"Well, far be it from me to stop you if it ever floats to the top of your priorities list."
"Aw, thanks. Above that on the list is showing you some scryings of things in space, though. You wouldn't actually be able to see anything happen quickly, but some of it's very pretty."
Isabella looks up a picture of the earth from space, waits for it to load, and shows it to him.
He is shown! He looks amused. "Pretty. Alright, fine, pocket library wins this round. This round."
Adarin laughs. "Possibly, but it could also just be sad, or pathetic. Or both. Do you want to try those odds?"
"Gosh, that would be a disaster even if it was adorable, then, you'd be in a permanent state of pout, I won't risk it."
"Good, I'm glad to see you have an appropriate reaction to potential disasters brought about by pouting."
"So I have seen! Keep up the good work, the planes need some more sanity and general good sense."
It doesn't bother him in the slightest, he's just curious.
"I'm not very, but there's a pantheon of witch goddesses, useful to pay attention to for invoking their names for magical purposes."
"Yeah, of course they help, if they weren't good for anything I assure you I would ignore them. Not all spells use them, but plenty do. If you change a goddess's name in a verse spell you get a different result."
"That," he says, "Is both interesting and useful. What kinds of spells invoke their names? What sorts of effects does changing them have?"
"A whole bunch, and it depends - I mean, sometimes it won't work, if you cast a death spell you need Yambe Akka and nobody else will fit in the surrounding verse. But if I were illuminating an area I'd get different kinds of light if I replaced Segaard Oskei with Amariah Lytess."
He connects the names. "Your second name was chosen after a goddess?"
"Yeah, that's not uncommon. The goddesses manifestly do not care. My name goddess and my blessing goddess aren't even the same one. I'll light something up for you when it gets dark, how about?"
Happy grin. "That would be fantastic, thank you. I might have to also sit down and just ask about all of the goddesses, out of sheer curiosity."