"I'm here," he says, banging on Jing Yi's door.
"Does fucking you improve relations with Chang'an? Chang'an would have great relations with half the school."
"Okay, so that is very fair, but I would like to point out that I have no boyfriends in Seoul." (Though the causality goes the other way.)
"I guess I can. Take my clothes off?"
He does so like someone undressing for the gym. He is chubby in the way of a teenager who hasn't hit his growth spurt yet but whose body is preparing for it, and the acne on his face has also spread to his shoulders and back and is making a serious attempt at colonizing his chest.
Oh no he's pretty. How come everyone Jiang Cheng knows looks like an idol and Jiang Cheng is fat and short and has every kind of skin blemish known to humankind.
The thing is, if you're the sort of person open to all takers, you really quickly stop being picky.
"See you soon," he says, doing that wave that mostly involves fingers.
It's a little weird, but it's not the first time someone has accidentally spooked themselves.
Half an hour later he returns with blotchily applied concealer and penciled eyebrows applied by putting the eyebrow pencil near the eyebrow and hoping that was good enough.
Oh deeeeeear.
"You know you didn't have to do that? Not that I don't appreciate it, of course."
"It's a reasonable enough thing to want."
...he is going to end up covered in that concealer, isn't he.
...it's probably for the best that he didn't attempt to do his back. "If you're sure."