"That works," he says, smiling a little. "On another note - please don't invade my world? It's not worth it, I swear."
"I'm not gonna invade your world. I'll let you ask the alethiometer about it if you like."
"That works. Please don't tell a soul that I made a portal when we get to New Kystle, though, even with alethiometer approval. That would end badly."
"I'll leave that to your discretion. Unless you die and for some reason I wish to bring someone home with me."
Adarin looks faintly amused. "You seem very set with the idea that I will die horrifically when I get home. I suppose if I'm dead, it won't matter to me much what happens after. I'll leave that up to you."
"I do not expect you to die! I just don't want to make promises that I don't plan to keep under all feasible contingencies."
"Probably. It's a nice change to have someone that thinks of long-term consequences!"
Adarin grins. "Thank you. I understand you're probably not doing it for my benefit, but I should thank you, regardless."
"I am reasonably interested in your benefit, here! For long-term-thinking reasons and also because I like you."
He teases,"It's because I made the thingamajigs, isn't it? Bet that's it."
(Vern nuzzles back, making a cute trilling noise.)
He will not stop calling her that. It amuses him.
"Well, it helps us. I don't imagine it'd factor in if you'd been snuggling lots of people at home and getting their evaluations."
He laughs, softly. "Well. Okay, yeah, it wouldn't have factored in for the theoretical snuggle evaluations that would have taken place. Who else would have factored in to these theoretical snuggles? A few people have little to no personal space inhibitions, but I've never wanted to snuggle any of them."
"It sounds rather as though the only person you even sort of like - on a personal level as opposed to an 'I'd rather you didn't die of dysentery' level, anyway - back in New Kystle is your sister, so she's my only guess."
"That is sadly accurate. There are a few people I respect, even work together with, but I can't say I personally like any of them. My sister is also not very snuggly."
"Yes, but I was trying hard to not make this particularly angsty. I'm currently in a good mood and letting myself fall into self-pity would neatly ruin that."