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Lacey has a questionably bad time
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"I want to see you bleed," he breathes.


"I want you to take me in a pool of my own blood."


"You say the sweetest things," he says, and then pulls her down into a very aggressive kiss.


Aggressive sounds good. She can do aggressive.



He - doesn't quite mean to bite her lip this hard, isn't quite thinking about it - but then he tastes blood and it's glorious and he winds his fingers in her hair and makes some noises of his own.


Oh, yes. That is a somewhat more intense flavor of appreciative noise, and it's possible that if he weren't sitting against the back of a fairly formidable couch being knocked over might be a hazard.


She's amazing

The hand in her hair yanks her head back so he can kiss her throat. With teeth. Though he doesn't draw blood, not there, not yet.


Louder higher-pitched appreciative noises!


Better and better!

She is wearing too many clothes. And then she is not, because they have all turned to smoke and blown away. He drags his nails down her back and her skin opens under his hand like tissue paper, leaving four bright bloody furrows.


"Ah--" she breathes delightedly, and then--

"You said it was separate from the swan spell--is it--do you need to do anything--"


—what's she—oh—

He pauses for a moment, a sudden startled stillness, because he wasn't thinking and that's dangerous.

But he hasn't done anything regrettable so far, and he's sure paying attention now, and she is definitely enjoying herself. It's all right. They're all right.

"No, I'm covered," he says, "don't worry about it," and he kisses the side of her neck, then bites it. (He is careful, this time, making a deliberate choice of where to put his teeth and how - she said she doesn't like choking, therefore he is not going to crush her windpipe.)




"I am so very glad I met you," he says into her neck, and pulls her head back harder, and kisses her throat again, licks it, uses a touch of magic to make the skin split under his tongue.


The noise she makes is ambiguously positive in and of itself, but the look on her face (if he happens to see it) and the way her fingers clench in his clothes identify it as a good shriek.


Then perhaps she will also appreciate it if his clothes dissolve into mist, and he pulls her down again, still kissing her bleeding neck—


Oh, yes.


Good. He likes it when she appreciates things.


Then he will probably appreciate a whole new array of appreciative noises.


Yes, yes he will.


Good. They're softer than the previous set, but more--intense. Urgent.



He's feeling pretty urgent himself. She's not quite in a pool of her own blood, exactly, but somehow he doesn't expect her to mind.


No objecting whatsoever is going on here.


That is as it should be.

He bites her shoulder, drawing blood, and holds her close and - expresses his appreciation. In very concrete terms.


Concrete terms are best terms.


Aren't they just?

It's fast and messy and violent and lovely, and then he wraps his arms around her and kisses her cheek and murmurs, "D'you want healing water now?"

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