A little amused, he says, "I think I like you playing with my hair. That's bewildering."
"Never had it before, never thought it would be something I'd enjoy."
Eventually, he considers himself mentally stable enough to think about more than just fixing himself from being hurt. When this happens, he decides that there is a thing he would like to do, and regrets not doing sooner.
He goes looking for Isabella.
Isabella's in the herb garden, casting a spell on her coriander patch.
She looks up from confirming that the herbs she was using for the spell have disappeared correctly. "Yeah? Are - you okay?"
"Well. Yes, I'm fine. There was just something I'd like to do and - er. I'm terrible at this," he sighs.
Fidget, fidget. "Do you have any sort of - um, opinion on what happened before the really badly timed party?"
"I... was very annoyed that the moment was wrecked, and correctly guessed it wouldn't be recovered anytime soon. You may recall me wishing unkind fates on celestial bodies."
"Well, yes," he says, half amused and half incredibly awkward. "May I borrow you, for a little while?"
He closes the distance, grins, and on a whim decides to at least make an effort to recreate the Lost First Kiss of Bad Timing. She is dipped, then... Kisses?
If it is possible to melt fiercely, Isabella is doing it.
Suffice it to say that her long patient waiting for him to go first because that was what their daemons agreed ought to happen has no bearing on her vividly expressed enthusiasm once he's completed that prerequisite. There are kisses and also vaguely indecent noises and hands that can't figure out where they most want to be and are checking all the possibilities available (above the waist - she doesn't want to spook him too badly).
Yeah, he's going to enjoy himself. As long as things are above the waist he's likely to approve - he hasn't decided if he'd like for them to do anything down that route, but this he definitely approves of. He nearly falls over from the kisses, and unfortunately has to break them to say, "I don't want to -" (kiss) "drop you, I might have to stop this whole -" (kiss)"holding you up business..."
"Oh, please don't drop me, I'm terrible at catching myself," she chuckles against his cheek. "There's entire articles of furniture inside. They won't drop me."
It miiiiight be hard to peel her off of him for the next week.
Vern snickers, and then goes to find Path to cuddle.
"Finally," he says in Vern's ear, not particularly quietly.