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manchester in the reading room on saturday
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Manchester has its own reading room. There are twenty-one Manchester students in the Scholomance right now - four seniors, five juniors, six sophomores, six freshmen. The seniors are splitting a maintenance minion with London, the juniors and sophomores are sharing between them, and the freshmen brought in their own, Vernon, who can also take some of the load off the slightly overstretched junior-and-sophomore one, since it's generally understood a maintenance kid can handle ten. But the reason the seniors are sharing with London is that their maintenance kid died as a sophomore. It's important to have backup plans lest you be flung, inches from graduation, into ward maintenance or byzantine ventilation systems that you haven't practiced on the last several years or else starve. This is why Ennis invited Riley; maybe Riley will click with them and be available as backup if Vernon gets killed, maybe he'll have some other value, he seems willing to make himself decent company and it's the sort of standard, expected interaction Ennis knows how to manage.

Various Manchester kids lounge around the reading room. Not all twenty-one of them, some are in the shop or lab (Ennis would like to be in the lab but has been warned not to; her slot on Monday will come soon enough and she can pick up ingredients then, and brew during work period), or studying in their allies' corners of the library or taking naps. One is hitting the snack bar with some friends. Ennis has a chair, not one of the cushy armchairs but still a chair, at a desk someone built in shop and dragged in here years ago. The desk has a built-in light and a built-in shelf hutch and if you hit a panic button on the side of it its whole surface will skitter with electricity, shocking anything that was lurking on it so it will be distracted from leaping for your throat, though it's not enough of a current to actually kill anything bigger than a grub. She's revising for history of alchemy, which is fairly perennial, so there are notes for it available. It's the sort of class she wants to do herself, though she's probably going to farm out the Siberia class and quite possibly also the electrical thing, neither of which she's had yet. Maybe Riley will be up for taking homework tasks, instead of maintenance, while Vernon's around.

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Sean was VERY ALARMED by the briefing on last year. That's too much stuff! A normal year in the Scholomance looks like: your class is decimated a couple times by mals, several people are attacked by their shop projects, the juiciest gossip all term is that so-and-so might be spell-choked and then it just turns out they were keeping some of their spell trades secret because they didn't want anyone to know they were dating someone from insert rival social circle here. The most recent year at the Scholomance has been not that.

He just wants to get out of here somehow, or possibly be eaten by a blue thing if that's the best he can do, but he'd like the first one, and then he can see the ocean again. He'll know a lot of water spells by then.

Virgil is supposed to come help him with Latin - maybe in a different part of the library so nobody knows that Sean doesn't think he can keep up with Latin - and until then Sean is practicing with his abacus, because the textbook seems to think that spending three hours a week on learning abacus skills in class means that you should be learning to do some remarkably intimidating things with them later in the semester and he isn't sure that fiddling with an abacus is the kind of homework he can get someone else to do for him and have the Scholomance accept it. You can't write "Sean Vail" on the act of fiddling with an abacus. His abacus's name is Marcus. It rhymes, kind of, not very well, which is why Sean is not a creative writer.


Riley doesn't want to be late when he's meeting enclavers. Talk about leaving a bad first impression. If he wants them to believe he can take on their maintenance shifts, the least he can do is show up on time. At least they didn't plan specifics. Riley wakes up at his usual time and asks for help finding Manchester's reading room. He walks briskly, no dawdling, but doesn't run. There's no 'on time', when there wasn't a meeting scheduled, but Riley is going to try for it anyway. He knocks on the door, waiting for someone in the enclave to acknowledge him.


Ennis gets the door. "Oh, Riley, hello, come in."

"Who's that?" asks Gail.

"This is Riley. Vernon's going to be helping take some of the load off Nora, so it seemed worth entertaining more interest."

"Oh, okay," says Gail, and she goes back to her Hindi flashcards, smooth-cornered with age.


"Morning. Thanks for inviting me."

He'll follow Ennis' cues about what to talk about first; Riley would be grateful if he was the type to be friendly with the maintenance kids.


"What classes do you have?" Ennis asks, sitting down at the desk again.


Riley can get out his schedule.

Mondays: Advanced Geometry, Santa Muerte, Pray For Us: The Holiness of Death in Southwestern Literature, Language lab, History of Maleficing, Mystical Verse from Minnesang to Goethe

Tuesdays: Þings with Thoughts: Objects as Assembages of Public Opinion, Mathematics in Nature, Gaelic Literature Through the Middle Ages, American History

Wednesdays: Mal studies, Intro to Lab, History of Maleficing, Mystical Verse from Minnesang to Goethe

Thursdays: Language lab, Intro to Shop, Gaelic Literature Through the Middle Ages, American History

Fridays: Mal studies, Santa Muerte, Pray For Us: The Holiness of Death in Southwestern Literature, Language lab, History of Maleficing, Mystical Verse from Minnesang to Goethe

"Not all super useful for an alchemist."


"'Things with Thoughts' looks interesting, but not enough that I want to see what its next choice for a math class for me would be."


"I'll let you know if there's anything worth writing home about. What about you?"

Ennis presents a schedule reading:

Block CD (M) Intro to Lab
Block I Magical Pigments & Dyes
Block CD (F) Intro to Shop
Block CD (W) History of Siberian Shamanism
Block F German History through the lens of Grimm
Block J History of Alchemy
Block G Language Lab
Block H Language Lab
Block AB (M) Advanced Geometry
Block E Algebra I
Block L Applied Electromechanics
Block K Gaelic Literature Through the Middle Ages

"Looks like we have Advanced Geometry and Literature Through the Middle Ages in common. Which of those are you looking forward to most?"


"I wouldn't say I was looking forward to either of them, really, but math homework tends to be easier to trade away, as someone needn't have read the exact same texts."


Nod. Not too desperate, but interested...

"Makes sense. Math not your strong suit?"


"I'm not an artificer; I'll need stoichiometry, but that's not going to come up in geometry. Already know how to figure positioning for arrayed ingredients."


Nod nod.

"Same here. Guess the Scholomance wants to push us. What are you excited about? I'm hoping Mathematics in Nature has something I can apply to alchemy."


"Pigments! It's just what I need."


"Sounds like a good one. Plays nicely with your affinity?"


"Very much so, I'm cosmetics."


Doesn't sound like the most useful, but who is he to talk?

"That could be useful. Have you experimented much with the limits? What counts as a cosmetic?"


"I haven't pushed it very much in practice but my expectation is that if it's a substance intended to be applied to the body for a visual effect it counts. It's possible I could also do perfumes but I didn't find a good recipe for any magical ones before I inducted. And they can do things that are at least thematically related - chapstick is intended to keep your lips from drying out, and mine makes you less thirsty, eyeshadow makes you look less tired and mine makes you alert, concealer hides blemishes and mine has a little painkiller effect and I believe I can also make an injury less of a mal-attractant."


"-sounds nice and flexible."

Riley wants some of those, but he doesn't have much leverage. Manchester doesn't seem to have too many freshmen clamoring for a spot, which is good, it means he can get little perks like that thrown in with the package.

"Does Manchester have anyone taking your maintenance shifts yet?"



"We do, actually, Vernon came in with us, but he's helping with the sophomores a little too, it's possible he'll want backup sometimes. And we haven't settled on much in the way of homework allocations."


"I might want to shop around for shifts, then, but homework I can do. If you're not raring to go for Literature Through the Middle Ages, I can take some of that off your hands."


"I really couldn't care less about Literature through the Middle Ages! Except for the spells, of course, but you can just give me the page numbers for those."


"Sounds like a plan. Should I meet you here on the weekends, then?"


"That sounds good to me. By next weekend I'll probably have a batch of something useful whipped up, I've had a lot of interest in the eyeshadow."

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