"Well, I'm not going to stop you if you want to immigrate, unless it turns out you're carrying horrible diseases or are secretly evil or something."
"As far as I know, I am neither," he defends. "Though- honestly I don't think I'm in a position to immigrate."
"No?" Isabella goes into the kitchen, where she sprinkles rosemary and salt and pepper on both squabs.
"... Well. It would be screwing over various people that don't deserve it? But I suppose I'm physically capable of it," he explains. "Arrogant though it sounds to say that just me leaving would cause that, I realize."
(Metis collects her squab; Isabella cuts a chunk off of hers and offers it to Adarin, then starts slicing the rest of it up for herself.)
Adarin takes his share of squab, "Thank you. Do you remember how I explained how magic works in my world?"
He shrugs, a little, looking sad. "So I have a lot of weight to throw around for fixing things, and no one else seems able to do it. They're all too intent on killing or outmaneuvering one another for power."
"...I wonder if your kids will have daemons, now, even if you have them back in New Kystle."
"I... Have no idea. I do expect that I have quite some time before I'll find out, though," he says with a bit of amusement.
"Not keen on being the ancestor of a population of Kystle-type-magic-people anytime soon?" (Om nom squab.)
He says this is a matter-of-fact manner. It's pretty normal, to him. He's careful, about his drinks and food. He's mastered it the the point of silent spelling. The squab, for example, is free from mind-altering drugs.
"That's pretty terrible. I can't claim a better record for witches in general - although not so much within my lifetime. Though drugs have never been a preferred solution."
"I'm very glad that they haven't been. Though, now that I think of it, the alternatives might have been worse...?" he winces. Eeeugh.
"It was pretty much 'corner cute mortal at daggerpoint, mortal gets to either die or marry the witch'," sighs Isabella.
"Ah. So not any better in the slightest," says Adarin. "Just a different flavor of terrible."
Adarin attempts a little smile, and teases, "Careful, I'm supposed to be not running off to your fantastic world of pocket libraries and declining horrific acts towards attractive members of the opposite sex."
"Oh, well, in that case, the place is a disaster, you'll be well shut of it. After you give me my alethiometer accessories."
Presently the squab has been reduced to a skeleton, which Isabella discards. "All right, I suppose I'll get started on that spell I'm going to invent to get me an alethiometer."