Masozi is, presumably, spending the afternoon safely ensconced in his room and studying Mandarin. The first hint of something wrong is when he fails to appear at the Shanghai table for dinner, even well after all the other freshman have made it over.
Masozi didn't particularly follow that exchange. He's thinking that he's cold and feels terrible and wishes that Lan Xichen could hug him and this would result in less feeling terrible. It probably wouldn't, though, and also he's not exactly in a huggable state right now.
"...Can I have water?" he eventually thinks to ask. "I'm thirsty."
"Wei Wuxian. Water. --Do you have any idea of anything you might have swallowed during shop?"
Masozi's enthusiasm for trying to stand up is well below zero, but he's willing to make the attempt. Well. Starting with just sitting up, at which point he's very lightheaded, and puts his head down on his knees again. "- Don't know if I can. I can - lie on the floor?"
"I'm hoping to keep him on the anti-nausea spell but it'll be good for after dinner."
He leaves to take the sheets to the minion who does laundry and to find a bucket of some kind.
"So we don't know what you took, if it's poisoning, which makes the treatment harder. I'm going to give you the charcoal, it tastes awful but it's a good broad-spectrum anti-poison potion. If it's food poisoning it should clear up on its own in a day or so. Drink plenty of the water."
"Mmmkay." He is now very stuck on the floor and is maybe just going to stay there until Wen Qing volunteers to put in the effort required to change this situation. "Where's Lan Xichen?" he adds, tentatively, after a moment. "Can he - I want..." Actually make this is an unreasonable thing to ask for and he shouldn't? He trails off.
"You're going to need someone to watch you to see if you get worse and make sure you have water, I don't see any reason why Lan Xichen can't be that person."
"You'll be alone overnight but someone-- Lan Xichen, if you like-- will come sit with you the first thing in the morning."
"Okay." It's the first week of school; he probably won't be eaten by a mal in the middle of the night, and if Lan Xichen is worried about it he can figure out extra wards.
He closes his eyes and drifts, still too generally uncomfortable to actually manage sleep, but a lot less miserable than before.
But the floor is a perfectly fine place to be flopped fine, he will accept Wen Qing's help to drag himself back onto the bed, and then burrow under his blanket and wish he had a second blanket or, better yet, snuggles from Lan Xichen. At which point he has to remind himself that almost certainly Lan Xichen is not going to want to snuggle him when he's sick, he probably smells terrible again.
Wei Wuxian is also a fairly comforting person to have there, even if he's not Lan Xichen.
Masozi tries to sit up without unblanketing any part of himself below the chin. "Why, is something else happening?"
"Boston is full of idiots and that's all I have to say about it. Drink, I went through hell for this."
Whatever, probably it's not an emergency that Masozi needs to worry about right now, then? He accepts the water and sips it carefully; his stomach gurgles uneasily about this but he's not exactly nauseated and the sip of water stays down.
He tries to find a more comfortable half-propped-up position where he doesn't have to support himself, but this is hard to figure out when he only has one somewhat sad and deflated pillow.