On Saturday afternoon, Jiang Cheng says:
"Zaizai, do you want to spar?"
(What he's not thinking about is the fact that he hasn't seen Nie Huaisang since lunch. It's fine. It's totally fine. People can take breaks.)
Masozi sees him start to move but doesn't quite have enough time to actually get out of the way, since he's at this point fairly pinned; the best he can do is half-turn his head so that, if Jiang Cheng were actually eye-gouging him, he would at least have a slightly less good angle for it.
- oh that's a good idea, doing the fighting but in a pretend way that doesn't actually hurt people. Though it makes it hard to accurately guess how incapacitated he would be if Jiang Cheng had eye-gouged him for real?
"I dunno if that'd hurt me too much to keep fighting?" he admits, slightly out of breath.
"No, m'fine." Priority one: try to roll or squirm into a position where his eyes are out of reach. And also try to knee Jiang Cheng in whatever places he can reach and get enough leverage to hit.
Trying to knee Jiang Cheng is a great way to have him grab your leg and drop you to the floor.
Masozi is kind of running out of things to try now! Short of 'using magic', which would waste mana and is also probably kind of against the rules when you're sparring for practice.
...If he goes totally limp and stops doing anything for a second or two, is Jiang Cheng going to react to that in a way that helps him?
Doing that tends to work better when you're fighting humans - especially adults - than when you're fighting mals, but Masozi is still very surprised at how well it worked this time! Not so surprised that he forgets to take advantage of it, though - he rolls away and gets his feet under him and sprints to the opposite side of the room to lurk behind the bed.
"- Why? You hadn't even done anything that would've hurt me right then. ...Sometimes if a grownup grabs you and you do that then they'll be surprised and let go."
"....I'm sorry I made you worried?" Masozi makes a face. "I didn't mean to." He's also in fact pretty out of breath, now. "I - maybe need a break now?"
"I didn't think it'd work that well!" Masozi admits. "I just kind of ran out of ideas for things to try. ....That weren't mind control."
"Mind control is allowed in sparring if you say ahead of time. But it isn't good idea most of the time I think? Because it uses up mana."
"Yeah. That was what I was thinking too. ...Can you teach me what you would've done instead of the things I actually did?"