In the morning Isabella makes oatmeal, enough for three if Adarin is downstairs in time to collect some.
Then, he has tea. Adarin takes a deep breath after drinking some, and smiles at Isabella if she's present. "You made a portion of oatmeal for me, thank you."
"It was still nice," he points out, retrieving the food in question. Noms ensue. In between the tea. Tea's the really important part.
Adarin snickers, "Aw, but it was such a good opportunity for being self-congratulatory."
(Path flies into the room and lands on her shoulder.)
"I'll have a first draft of my spell ready in a couple hours, but even odds that I'll need to revise it."
"I got reasonably far in my own spell. I've still got more to do, but I'll probably be able to do it faster with an alethiometer in front of me," he explains.
(Adarin's still nameless daemon lurks outside of the room. She enters, once her person isn't half-dead and tea deprived. She's still not mastered how to properly shadow Adarin without getting in the way.)
"I could say 'light' but I know that more than just light, I need it to act in a certain way and work with something else I'm dealing with. I have to acknowledge it and it's easier if I write it down, or work out a good reminder method so I give every necessary part of the spell the attention it needs to not go horrifically wrong."
"Huh. There's four potential components to the practice of a witch spell and any combination of them can yield an effect if a witch does them. Verse, herbs, runes, and sacrifice. Verse in particular can go off by accident - when I was still going to mortal school I couldn't read verse aloud in any class on literature because something might have happened. The others we have to mean to do something."
"That sounds annoying, not being able to read verse aloud," says Adarin. "But that's very complicated. Though less memory intensive than my magic."
"Some of the spells are very simple. Nursery rhymes, three ingredients I can mix up to fix a headache," shrugs Isabella. "They can get very involved, though."
"Oh, well. That sounds rather nice, then. I do think I'd want to see what it's like when a witch begins a larger spell. For curiosity, since you're going to see me spell something large-scare. Well. Magically large scale."
He smiles, then says, "Thank you. If you'd want to be there for when I do my spell, you're invited, as well."
"Will do." Isabella eats the last of her oatmeal, then plunks her drafting notebook onto the kitchen table and starts working on it, Path whispering helpfully in her ear.
Adarin amuses himself with finishing oatmeal, then decides to clean up both oatmeal bowls (and Metis', if she expects Isabella to) simply because he's not sure if it's worth throwing several hours away to get something maybe right when he could wait a little while and get it right for sure. Besides, she made the oatmeal, it feels fair to him to clean it up.
Isabella notes him cleaning up, and says "thanks", but then her attention is back on her spell.
"You're welcome," he replies, "Let me know when you're ready to begin your spell? I'll work on mine some more."
Write write cross out page turn write flip back a few pages "hmmm" write write draw a circle and lots of arrows "hmm" flip forward a few pages write write.