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Lacey has a questionably bad time
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Lovely. Is it obvious how to get the water running?


Yes, it operates on approximately the same principles as the much less fancy but still outrageously magical bathtub near her room.


Excellent. Long, hot, soaky bath, heavy on the fancy bath enhancers.


She will feel so fancy!


Fancy and relieved of muscle pain!


Both those things!


And when she is finally done with her bath she will wrap herself in fluffy towels and investigate the magic wardrobe's offerings.


The magic wardrobe offers her lots of lovely fancy clothes.


New requirement: pockets that will fit crystal bottles of healing water.


Some of the lovely fancy clothes have those!


Excellent. She'll spend some time poking around for less-obvious features of the suite.


Fanciness everywhere!


Is there anything cool about it in a way not specifically fancy, or are its standout appealing features just "super pretty" "huge bed" "huge bath" and "great view"

Not that those aren't an appealing set of features, but.


Well, in addition to the great view of the ballroom it also has a great view down the mountainside, and there are a few neat tricks like the lovely little brass turnkeys that control the brightness of the lights. But yes, mainly it's those things.



...Tanaikon probably hasn't been sticking around this long. She goes to check.


He has not! The ballroom is empty.



She's going to see if she can find her way back to the parts of the castle she's familiar with by exploring.


She can! One of the corridors off the ballroom leads fairly straightforwardly back to the library.


...Okay, that's more convenient than she was expecting. What if she explores the other corridors?


They go lots of different places! There are a few lesser dining rooms, and lots and lots of miscellaneous guest rooms and sitting rooms and studies and alcoves and so on and so forth.

Between all those, and the long magelit corridors and sweeping staircases, there are a few places that really stand out. Courtyards, terraces, balconies, small walled gardens. Several towers, including the one where she landed on her very first night. An exquisite glass-walled greenhouse.


Nice. She should. Probably eat dinner, though.


Many dining rooms are available; any that she tries will have the same food-appearing spell.


Ooh! Convenient!

...Are they connected somehow or does each one need to individually learn what is delicious to her.


Well it's kind of hard to tell at this point. She could always ask. It seems like it would be much less convenient if they were all independent, though, and Serik seems to like things convenient.


True, she hasn't really been teaching long enough for the magic to have caught on yet.

She eats dinner and explores some more and then goes to the library, borrows a novel and a book on Ansati, and reads in her guest room until a good time to go to sleep.

She passes a few more days like this, primarily occupied by reading books in assorted locations, before saying again, "Tanaikon."

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