"I have some of them on my phone. For the whole set we'd need to apply to my dad for the physical photo album."
"The phone is not primarily a pocket library. It's named after the talking-to-faraway-people-who-also-have-p
"I'm going to think of it as a pocket library no matter what you tell me. That also sounds remarkably similar to spelled mirrors! Except... Those have no added functionality. And they are not libraries that are pocket sized."
"Well, neither did phones, recently enough. It's even pretty recent that you can use them without them being connected by physical wires the whole way. If you see wooden pillars by the sides of roads with wires strung between them and branching off towards houses, those are called 'telephone poles', although I think some of the wires are for electricity and other utilities that are carried via wire."
"I think so. It's beautiful, anyway, if sometimes - oh, yes, you're immune to cold. Then it'll just be pretty for you, I suppose."
"We usually describe ourselves as unharmed by cold. I can still tell that cold things are cold."
"No. Especially not if it's starry out. Moonlight and starlight feel beautiful and they're easier to feel in the cold."
"I don't think we have many astronomers. It's possibly the ones we have will let you name a star, if you find the right person to ask."
"I don't think that will affect the quality of the light, but it'd be fun! I will contemplate what to name a star."
They are still hugging. At this point, it might have graduated to cuddles, but Adarin certainly isn't complaining.
"Also if I freeze a dayside lake for you I should name the lake too."
Adarin laughs. "Sure. I'll have to find you a lake that doesn't have a name yet, but I don't think all of them do."
"To be fair, people are also clustering around certain places, and then not moving from them, so the places they're not at get ignored."
"Also, safer. Plus, I've been trying to get a portal system set up, so people cluster around those."