"I made a really big shield, and held it for as long as I was physically capable of doing. My sister went out to collect as many as she could, and bring them back to the shield. I hit mana deprivation at some point three days in and I don't remember much after that. After the fact, I heard that other mages worked together to do the same thing I'd been doing, and some others managed to make a portal, and we ran."
Wingful snuggles are returned. Preening? Oh goodness, Vernaia's a bird. She knows preening, too! That's also returned, just as tentatively.
Adarin relaxes, just a little, in the hug. He looks at Vern and Path curiously, then laughs a bit when he sees them cuddling.
Adarin relaxes, just a little, in the hug. He looks at Vern and Path curiously, then laughs a bit when he sees them cuddling.
"It wouldn't work as well if we didn't have reasonably compatible daemons. Ranata has a hummingbird and Charlie a wolverine; they have a bit of a hard time."
"Ah, I see. That's rather unfortunate for the both of them, because this is still nice."
"It can get worse! Some people wind up with really inconvenient daemons. They don't get too big - you can have, say, an elephant, but it'll come out pygmy - but they can be aquatic. Or poisonous."
(Ongoing hugs. She has plopped her head on his shoulder.)
(Ongoing hugs. She has plopped her head on his shoulder.)
"Oh good heavens. I love my lovely magic talking bird very much. She's not poisonous, or aquatic, or any of a number of inconvenient things."
(He smiles a little, when she plops her head onto his shoulder. Hugs continue to be returned. Adarin seems comfortable just hugging, apparently.)
(He smiles a little, when she plops her head onto his shoulder. Hugs continue to be returned. Adarin seems comfortable just hugging, apparently.)
"Birds are great. Witches all have them - Path wanted to be a little dragon, maybe, but we didn't feel properly a witch till he found a bird he wanted to stay."
"Or a firefly. A dragon or a firefly," says Path.
"Or a firefly, but I would have been so annoyed if you'd been a bug. They're decorative but they can't do anything."
"I liked to glow. But I like being an owl, too."
"Or a firefly. A dragon or a firefly," says Path.
"Or a firefly, but I would have been so annoyed if you'd been a bug. They're decorative but they can't do anything."
"I liked to glow. But I like being an owl, too."
"Aww. Now I'm put out because I couldn't see a little dragon daemon," he says, amused. "Vern, I think we missed out on things because we got here late."
"I like being a kagu. I think I might have liked to fly, but this feels right," replies Vern. She makes a happy noise and cuddles Path.
Adarin tilts his head to look at the pair. "Fair enough. I do think owl suits you, Path. The small adorable fluffiness is a plus."
"I like being a kagu. I think I might have liked to fly, but this feels right," replies Vern. She makes a happy noise and cuddles Path.
Adarin tilts his head to look at the pair. "Fair enough. I do think owl suits you, Path. The small adorable fluffiness is a plus."
"I can get you pictures of me with Path as any of a dozen of his favorite old shapes, if you really want!" laughs Isabella.
"I am travel-sized," asserts Path.
"And soft," says Isabella, though since he's currently snuggling Vernaia she doesn't pet him to punctuate this assertion.
"I am travel-sized," asserts Path.
"And soft," says Isabella, though since he's currently snuggling Vernaia she doesn't pet him to punctuate this assertion.
"I think I'd love to see pictures," replies Adarin. "Perhaps not now, but eventually, certainly."
In order to see pictures now he would have to stop hugging her. He doesn't want to. Hugs are nice, especially when the rest of him is cuddling adorably as a bird.
Vernaia giggles a little, and nuzzles Path. "Very," she proclaims.
In order to see pictures now he would have to stop hugging her. He doesn't want to. Hugs are nice, especially when the rest of him is cuddling adorably as a bird.
Vernaia giggles a little, and nuzzles Path. "Very," she proclaims.