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marian is sad and xue yang tries to help
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Maybe she didn't understand it properly. 

He looks around for something sharp with which to more clearly mime stabbing.


Marian does not want anyone to get stabbed and is going to try to block him from getting at her supply shelves! Not that she has anything sharper than, like, scissors and 21G intramuscular injection needles. 


Hm. He will try a different approach.

He puts his hand on his chest and says "Xue Yang."


....Is the Crimes Kid trying to make friends with her? Weird. Then again, not the weirdest event of her day. 

Marian shrugs and taps her own chest. "Marian." 


He mimes crying, and then mimes shrugging, then points elsewhere. 


Marian is really not sure what that's trying to convey! If he's trying to kick her out of her own infirmary for crying crimes, he can fuck off. She shakes her head, narrowing her eyes at him. 


He tries again. Points to himself: "Xue Yang." Points to Marian: "Malian." Mimes crying, points outside, and looks curious.


What???? Communicating across a language barrier is the WORST. At least it's a marginal improvement that, unlike the last time she had a patient with no English, he's not currently on a ventilator. 

Anyway, is he - asking her if she wants to go cry somewhere else that doesn't have a dead body? That's...maybe sort of sweet.

She will try to figure out if this is what he's asking by doing a complicated mime of pointing at both of them in turn and using her fingers to indicate 'walking to the door' and 'opening it' and 'opening a different door somewhere else' and then herself curling up. 


No!!!! That's not what he wants at all!!! This doctor is STUPID.

He mimes someone yelling, and then mimes himself crying. Mimes someone stabbing someone else, and then mimes himself crying. Mimes being hungry, and then mimes himself crying. Then he looks questioning. 


Ohhhhhhhhh. Now she feels really stupid. 

Marian points at Sophie's body, and mimes coughing and throwing up, then points at herself and mimes the simplest and most comprehensible nursing action she can think of, which is 'holding up an imaginary Sophie to help her drink'. And then points again at Sophie's body and tries her best Charades attempt to convey 'dying', by letting her upper body go dramatically limp and her mouth hang open. Then points at herself and - okay shit she doesn't have to pretend cry, now she's just actually crying again. 


Well, that's not a problem he can solve with stabbing at all.

Xue Yang tries to figure out how else he can help the doctor. They did give him vending machine tokens, which Lily explained to him could be exchanged for candy and should be saved for IMPORTANT things so that he has candy LATER.

But this is an important thing. He should get her candy.

He runs off.


...Well now she's just confused again. Did she scare him away? Does he...think she's horribly incompetent as a nurse and therefore untrustworthy? 

Whatever. At least she can huddle up against her void wall and cry in peace for a bit. 


He returns with a package of five-year-old fizzy straws, a six-month-expired honey almond oatmeal square, and a cracked bottle of shelf-stable skim milk with no visible date on it.

He presents them to her with the air of a cat presenting a still-twitching bird to its owner.


Awwwwwww. That's one of the sweetest things that's ever happened to her. Traumatized crimes kid is trying to cheer her up with questionable snacks! Her HEART. 

Without thinking about it, she starts moving to hug him - and then catches herself and stops, he flipped out last time she tried to touch him without permission. She can't exactly ask for permission, but she can make a sort of hug-offering motion with her arms and wait to see what he does? 


Oh! That's a hug. He knows about hugs. Lily gives hugs.

He hugs Marian.




Wow, she really badly needed that. It feels kind of weird to be getting comfort about her dead patient from traumatized crimes kid, but it's not like anyone else has been offering. 


Hugs are NICE. He likes hugs. Hugs are ALMOST AS GOOD AS CANDY, probably.


Hugs are nice! 

...Marian is now doing some reinterpretation of Xue Yang's earlier pantomime. Was he...offering to stab cheer her up? What is this kid's deal

Eh. Not currently her biggest problem. She will focus on getting HUGGED. For, like, a minute, if Xue Yang puts up with that. And then she can (very tentatively, in case he's decided not to share after all) reach for the snacks he got and open the fizzy straws. She takes one and offers him one. 



He chomps on his fizzy straw with obvious enjoyment.


Awwww. Watching him be so delighted about candy is also very sweet, and it is in fact helping her mood a lot. 

She opens the oatmeal square and breaks it in half to share between the two of them. The milk looks questionable, she's not sure about it. 


If she doesn't want the milk he'll drink it.


Sure, he can drink the milk if he wants - she thinks milk tastes bad when it spoils, so probably if it still tastes okay enough that he's willing to drink it, it won't give him horrible food poisoning which will end up being her fucking problem to deal with.


Does she want... more hugs?


If he's offering more hugs then yes, definitely! Pooooossibly this is at some point going to cross the line into 'unprofessional' - or in fact might already have - but Marian is really far past caring. 


There are other fun things you can do with touching!

He tries to kiss her.

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