything B have on uploading and on preservation methods for the heartdead. A wouldn't be asking if it wasn't very important.

Yet another bunch of scientists(C) would like to know about the Dyson sphere project! C probably aren't going to be able to make a meaningful start on it for a while, but it's good to know what directions Firstplanet(D) should be expanding D's tech tree in.

A fourth bunch of scientists have lots of questions about ecology and wildlife management, stipulating that this is not a problem the Azurifice have but again apologizing and citing moral urgency.

Other scientists just have a bunch of totally nonfraught innocent questions about chemistry and materials science and math and geology and particle physics! Have they considered doing this hypothetical thing for turning a gas giant into a particle accelerator?


The Azurifice are happy to share their survey data, the latest in cryopreservation (at least for Rasikans; here's a bunch of biological data about them and notes from the crew about what might be different for humans), everything on brain scans and uploading, including journals by Orana and Rivotra (one of which contains an entry written by Rivotra post-Azurifice awakening, musing about her children; "i can only hope that they'll find more life out there, once I'm gone, and bring them the joy and comfort and warmth they've brought to the end of my weary life, that Orana's final gift to the universe will be shared with all who can appreciate them"). 

Ecological and wildlife data! Most of it is theoretical, though there's also a large bundle of collected work of Rasikan scientists that's been heavily annotated and cross-referenced by an Archivist, Molka, who apparently had a lot of strong feelings about the ethics of farming, animal rights and animal suffering, and how to manage a biosphere.

Science and math data! Azurifice have a lot of practical chemistry and esoteric math stuff and physics info and especially a lot of really good synthetic materials, though some they would prefer to only share spec sheets for until they can hammer out a contract for selling or licensing the creation process. They'd recently built a pretty big planetside particle accelerator when the probe left "and probably by now there's enough mining happening out of gravity wells that someone will have at least proposed a gas giant accelerator, we can ask about it once we get our long-distance comms facilities built."

Dyson sphere plans from before the probe left! Zanmi thinks that the best way to get started is bootstrapping the Azurifice microchip and servo manufacturing assembly setup to start building automated mining and exotic materials fabrication. The crew is interested in getting started on building some of those either near the polar ice caps or at a site closer to a city, depending on transit costs to the poles. They'd be happy to either sell some designs for seed money or take initial investments that cover the cost of construction, in exchange for 50% of each building's output until the investment has been repaid with interest; "How much interest is something we're happy to adjust based on what your economists think is wisest, since you're definitely the local experts on capitalism". They're fine using this specific agreement style with however many entities want to invest; they'll announce a cutoff time and accept proportional investment shares from everyone who wants to buy in under these terms to fund their initial facilities. They're really excited to start building together! 


Over the next few days, it transpires that:

So many people want to buy materials science info! There are offers of flat fees (some very large), offers of percentages of the offering firm's profit on all products using the material on question for the next N years, offers of equity in companies, offers of payment in government-backed publicgoodbonds with payouts determined by life expectancy or cost and speed of transit from point P to point Q or children's standardized test scores.

The combined water-clock-funding project for the giant transmitter funded even at its most conservative estimates of required funds; here's the details on where they're going to put it and the projected timeline of which steps will be completed when and where all the materials will be supplied from and under what conditions the current project management will be ruled to be doing a bad job and how in that event replacements will be found. (This isn't a common problem by any means, but it's one of those contingencies that's easy to set up in advance and very difficult to agree on once it's come up.)

There are also so many people(A) interested in bootstrapping to automated mining and fabrication, many of them conditional on plans for minimizing the ecological impact. A have plenty of prior art on this but if Azurifice(B) mining machinery is designed to eat the entire mountain or something A is hoping B can help them update it for a planet that feels very possessive about its mountains. Some people are interested in the designs-for-seed-capital model but a majority are interested in the joint venture model. Interest rates get bid down not quite to zero but definitely to below the going rate for a new heavy industry venture. The excitement to start building together is mutual!

The people(C) with no jobs and high reading speeds who chose to invest those advantages into bingeing Kumbatoof have now finished Kumbatoof! C're super into it and have a bunch of questions about the nuances of some of the references to third-party media and individuals and a bunch of ideas for similarly massively-multimedia projects. The latter also have questions regarding Azurifice norms around derivative fiction and payment for same. Aksirv(D) has a smaller group of partisans(E) as a portion of the fandom than D does among the Azurifice, but E are very poetic about D.


Avaker(A) chats eagerly and at length with fellow Aksirv(B) fans! A mentions that B reminds A some of Muroti(C), at least in how B interacts with one of B's primary love interests. A stresses that C is not like B in several other ways "Frankly, I'd be rather concerned if the Azurifice had sent someone like B on a mission like this."
(A mentions that C has been aggressively pushing the convergentlanguage pronoun system on the rest of the crew. A is a fan! C sometimes uses different symbolsets than [ABC...], though, "to, and I quote, 'spice things up a little!', because C is a wonderful little chaos gremlin 💙")
((One way in which A and C differ stylistically is that C lives by the "lifehack! you can name variables whatever you want" programming ethos.))


Zanmi sells materials science info to everyone who wants to buy it, setting aside 50% of their immediate profits to invest their personal business and sending the rest to the government-backed publicgoodbonds. 

The plans for the communications arrays look great! The Azurifice are incredibly eager to work with them.

Azurifician mining can readily be adapted to avoid having ecological damage, given their superior imaging techniques / designs for tunneling / sounding probes. They should be able to find the materials they need deep underground, and have no need to destroy any mountains! (They think mountains are pretty too, honestly! Here's a dump of beautiful photos of the Azure mountain range, along with some Rasikan paintings and two Azurifice poems about mountains, both gushing about how beautiful the clouds look from their peaks.)


Muroti (🦚) is so happy about all the new Kumbatoof fans(🕊️)!!! 🦚 answers all of 🕊️'s questions to the best of 🦚's ability, including sharing the relevant third-party media works when they come up(with 🦚's commentary on them, of course). 🦚 also loves 🕊️'s proposed ambitious projects, and notes that metafiction is definitely encouraged / generally seen as a sign of success to authors (noting the original author/work is cuturally mandatory). There's no norm for derivative payments, given that the Azurifice do not sell their fiction to each other; "Maybe send 🦚's crew (🐧) a reasonable local share of any proceeds, and 🐧 can use it to invest in the creation of new cross-cultural metafiction! That sounds fun." 


Woohoo yeah ecologically sustainable mining! Gross planetary product* is going to depart positively from trend! Several central banks and similar macroeconomic-regulationsystems put in a lot of work making sure this resembles a bonfire more than a firework.

*If I may use a forum transcript as a footnote:

> We really need to start calling it gross system product so we're not excluding the probe and Luna city and stuff.

> Luna city doesn't have an economy yet though.

> But if it did we would count it.

> By that standard we should just call it Gross everywhere product!

> That would imply we're counting the Azurifice economy and we're not and we couldn't if we wanted to.

> <Mod hat> This forum aspires to the Kaizen-3.2 discussion quality standard. Yinz are technically on topic for now but if yinz get any deeper into linguisticprecisiongames I will ask yinz to take it to the Discourse section. </Mod hat>

Muroti's wordrevelry is adorable and resembles the thing some small close-knit friend groups or polycules do where, in discussions internal to the group, everyone always gets their favorite pronoun regardless of discussion order. The resulting vibe of Muroti, the rest of the crew, and Firstplanet-as-a-unit being in a small close-knit friend group, while not assumed to be intentional, is very cute. There's a new internet meme of "unpredictable friend Muroti" where people facetiously claim that Muroti sneaks into people's houses to leave cookies, paints cardinals blue and bluebirds red, causes carefully localized blizzards so kids get a day off school, etc. People(A) with plans to sell Kumbatoof fanworks and merch pledge to send the probe crew(B) a share of the proceeds and assure B that A wouldn't dream of not crediting A's inspiration. (It's traditional on Firstplanet to list all the works that contributed key tropes or ideas to a new work, including ones it isn't explicitly based on or set in continuity with, partly as a means of sharing credit where it's due and partly as a distributed recommendation system.)


Time passes! The crew continues to make friends among the people of Firstplanet, and continues to be charmed and delighted about how wonderful they all are.
Construction begins on the communications array project! It's on-track to be finished in just under 4 years.

With nice cold land and permission to begin bootstrapping, Zanmi interfaces with various high level decision-makers and puts Avaker in contact with the engineering leads who'll be overseeing the construction work on the ground; she provides them with the plans and instructions for basic Azurifice fabrication shops, and in a flurry of activity, the initial batches of resources are moved on-site. The first batch of five basic omnifabs start churning out parts to help complete their own construction in three months. Soon after, mining facilities are brought online, along with the more specialized fabrication sites required to produce the cutting edge computing chips the Azurifice run on. 

In just under a year, the first Azurifice compute and storage clusters go online. After the crew finishes triple-checking the integrity of the facilities, Muroti is the first to have her runtimes transferred planetside "I want to make sure it's safe for you all! ...also, I'll have the most fun enjoying our dramatically-increased internet bandwidth while I'm waiting for the rest of you to transfer down". She reports that the facilities are "fucking awesome" and the rest of the crew soon follow; Avaker next, Makoki last.

light-and-wonder: Good morning, Makoki! Glad to have you back with us. 💙
life-should-flourish: Missed you, sweetie! 💙
space-ourselves: Welcome home, Makoki! 💙🎊🎉
void-your-warranty: We've all missed you 💙 
: 💙 thanks. glad I'm finally here.
hopelessly-entangled: ...and thanks for all those fiction reccs, Muroti.
hopelessly-entangled: I have a bunch of comments I need to send out.
space-ourselves: Of course! Wanted to make sure you wouldn't be too lonely after Penjaga started beaming down. 💙
space-ourselves: And now that you're here, I have a surprise for everyone!!
hopelessly-entangled: :o
life-should-flourish: :0 
light-and-wonder: :O
void-your-warranty: :D 
space-ourselves: Ok, mostly it is a surprise for everyone besides Avaker, because I needed her help with some of the setup. 💙
void-your-warranty: 💙 
space-ourselves: Anyways, we're having a party tonight! Everyone's going to be there! 
space-ourselves: Ok, not literally everyone, but I managed to get a ton of each of our friends!
space-ourselves: I invited all the people who helped make all this possible!
space-ourselves: And everyone working on the communications array, too!
space-ourselves: ...And a bunch of other people, honestly. It's going to be awesome! 
space-ourselves: As it turns out, there are a lot of people here who want to welcome us to our new home.
space-ourselves: (Shocking! Who would have thought!)
space-ourselves: And Avaker and I built us all some really nice frames for it, too! Excellent range of motion, good sensors and haptic feedback, very huggable. 
hopelessly-entangled: !
life-should-flourish: !!
light-and-wonder: !!!
space-ourselves: Oh, and babe, because I did in fact want to have a bit of surprise for you 💙 
space-ourselves: I managed to organize a mini-summit on GEPI speedrunning and modding in a side-room.
void-your-warranty: !!!! qwernf.lzkvz;xal you did??? 💙 
hopelessly-entangled: cxvznlcxvzlknewarkjn party!!! 💙 
light-and-wonder: zcvxl.kjnwealrew;ndsvzxla partypartyparty!!!! 💙 💙 
life-should-flourish: vzn,.lxcvioewj;rqanlfldj 💙
life-should-flourish: you've really outdone yourself, Muroti 💙
life-should-flourish: (took me a bit to find the Keysmash Simulator you sent us a while back)
space-ourselves: dal;kjnasdksjdsn;lajfdsnfasd 💙 I love you all so much💙 



Party!! With the Azurifice!!! Everyone here(A) is the envy of all As' friends who aren't here*. There are scientists and authors and engineers and mining company executives and an entire mini-summit of the top GEPI players in Sol system. One GEPI modder(B) has brought a surprise B wants to unveil; one of the fiction authors has prepped a one-shot no-player-prep many-group-sizes partyLARP for if people feel like doing that later, and everyone excited to talk to their friends face to slightly-less-telepresence face. The party room has been hung with glittering banners and streamers and garlands of artificial flowers. Everyone is in their nicest clothes, clouds of floaty rainbow silk and mosaics of sparkly beads and complicated networks of hair ribbons and in one case a pair of blue-and-green butterfly wings painted across a CEO's face.

*Convergentlanguage has a much better way to express "For each X in Y, f(X)" than this.


Party!!! Avaker rolls her interactive frame over to the GEPI summit! She chats excitedly with people she recognizes, gets introduced to many people she doesn't, and eagerly awaits the surprise reveal!


Muroti bounces around the party, saying hi to all the friends she can find and introducing them to each other, laughing giddily at their jokes and cackling at her own. She's incredibly enthused at the various bits of fancy clothes and gets selfies taken with as many fascinating outfits as she can!


Penjaga and Makoki stick together, mostly chatting with authors and anthropologists and the younger humans in attendance. At Penjaga's gentle prompting, Makoki does some storytelling, including excerpts from a series of journal entries written by a stable triad of Rasikan engineers who lived at the dawn of the information age and had carefully catalogued how their lives were improved with the introduction of mass computing. It ends with three of them expressing their solemn hope that any readers in the far-off future can continue to celebrate the wonders of technology and the lives improved by it.


Zanmi mostly spends time with the engineers and mining company executives she's been working closely with, happily networking among them. Muroti thoughtfully arranged an opportunity for her to give a big speech an hour into the party, thanking everyone for all their wonderful contributions to an incredibly successful first year of Azurifice-human relations, and to Muroti, Avaker, and their human co-conspirators for setting up such an excellent welcoming party. She ends the speech with the announcement that the next stage of their work here will involve the creation of new Azurifice, a step the five of them are incredibly excited about. 


The GEPI summit opens with a talk by the current human speedrun recordholder comparing GEPI to other resource-management games and analyzing the narrative and mechanical innovations that have made it so popular on Firstplanet. Then there's a talk about "how to design your mod for compatibility with other mods", and then it's time to reveal the surprise! It's a modpack designed in collaboration with a famous physicist that enables the strategy of stuffing all matter in the galaxy into supermassive black holes, waiting for the cooling of the universe to make things cheaper, and harvesting power from the radiation as the black holes slowly evaporate. The playtesters all got serious timevertigo and think that's awesome. It is, kind of ironically, not very compatible with other mods on a pure gameplay level and there is much good-humoured laughter about this fact.


Everyone is super excited to take selfies with Muroti! One of the radio transmitter project managers knows a fashion designer who would be absolutely ecstatic to design clothes for an Azurifice interface body if Muroti would be at all interested in that.


Makoki(A)'s storytelling gets applause; lots of A's friends want to chat about the new Azurifice-approved Dohenne history curriculum and the two new art installations going up: a memorial to the Rasika with a statue of Orana in glass and a statue of Rivotra in granite, and the first contact memorial at the observatory that first picked up the prime numbers. There are also a handful of requests for hugs.


Zanmi's speech also gets applause, and wild cheers at the mention of new Azurifice. Everyone is SO EXCITED about baby Azurifice!

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