Masozi is, presumably, spending the afternoon safely ensconced in his room and studying Mandarin. The first hint of something wrong is when he fails to appear at the Shanghai table for dinner, even well after all the other freshman have made it over.
"Excellent. Go get Masozi some the pillows. --Masozi, you have to drink this entire potion. I'm so sorry, it tastes disgusting, but if you were poisoned it will keep you alive."
He will try to drink all of the disgusting potion! It's incredibly disgusting! Despite the anti-nausea spell, it keeps making him gag, and he's uncomfortably aware that his stomach has contents again, and does not exactly approve of this right now.
Eventually he's drunk all of the horrible potion! Unfortunately he gets to continue to taste the horribleness every time he burps!
....Does he, in addition to drinking it, also have to not throw it up again. Is there a minimum time limit he has to manage to keep it down or something.
"Do you think you can keep it down or should I go for the heavier-duty anti-nausea spell?"
"Maybe? I - I don't know -" He tries to reach the water jug again, maybe getting some of the horrible taste out of his mouth will help. "S'just - a lot of potion."
"It's up to you-- the other anti-nausea spell will last longer and you definitely won't throw up the potion, which is good because the longer it's in your system the more time it has to soak up the potion, but it tends to make people... loopy."
Masozi considers this. "...You're helping guard me from mals, right. So s'probably okay if I'm out of it? I - I would like to feel less bad. Hard to think anyway."
"I can also give you a pain relief spell for the aches-- the pain is still there but it makes you care less. --Actually, if he's coming to sit with you, Lan Xichen should do it, it's in-affinity for him."
Masozi probably doesn't need the bucket if Wen Qing is going to cast the stronger spell, but it's reassuring to have nearby just because the horrible potion will make such a disgusting mess if he does throw up again.
He will try to get as comfortable as he can with Wei Wuxian's delivery of additional pillows, and wait for Lan Xichen to arrive.
....Wow. That's really weird. On the one hand, he feels...almost fine? Certainly a lot closer to actually comfortable. On the other hand, everything is suddenly...sort of pink? And objects have gauzy halos around them. And his hands feel weirdly like balloons, which might float away in the breeze, not that the Scholomance has breezes. Also it takes him three tries to get the water jug to his mouth, because his vision seems to be weirdly offset by about an inch.
He can swallow a normal sized sip of water without it feeling unpleasant, though! Which reminds him that he's still very thirsty and it's tempting to gulp the rest, but he probably shouldn't push it too far.
"Yes. Watch him, make sure he doesn't get worse, get him refills of water. He's on the heavy-duty anti-nausea spell now. Do your homework."
"Good. It would be embarrassing if we lost our leader because you got eaten by History of South India."
Masozi has his eyes closed, but he finds himself relaxing significantly the moment he hears Lan Xichen's voice. This helps a bit with the aches just by itself.
He opens his eyes and tries to make them focus. Lan Xichen's face looks funny, all surrounded by halos. Masozi...should probably say something, to thank him for being willing to come? ...Words are hard and moving his lips feels a bit like trying to manipulate two unenthusiastic earthworms.
"Sorry fr'being - needing help..." he manages. "S'inconvenient for you?"
"It's all right. I do my homework here. It's as good as anywhere else."
Masozi smiles tiredly at him. "It's nice. That you're here." He's currently giving off a very different impression from the one he did earlier today in his new clothes; scrunched up under his blanket against the pile of pillows, with his eyes not quite focusing, he looks very small and young and vulnerable.
Lan Xichen rearranges the blanket to tuck him in more snugly and does not kiss his forehead. Behold his restraint.
Masozi fails to notice that Lan Xichen is restraining himself from anything, and drinks some more water. It's annoying how he needs to take his arm out from under the blanket to do that, he's cold.
"You can do the pain spell?" he says after a little bit of silence.