"Jiang Cheng! Jiang Cheng! It's terrifying!"
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Jiang Cheng, you're the best shidi in the world--"
Why is Shanghai so weird. Marcy has been writing an essay while horrible wall-sitting and does not have time for this. She stands a bit too close and reaches an arm around the cowardly boy to grab the pasta scoop as a thinly veiled reminder not to hold up the line. "Excuse me."
"Sorry!" Cowardly Boy says in English, with an accent best described as "sexily exotic."
What is stopping this child from scooping his own vegetables. Sympathetic glance for Jiang Cheng.
Yeah, if she was having this problem and someone noticed she'd hate them too. But if they didn't want to be noticed they should be easier to ignore. She contemplates the baked beans, decides she doesn't like the shine on them and goes for a biscuit.